Hypnosis: Psychological tricks in life

Chapter 21 Hypnotic Tricks in Life

Chapter 21 Hypnotic Tricks in Life (8)
Tang Xuanzong came to power through a coup, so he was very uneasy after becoming emperor.Prime Minister Yao Chong had a chat with Emperor Xuanzong one day. Talking about internal troubles, Yao Chongjin said: "To prevent troubles before they happen, we must foresee them early and punish people before they take action. Even if you make a big deal out of a molehill, it will have the effect of deterring others." .” Xuanzong signaled that he knew it, and smiled slightly.

Soon, Xuanzong sentenced Guo Yuanzhen, Minister of the Ministry of War, to death on the grounds that the army was disordered at the Lishan military parade.A minister pleaded for mercy, and Xuanzong sternly reprimanded him: "If a meritorious official breaks the law, can we not ask? Those who have meritorious service must be rewarded, and those who are guilty must be punished. This is the way of governing the country. I am impartial and have nothing wrong with me. Could it be that you are going to rebel?" The officials were too frightened to speak again.In the end, although Xuanzong pardoned Guo Yuanzhen's death crime, he was exiled to Xinzhou.

Once, when Zhong Shaojing, who was also a hero of the imperial court, met Xuanzong, he was reprimanded by Xuanzong for no reason: "You are the minister of the imperial household department, but you don't say a word during the discussion. Isn't it a little dereliction of duty? Don't you care about the safety of the imperial court and prepare Are you wise and safe?" Zhong Shaojing's face changed drastically, and he called out guilty.Afterwards, Yao Chong couldn't bear it. He said to Xuanzong: "Your Majesty punished the hero again, which is shocking. Your Majesty's goal has been achieved. Zhong Shaojing was blamed for no reason. I thought it was too abrupt, but there is no need to do so."

Xuanzong joked and said, "I followed your method to do such a thing. You shouldn't object?" Yao Chong was about to say something again, but Xuanzong waved his hand to stop him, and said with a wry smile, "I don't want to do that either. But I have also thought about it, these heroes have experienced coups several times, and they are really experts in coups. If they are not subdued, who will guarantee that they will not change their minds in the future?" Xuanzong demoted Zhong Shaojing to Prince Zhan Shi, and later demoted him to Mian The governor of the state, and soon demoted him to the rank of Guozhou lieutenant.Later, the heroes Wang Ju, Wei Zhigu, and Cui Riyong were demoted one by one, and no one in the court dared to call themselves a hero.The officials were trembling all day long, and Xuanzong stopped.

It can be seen that when a person's spirit falls, his willpower will also collapse.No matter how strong and uncontrollable a person is, they cannot resist the blow of the spirit; grasping this point of attack means mastering the weakest link of a person.To create mental tension, you must first create an atmosphere of terror. In an environment where everyone is in danger, people always instinctively be extra cautious.It is also essential to understand other people's inner thoughts. If you point out the potential intentions of others, everyone will be frightened and dare not act rashly.

To put it bluntly, get twice the result with half the effort.

People's language expressions have customary rules.Under certain circumstances, if you can break the constraints of habits and do the opposite, in order to better achieve your goal, the meaning of what you say is exactly the opposite of your true intention, but it will be easier to succeed. The charm of saying the opposite.To put it bluntly, it means one thing when you first hear it, but it has another meaning when you think about it. It makes people understand instantly, and it is a clever application of instant hypnosis.

It is a kind of extreme obliqueness, a completely roundabout way of expression.In a certain language environment, this method can often touch people's heartstrings and express strong emotions by obtaining a suitable speaking angle, which is more weighty than positive words.

Two employees went to the lounge to drink and lingered until closing time. The leader of the lounge had to ask the police to deal with it.As a result, there was a conflict between the two parties, and one of the judo two-stage employees beat the policeman to the point of bleeding.The next day, other colleagues came to the police station to see them, and saw that the two of them blamed themselves and regretted acting too impulsively.After the colleague reported the truth to Mr. D, Mr. D immediately said: "It turns out that our company will also produce heroes, which is worthy of praise!" When the two employees heard Mr. D's words, they became more self-reflective, and their work attitudes completely changed in the future.On the surface, this seems to be an absurd method of criticism, but from a psychological point of view, it is really ingenious.

