Hypnosis: Psychological tricks in life

Chapter 12 Learning Hypnotism Easily

Chapter 12 Learning Hypnotism Easily (12)
In addition, it must be noted that instant hypnosis may cause different degrees of shock to the hypnotized person and have a certain negative impact on the hypnotized person. Therefore, the hypnotist should use as little or no instant hypnosis as possible when performing hypnotherapy. Hypnosis, if it is really necessary to use, must strictly formulate the implementation plan and strictly abide by the industry norms.Moreover, in the process of implementing hypnosis, the hypnotist Wubi closely observes any subtle reactions of the hypnotized person, responds reasonably, and handles them in a timely manner.

Just like the literal meaning, the time from the induction of instant hypnosis to entering the hypnotic state can be completed in just a few seconds or tens of seconds.In short, it is very simple and easy to say and do, but you must know that in such a short period of time, it often requires rich experience and superb skills.If you act too hastily, it is likely to lead to failure.cause unnecessary consequences.

Shock can also make people instantly hypnotized.

In the method of hypnotic induction, there are often some hints of accentuated tone-this kind of hint has a certain startle effect.When the hypnotized person is about to perform non-suggested actions and may wake up, the hypnotist should immediately hint loudly: "Don't move", "Don't look at other places", etc., then in the effect of instant shock, the hypnotized person The patient will enter a deep hypnotic state as usual.

The principle of instant shock hypnosis is that when human beings are in a state of shock, their body and mind will freeze for an instant, become mentally empty, and their thinking will naturally be suppressed.And if a person's thinking is suppressed by astonishment, he will not know what to do next until the time when his thinking can resume its function. "Momentary hypnosis of astonishment" uses this simple principle to hypnotize by imposing hints at this specific moment.

Moment of astonishment hypnosis is usually used in hypnotic performances. Its principle is to give hints at the moment when the other party feels frightened and taken aback, so that the hypnotized person can be fixed from the state of shock and emptiness in the heart.Its essence is the instantaneous inhibition of the cerebral cortex. Grasping this excellent opportunity to induce can easily spread the inhibition and make it enter a deep hypnotic state.

The traditional instant hypnosis method of astonishment is usually to let the hypnotized person stare at the two fingers in the shape of a ∨ in front of them. .At this time, the hypnotized person will close his eyes because of shock, and the hypnotist will gently press his fingers on the eyelids of the hypnotized person, and give the following hint: "Now, you can no longer open your eyes." !” If all goes well, the hypnotized person will not be able to open their eyes, and the hypnosis will enter a stable state.

This approach has now changed.At the beginning of the induction, the hypnotist is induced to focus not only on the hypnotist's finger, but also on some other point or object.Then the rest of the hypnotist's operations are as follows: When the hypnotized person focuses his attention on a certain point or a certain object, the hypnotist should grasp the opportunity at this time, quickly stretch his fingers close to the hypnotized person's eyes, The eyes of the hypnotized person stop suddenly within 2-3 cm, and the hypnotized person will close his eyes due to surprise.Immediately afterwards, the hypnotist immediately pressed the closed eyes of the subject under hypnotism, and in a firm and forceful tone, hinted loudly and commandingly: "Close your eyes tightly and do not open them."The hypnotist continued to hint: "Let the body fall back and enter deep hypnosis." After a while, the hypnotist can take his hands away. At this time, the eyelids of the hypnotized person will twitch and enter the hypnotic state.When performing this method of hypnosis, the hypnotist needs to be careful not to poke the eyes of the hypnotized person.Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

In fact, after a hypnotist hypnotizes a person, it is easy to apply the method to other people around him.For example, the hypnotist can suddenly turn to another person, stare at his eyes, and say loudly: "Your body is tightly attached to the chair, and you can't leave it anyway."While talking, he pointed his finger at the hypnotized person, and the hypnotized person will be completely convinced that "it must be like this" because he watched the hypnotic experiment or performance just now, accept the suggestion coldly and involuntarily, and will immediately enter the hypnotized state smoothly. hypnotic state.Next, use the same method to hypnotize other people present one by one.

There are many, many ways to startle and astonish a hypnotized subject.This requires the hypnotist to be proficient and use it flexibly.However, in hypnotherapy, except for the use of instant startle hypnosis in special cases, it is generally not recommended to use this method as an induction method to start hypnosis.Hypnotists should use different hypnotic methods according to different needs and purposes, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

How to hypnotize someone who is skeptical about hypnosis.

The popularity of hypnosis in our country is not enough. Therefore, many people hold a skeptical attitude towards hypnosis, and there are many doubts. Some people even don't know what hypnosis does.Coupled with the very magical and mysterious color of hypnotism itself, there are indeed many people who are skeptical of hypnotism.How to hypnotize a skeptical subject?
Doubter hypnosis can solve this problem, the specific implementation steps are as follows:
Like other hypnosis methods, the hypnotized person should first choose a position that he finds most comfortable and sit on a comfortable chair.Then, the hypnotist will use a peaceful, pertinent, and sincere language to give a general explanation of the general principles and functions of hypnosis, the scope of application of hypnotherapy and scientific basis, etc. to the hypnotist. At the same time, it should be emphasized that hypnosis It is a unique professional skill for hypnotists. Like everyone else, hypnotists are serious and responsible in their work. Hypnotherapy is very beneficial to you and very applicable to the problems you are currently facing. It is better to give one or two real cases.Then, describe the various manifestations in the hypnosis process, its effectiveness and scope of application.Let the hypnotized person have a general understanding of the general situation of hypnotism, so that the original prejudice and doubts of the hypnotized person can be partially eliminated.Of course, if the patient's problem cannot be solved by hypnosis, then the hypnotist should also seek truth from facts and politely decline.You can also give him some better advice.

