Hypnosis: Psychological tricks in life

Chapter 11 Learning Hypnotism Easily

Chapter 11 Learning Hypnotism Easily (11)
In addition to the stairs, there is another scene that is often used, which is the seaside.Imagine the beautiful waves rushing on the beach, the warm sun shining on the body, the clear and melodious calls of seagulls in your ears, and the intoxicating sand of the tropics between your toes, all of these can be given to you. The hypnotized person has a rich and beautiful imagination.The operating procedures of the seaside method and the step method are basically the same, but the main point of the hint is: to make the hypnotized person focus on his own steps, and every time he takes a step, he feels his feet sinking a little deeper into the sand, and at the same time, I can feel myself getting deeper and deeper into a more and more comfortable hypnotic state.

In imagery, visual imagination is more effective.Of course, if the image method and the counting method are used together, the effect may be better.This requires the hypnotist to master freely and use it flexibly in the practice of hypnosis.

Wake up the hypnotized person and embark on the way back.

In this situation, some hypnotized people will go from the hypnotic state to the sleep state, and will not wake up naturally until the sleep state is over.Sometimes, another situation may occur, that is, the hypnotized person is still in a hypnotic state, but due to some relatively strong sound, movement, or someone other than the hypnotist forcibly awakens the hypnotized person, then many hypnotized people also wake up. Wake up from hypnosis.But they are usually uncomfortable.Therefore, the hypnotist should complete the hypnosis process in a highly responsible spirit and end the hypnotic state of the hypnotized person.

In fact, among the methods and operation steps of hypnosis testing, induction and deepening, the hypnotic awakening method is relatively simple.Under normal circumstances, the hypnotist will use some physical methods, psychological verbal suggestion awakening method or natural awakening method to make the hypnotized person get out of the hypnotic state and regain consciousness.

Assuming that the hypnotized person's hypnotic state is deep and difficult to wake up, the hypnotist must keep calm.Because the hypnotized person is not awakened, it means that the hypnotized person has entered a deep hypnotic state, or it may be that the hypnotized person has already entered a sleep state.The hypnotist must observe carefully, analyze calmly, and patiently use hypnotic awakening techniques to enable the hypnotized person to successfully end their hypnotic state.Of course, if the hypnotized person does not enter the hypnotic state deeply, the hypnotist must wake him up before ending the hypnosis, so as to complete the whole process of hypnosis.

When the hypnotized person is still in a hypnotic state, the hypnotist must not touch or shake the hypnotized person suddenly, otherwise the hypnotized person will be frightened.

In addition, the hypnotist can continue to give some positive guidance to the hypnotized person during the process of awakening the hypnotized person, because at this time, the hypnotized person is in the process of converting subconsciousness and consciousness, so the hypnotized person's Hints still react.

General hypnotic awakening, the use of physical awakening method is enough.The so-called physical awakening method is to terminate the hypnotic state of the hypnotized subject under the action of some physical stimulation or force.The physical methods can be summarized as follows:

Gently spray air on the forehead of the hypnotized person, or gently massage the eyelids and eyeballs of the hypnotized person, or gently pat on the face of the hypnotized person, and at the same time give a hint to wake up the hypnotized person. The hypnotized person shouts loudly, or does some other action that can cause the hypnotized person to experience intense pain.

If some hypnotized people are not sensitive to loud shouts and other physical stimuli, you can gently spray some cold water on their faces, or expose their faces to cold air, and the hypnotized people will be sensitive to cold water or cold air. very sensitive.

Psychological verbal suggestion arousal methods.

In addition to physical methods, psychological verbal suggestion awakening methods are also frequently used and very effective methods.The verbal suggestion awakening method generally refers to the hypnotized person suggesting that the hypnotized person is in a hypnotic state. When the hypnotized person receives the hint of awakening, the hypnotized person will naturally wake up.

One of the hints can be used randomly, for example, counting method (including countdown method), clapping method, sensory recall method, music method and so on.

1. Counting method.

Some hypnotists are suggested to wake up when they hear others count to 5, 7 or 10.If this method is used, the hypnotist may need to repeat it several times. Moreover, the hypnotist must count aloud in a clear tone, and can also pat the hypnotist's hand while counting.When the count is over, tell the hypnotized person to wake up.

If the hypnotist is counting from small numbers to large numbers when the hypnosis is deepening, then the reverse order should be used when waking up, counting from large numbers to small numbers, that is, counting down.All in all, in the deepening stage of hypnosis and the awakening stage of hypnosis, the order of counting numbers should be reversed; secondly, if the hypnotized person enters a deep hypnotic state, and one counting operation cannot fully wake up the hypnotized person, then the hypnotist The voice can be raised slightly, and the counting method can be repeated to wake up the hypnotized person.