When anyone fails in doing something, he will reflect more or less.At this time, if the leader does not criticize, the morale of the employees will inevitably be low, and they will not reflect on themselves, thinking: "I have no future in the company..." The resistance will become more obvious.Looking at Mr. D's employees again, they thought they would be scolded, but they were unexpectedly praised. This praise is like a bright light that illuminates the hearts of employees and encourages them not to make mistakes again.From this point of view, only by being able to grasp the direction of the other party's introspection can the other party's introspection thoughts be strengthened.When a coach was interviewed by a magazine, he made the following thought-provoking conversation.According to him: "Every player hopes to perform hard on the court, and asks himself not to make mistakes. If that player makes mistakes despite his best efforts, but he can reflect on himself, I will not put pressure on him anymore. Criticize." At this time, "praise" him in the form of a positive statement can ease the tension and prompt him to reflect.

During the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's nanny made a mistake, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked her to move out of the palace as a punishment.The nurse didn't want to move out of the palace, so she asked the minister Dongfang Shuo for help, hoping that he could help her to say a few words.

Dongfang Shuo comforted her after listening to the nanny's story: "If you really don't want to leave, just keep looking back at Emperor Wu of Han when others take you away, and don't say anything. Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope." .”

On this day, the wet nurse was about to leave the palace, but she insisted on bidding farewell to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.After seeing Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the nurse didn't say anything, she just looked back at Emperor Wu of Han with tears in her eyes several times.Dongfang Shuo purposely said loudly: "Nurse, go away! The emperor doesn't need you to nurse now, so what are you worried about?"

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty heard this sentence, he felt very sad like a lightning strike.Thinking that she grew up on the nurse's milk, and that she hadn't made any serious mistakes, she immediately took back her life and pardoned the nurse's sins.

In this story, Dongfang Shuo cleverly used irony, saying that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had grown up and did not need her to nurse. If he made a mistake, he would be expelled from the palace, wouldn't he be an ungrateful person?In this way, Dongfang Shuo successfully achieved his goal of persuading Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

When we encounter thorny problems, we may reap the miraculous effect that positive reasoning is difficult to achieve by using the method of telling the truth and saying the opposite.

This is often the case in real life.Positive language communication can no longer be carried out or is difficult to be effective, so we have to control people with irony first, and then look for opportunities to vindicate them.

The application of irony is not in many, but in essence, as long as the other party can understand what you mean.There is another requirement for irony persuasion, that is, irony must be humorous, and the atmosphere must be relaxed, so that others can't get angry and accept your advice willingly.If you are blunt and rude, you will only arouse the other party's anger.Only by grasping the measure and learning to use irony to serve people can you avoid being passive and make it easier for you to achieve your goals.

Look at the opponent's weakness and speak cleverly to provoke the general.

There are many means at our disposal to achieve our ends.Sometimes, we find that positive pleas, compliments, approaching, etc. are difficult to achieve our goals. At this time, we might as well work in the opposite direction and adopt the "provocative method".In order to make the other party shake or change the original position and attitude, the seeker uses some derogatory and unfair words to put a "hat" on the other party, and once the other party is covered with this hat, it will be aroused. A desire to maintain a good image of oneself, so as to show that one is not like this with words or actions, and automatically change the original position and attitude.

A luxuriously dressed woman walked into a fashion store and was very interested in a set of fashion, but felt that the price was expensive and hesitated.At this time, a salesperson came over to her and said, "Minister So-and-so also took a fancy to this fashion just now, and she also felt that this fashion was a bit expensive just like you, so she just left, so this lady bought this fashion immediately.