In fact, there is one method that is most effective to deal with doubters, that is, before formally hypnotizing them, first choose a hypnotist who has a relatively high hypnotic sensitivity and has received hypnotism many times before. face hypnotism.All kinds of manifestations in the hypnotic state are presented in front of them, so that the skeptics can see the unique role of hypnosis in improving physical and mental health and developing individual potential.It is also necessary to let the skeptic clearly see the awakening process of the hypnotized person, and let the hypnotized person talk to the skeptic about the feeling of hypnosis, which can completely eliminate all kinds of concerns of the skeptic about the difficulty of awakening and mental weakness after entering the hypnotic state .Since the skeptics were there and saw it with their own eyes, most skeptics will be overwhelmed by it.Then, formal hypnotic suggestions can be implemented on it, as follows:

"Now, you don't doubt hypnotism, do you hope that I will use hypnotism to solve the problems you are facing...Okay, now, let me hypnotize you. Just like what you just saw Similarly, you will soon enter the hypnotic state, and you will soon enjoy the relaxed and pleasant experience brought by hypnosis and its help to your physical and mental health." At this time, the hypnotized person who saw the successful hypnosis has already The doubts about hypnotherapy will be cleared up, and you will be convinced, and trust and reverence will arise spontaneously.At this time, all kinds of hints and instructions from the hypnotist can go straight in and quickly occupy the entire consciousness state of the hypnotized person, and will soon lead him into a hypnotic state, which may even exceed the speed of some hypnotized people who often receive treatment. .

In short, for these skeptics, we must pay attention to effective persuasion, not only to present theories, but also to cite examples to eliminate their skepticism as much as possible.In the whole process, the most critical point is the combination of preaching and allowing them to witness the implementation process of hypnotism.If these two points can be well combined, then the hypnotized person who is the most skeptical will immediately turn into the most convinced hypnotized person, and may even be transformed into the most receptive to suggestions, the fastest People who enter the hypnotic state are more likely to achieve better therapeutic effects.

How to hypnotize when the subject is uncooperative.

If in the process of implementing hypnosis, the hypnotist encounters passive resistance, how should the hypnotist perform hypnosis?In the long-term exploration of hypnotherapy practice, smart hypnotists have created a unique hypnosis method for rebels.

In fact, the resistance of the hypnotized person can be roughly divided into two types: one is the physical or physical resistance of the hypnotized person, that is, the hypnotized person uses physical strength to resist, and the other is the psychological resistance of the hypnotized person. The resistance of the hypnotist is to treat the hypnotist's hypnosis with an attitude of obedience and disobedience.You say yours, I do mine.These two situations are quite different, and the hypnotic methods for dealing with these two types of resistance will be introduced separately below.

Most of the hypnotized persons who resist with physical strength are certain mental patients. When they are hypnotized, they may show various violent, rough, unreasonable, and even unbelievable behaviors, or raise their fists in the air, or Kicking and kicking, crying or fussing, rolling all over the floor, spitting, etc.And the family couldn't keep it quiet.At this time, if it is still necessary to perform hypnotism on them, they have to bind their limbs with cloth belts, ropes, etc., so that the hypnotized person cannot move, and then use some small amounts of anesthetics.At the same time, it is not impossible to make them enter a hypnotic state by slowly applying hypnotic words.In addition, it is also possible to directly illuminate the eyes of the hypnotized person with relatively strong light, and wait until his eyes cannot withstand the strong light and close, and then give various hints to induce hypnosis.

There are many reasons for the hypnotized person to resist the hypnotist psychologically. They may be out of curiosity and want to try whether hypnotism is effective. Many people have such a mentality when they first come into contact with hypnotism, and Indeed, they will try it secretly like this, thinking that they can’t see it anyway, and they don’t feel embarrassed; or some hypnotists just want to play a joke with the hypnotist, deliberately obeying the hypnotist’s instructions, and doing the opposite. In fact, I want to try the hypnotist's skill, technique, patience, etc.If this happens, in order to make the hypnosis successful, the hypnotist must use keen insight to see through these states of mind of the hypnotized person, and then see through the tricks, and treat them positively with a kind attitude.

For example, the hypnotist can ask the hypnotist to count the numbers according to the requirements. If the hypnotist intentionally counts the wrong number, then the hypnotist should explain the truth to him: if the focus is not concentrated, mistakes will occur, and if there are mistakes, there will be mistakes. Wouldn't it be a waste of time and energy to count from the beginning.At this time, the hypnotized person will realize that the hypnotist has seen through his true state of mind, and he is bound to restrain himself.At this time, the hypnotist can take advantage of the victory and give a hint immediately: "Please don't deliberately disobey the instructions. This is to restore your physical and mental health more effectively, so please cooperate hard." After the rebellious mentality of the hypnotized person is applied to it, the possibility of success becomes greater when other hypnotic methods are applied to it.

(End of this chapter)

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