2. Clap technique.

The hints given to the hypnotized person to be happy and feel very comfortable can make the hypnotized person not realize whether there are abnormal changes in the body after being hypnotized after waking up.If they experience any discomfort, patients with sensitive constitution or neurosis will immediately associate this discomfort with hypnotism, and are very likely to produce negative and negative self-suggestion.If the hypnotist gives positive hints such as relaxation, happiness, and comfort to the hypnotist during the hypnotic awakening, the hypnotized person will shift his attention to "happy spirit, very comfortable mood" as soon as he wakes up. "superior.

3. Sensory recall method.

The method of sensory recall is a method of awakening the hypnotized by calling back the senses and perceptions of the hypnotized person. This method is suitable for the hypnotized person who is staying in the imaginary picture, that is, using imagery to enter deep hypnosis those who are hypnotized.

For example, the hypnotist suggested: "Okay... please remember this amazing scenery... When you want to return here in the future, you can come back anytime... Well, now follow the road you just walked , slowly walking back...slowly back into this room...slowly back into this room...now, you are sitting in this chair again...okay, next time hypnosis , you will go deeper into the hypnotic state... now, you feel more and more awake... more and more awake, move your fingers slowly... slowly open your eyes and come back to reality Come... come back to reality... OK, stand up slowly, stretch your body... very good, move gently..."

4. Music law.

If the hypnotist uses music during the hypnosis, then when the hypnosis is over, you can change the music used or increase the volume of the music to wake up the hypnotized person.

For example, a hypnotist could suggest something like this: "Okay, remember this relaxing, pleasant feeling... Later, when you want to relax, you will relax quickly... Now, I'm going to turn up the volume gradually." The sound of music...in this beautiful music, you will wake up slowly...in this beautiful music, you will slowly wake up...come back to reality...slowly open Open your eyes and come back to reality completely..."

The natural sobriety method that requires no study.

There is a method of awakening from hypnosis that requires little learning. Many people who can't hypnotize can do it, and some people who have learned to hypnotize can't.This method is to let nature take its course and let the hypnotized person wake up naturally.

Beginners of hypnosis find that the hypnotized person has not woken up when the hypnosis is over, and sometimes they are in a hurry and at a loss.In fact, we can usually wake them up using the most natural method of natural wakefulness.

There are two situations in the natural waking method, one is to wait for the hypnotized person to wake up by himself - the self-awakening method, and the other is that the hypnotist gently calls "wake up" to the hypnotized person in the hypnotized state- - Awakening method (also known as fast self-awakening method).

1. Self-awakening method.

If the hypnotist temporarily leaves the hypnotized person for some reason, the hypnotized person will generally wake up on his own within a certain period of time. This situation applies to any of the three hypnotic states, that is to say This phenomenon may occur in light hypnosis, or in moderate or deep hypnosis.Therefore, in many cases, if the hypnotized person in a deep hypnotic state is not awakened, he will switch to normal sleep and then wake up after normal sleep.

2. Awakening method (rapid self-awakening method).

When we are sleeping, we are suddenly awakened by a scene in a dream or by external stimuli. This is also a natural awakening. This is a common occurrence, and there is nothing special about it, and it will not leave any sequelae.Awakening from hypnosis is actually that simple.Generally speaking, to awaken the hypnotized person from the hypnotic state, the hypnotist only needs to say: "Open your eyes, wake up." That's it.And even for those hypnotized subjects whose eyes are open, just say: "OK, wake up." The hypnotized subject will wake up naturally.

In this way, the hypnotic awakening effect will be better.

We have already described various methods of awakening hypnotists, such as physical methods, psychological methods of verbal suggestion awakening, and natural awakening methods, but no matter which method of hypnotic awakening a hypnotist uses, he must remember the following four Main points:
1. In the process of hypnotic awakening, succinctly re-intensify the specific suggestion given during the treatment.

When the hypnotist is awakened, if the hypnotist can strengthen these specific hints again, it will be very beneficial to improve the therapeutic effect.Special attention should be paid to the fact that the strengthening suggestion during awakening must be concise and concise, and the key suggestion of treatment can be clearly expressed in one sentence or a few simple words.

2. It is necessary to remove all negative hints given to the hypnotized during the hypnosis process.The so-called negative hints refer to those hints that affect the normal perception and activities of the hypnotized person, such as the immobilization of the hands, the inability to lift the feet, the inability to see things, the inability to hear sounds, etc., which are harmful to the body. hint.If these negative cues are not eliminated, a certain degree of negative experience will remain after the hypnotized person wakes up.Therefore, when awakening from hypnosis, the hypnotist must emphasize that all the functions of the hypnotized person have returned to normal. If there is a certain negative suggestion that is prominent during the hypnosis process, then the hypnotist must do something about this negative suggestion. A special elimination.