The salesperson allowed the lady to buy the fashion because she cleverly grasped the lady's mentality of "what she saw was the same as the minister's" and "the minister thought it was too expensive and didn't buy it, so she wanted to compare with the minister". Using aggressive methods, he cleverly achieved the goal of getting his wife to buy the fashion.

In Chinese history, Zhuge Liang was also a master of the aggressive method.Cao Cao led an army to attack Jiangnan.In order to avoid disaster, Liu Bei sent Kong Ming to Soochow to lobby, trying to persuade Soochow to unite against Cao.At that time, it was Zhou Yu who held the power of soldiers and horses in Wu State.Kong Ming knew that if he wanted to persuade Sun Quan, he must first convince Zhou Yu.However, Kong Ming didn't understand Zhou Yu's personality and behavior, nor did he understand Zhou Yu's attitude of resisting Cao Jun, so he first searched through Lu Su.On this day, accompanied by Lu Su, Kong Ming went to meet Zhou Yu.After listening to Lu Su's military report, Zhou Yu said in passing: "You should surrender to Cao Cao." The reason why Zhou Yu said this was to see Kong Ming's reaction and find out Kong Ming's intentions.

Kong Ming smiled slightly after hearing this, and said: "What the general said is absolutely true!" After that, he pretended to be very surprised, and said: "General Lu Su, who is the main combat faction, doesn't understand the general situation of the world. There is something in Wu that is not acceptable." The way to surrender any loss is to dedicate the two beauties, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, to Cao Cao, so that Cao Cao's million-dollar army will retreat unconditionally." Then, he recited a passage from "Tongque Terrace Ode" aloud Come:

"From the Ming Dynasty onwards, you can play around, go up to the stage for entertainment; see the vastness of the Taifu, and see the camp of saints and virtues; build a high gate to be steep, and the floating doubles are related to Taiqing..."

After reciting, Kong Ming continued to say: "This Fu was written by Cao Zhi. When Cao Cao built the luxurious Tongque Terrace by the Zhang River, Cao Zhi wrote a special Fu to praise him. The golden palace and jade tower were built in the prosperous place beside the river, which is extremely beautiful in the garden. Daqiao and Xiaoqiao, the famous ladies from the east of the Tibetan river, are proud of it.' As far as the Wu State is concerned, sacrificing the two beauties, Daqiao and Xiaoqiao, is tantamount to sacrificing the beauty of the garden. It’s just two leaves falling from the tree. So, it’s better to send Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao to Cao Ying. In this way, the problem can be solved smoothly, and there is no need for the general to bother.”

When Zhou Yu heard Kong Ming's words, he was furious, threw his wine glass on the ground, and cursed sharply: "Cao Cao's old thief is too deceitful!" It turned out that the so-called "Er Qiao" were two beauties in Jiangnan.Da Qiao is Sun Ce's widow, and Xiao Qiao is Zhou Yu's wife.Kong Ming knew it a long time ago but deliberately said this to stimulate the other party.After Kong Ming's series of traps, Zhou Yu's original intention of resisting Cao was inspired.So Kong Ming struck while the iron was hot, analyzed the situation in detail, and strengthened Zhou Yu's determination to resist Cao.

As the saying goes: "It is better to be aggressive than to be aggressive." In conversations, the correct use of clever words to motivate generals will definitely receive positive results.

It is worth noting that, in order to get satisfactory results, you must use different methods of provocation according to different conversation objects.Just like treating a disease, only the right medicine can be curative.If the wrong medicine is given, it will be of no benefit to others, or it will kill them, but will make things worse.

There are many usages of the "exciting general method", here are a few:
1. Direct excitation method.It is to belittle the other person face to face, stimulate him, humiliate him, and irritate him, in order to achieve the purpose of making him "jump up".

2. Dark excitation method.This is consciously praising the third party, belittling the other party secretly, and arousing his determination to overwhelm and surpass the third party.

3. Induction method.Inciting words are sometimes not simply negating or belittling, but "guiding in the stimulating", using clear or inductive language to arouse the enthusiasm of the other party.