When performing hypnotic awakening, the hypnotist repeats the instructions to the hypnotized subject to remove all negative cues, which is actually to make up for possible negligence during the hypnotic process.As a rule, after the negative suggestion is issued during the hypnosis process, the hypnotist has already responded to it, and the hypnotist should eliminate the negative suggestion in time.For a hypnotist, when performing hypnotic awakening, one must pay attention to eliminating negative hints and add a couple of hints to restore all the body functions of the hypnotized person to normal, which is absolutely beneficial and harmless.

3. Give hints of physical and mental relaxation.The purpose and purpose of hypnotic psychotherapy is to help the hypnotized person eliminate symptoms, improve mental and physical health, and achieve the purpose of treatment.Therefore, when performing hypnotic awakening, the hypnotist should give the hypnotized person some hints to make him feel comfortable and relax physically and mentally, so that the hypnotized person can feel relaxed and comfortable after waking up.

4. Remember, the hypnotic awakening should not be too hasty.Before performing hypnotic awakening, generally speaking, the hypnotist needs to give the hypnotized person an instruction to prepare for awakening, for example: "You will be awakened in a while..." and then gradually wake up the hypnotized person.Some hypnotists will still feel as if they are not fully awake after being awakened. At this time, the hypnotist must continue to give hints: "Wait a little longer, and you will be fully awake. After waking up, You'll feel relaxed, happy, and refreshed."

The methods and techniques of hypnosis awakening are not complicated at all. Every hypnotist can wake up the hypnotized subject according to his own style, and different hypnotists can use different methods and forms when awakening the hypnotized subject. .According to individual needs, the hypnotist can add some brief therapeutic hints during the hypnotic awakening process to give a final reinforcement to the entire hypnotic process, and then carry out the step-by-step hints of hypnotic awakening in sequence.

Be sure to wake up the hypnotized person step by step and in a certain order as mentioned above, and remember not to be too hasty, otherwise it will make the hypnotized person feel uncomfortable.And after the hypnotized person wakes up, pay attention to let the hypnotized person remain in the hypnotized position to rest for a few minutes. At this time, the hypnotized person can gently rub his hands and face at the same time, and look at the distance , in order to achieve the purpose of complete relaxation.

[-]. Seven tricks to help you become a hypnotist—hypnosis techniques

Hypnosis is a science as well as an art.In the case of conforming to the principles of hypnosis, hypnotists can use their imagination and various specialties to achieve the purpose of hypnosis.Many experienced hypnotists have their own unique hypnotic skills, which are based on the experience they have developed in long-term practice.We can learn from their abilities to form our own unique hypnotic style and hypnotic techniques.

Instant hypnosis, hypnotizes you within ten seconds.

As long as the hypnosis method can make the hypnotized person enter the hypnotic state within 3 minutes, it can be called instant hypnosis.The ideal time period for instant hypnosis is between ten seconds and 30 seconds.

Generally speaking, instant hypnosis is also called fast hypnosis, but fast hypnosis and instant hypnosis are not exactly the same. This kind of hypnosis can make the hypnotized person enter a hypnotic state in a very short time.However, quick hypnosis is not instant hypnosis in the full sense.The official correct definition of rapid hypnosis is: the hypnosis method that makes the hypnotized person completely enter the hypnotic state in a very short period of time is called rapid hypnosis.If you want the hypnotized person to enter the hypnotic state as soon as possible, you usually need the active cooperation of the hypnotized person, otherwise the hypnosis will be difficult to succeed.In fact, rapid hypnosis is more suitable for hypnotized subjects with high hypnotic sensitivity, hypnotized subjects who have more urgent requirements for hypnosis, and hypnotized subjects who have successful experience in hypnotherapy.

And what we call instant hypnosis has basically broken away from the ordinary hypnosis induction method, and it doesn't even need the active cooperation of the hypnotized person.There was a period of time in our country where there was a shoulder-patting method of abducting children in the society-criminals actually used instant hypnosis to control people's subconscious mind.

Instant hypnosis can be applied in a variety of ways.One of them is to let the hypnotized person enter the deep hypnotic state directly, and then carry out keyword suggestion when the hypnotized person's suggestibility is very hyperactive.For example, a hypnotist can make such a suggestion: "At any time, after I put my hand on your forehead, you will enter a deep hypnotic state like now." This is a method of pre-imposing suggestions. .In this case, even if the surrounding environment is not ideal, the hypnotized person can immediately enter the hypnotic state.

But strictly speaking, the above-mentioned method does not belong to the category of instant hypnosis, but is closer to post-hypnotic suggestion, so it is not included in the category of instant hypnosis here.

The timing of instant hypnosis is the key point.Everyone has an optimal time to accept hints. If these optimal timings are missed, it is basically impossible to give hints smoothly.Then it can be said that the reason why instant hypnosis fails is basically because the best time for hypnosis is not grasped.

(End of this chapter)

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