[-]. Do what you like, talk smartly——Hypnotic tricks to help you ask for help

Sometimes we have to seek help from others, and whether they will help us seems to be out of our control, but we find that some people seem to have a magical power to make everyone willing to help him.In fact, through the principle of hypnosis, we can easily learn the tricks of asking for help.

Prescribe the right medicine and find out the interests and hobbies of the other party to give gifts.

There is a saying in "Sick Yuyuan · Boudoir Resentment": "There is no incurable disease in the world. If the right medicine can be prescribed, there is no reason not to cure it." That's right, doctors often prescribe medicines according to the patient's condition, so as to effectively treat the patient.This is "suit the remedy to the case".

In fact, people who are familiar with the world know this when asking for gifts.There was such an example:
Meng Ming was originally an unknown company employee, but within a few years after he switched jobs, his career was booming. He approved construction projects through connections, and his business grew bigger and bigger. , earned several million.

Later, Meng Ming wanted to contract the factory he had worked in, and wanted to revitalize the factory.

A few years ago, when Meng Ming was still in that factory, the factory was looking for foreign contracting, and many people were eager to try it, but the competent department still regarded the factory as a sweet potato, and refused to let it go.When the workers couldn't pay their wages, suddenly no one took care of them.The factory was kicked around like a football, passed back and forth many times, and finally returned to the municipal enterprise management office.

The main leader of the Municipal Enterprise Management Office was the former deputy mayor. In terms of kinship, Meng Ming had to call the deputy mayor his cousin.Meng Ming knew that leaders who had served in the army were a bit stubborn.I heard from other relatives that whoever wants to give him a gift, even if he finds the wrong temple gate, will be kicked out of the gate in all likelihood, and even brazenly said: "My family has everything!"

Meng Ming had been to his cousin's house, and it was so shabby that he wanted to laugh.However, this time I asked my cousin to do something, and I had to express it.What to give but can't make up my mind.Later, Meng Ming suddenly remembered that he once had a meal at his cousin's house. The four dishes and one soup of the meal were all spicy, and he was very impressed.It seems that this uncle likes to eat chili.

So Meng Ming made a fuss about peppers. He personally went to the farmer's market, bought five catties of bright red dried peppers, picked them up with sticks, and went to visit his cousin.When my aunt saw it, she said happily, "Just as I was going to buy it, your boy brought it here." The cousin came out of the study when he heard the sound, saw the pepper first, and then saw the person, and said sharply to Meng Ming: "What are you doing here again?" thing?"

Meng Ming said absent-mindedly: "It's okay, a relative in the country sent a bunch of peppers. Our whole family is afraid of spicy, so I sent you here."

Just as the uncle turned around, he suddenly remembered something and asked, "Mingzi, there was a report yesterday, did you submit it?"

Meng Ming immediately said: "You said the contract report? I handed it in, but it's useless! I almost forgot."

The uncle went on to say, "Let's have a meeting next week to study it."

Meng Ming almost jumped up when he heard it. He found that the chili had an effect, so he went home happily.

Soon, Meng Ming contracted the factory as he wished.

It can be seen from this that if you ask for help, you should really prescribe the right medicine to give gifts, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble.Therefore, what kind of gift to give and how to give it depend on the recipient of the gift.

Find out the reason so that he has to accept the gift.

When giving a gift, there must always be a reason for saying it, so that people can easily accept your gift.For example, on special occasions such as the other party's illness, birthday, or children's education, it is the best time to give gifts, because at this time "be famous as a teacher", the name is justified, and it seems to be a matter of course and a matter of course.The person receiving the gift will not have too many scruples other than thanking him.Otherwise, if the name of the gift is not correct and the words are not smooth, it will cause some unnecessary consequences.

Therefore, when you give a gift, you must first find a reason. The following methods are available for your reference:
1. Push the reason to the other party's children.

You can say: "I bought things for the children, and it has nothing to do with you. Don't say that I came to you to do business, but it's nothing to do. It's not the same as just dropping by. Should I buy something for the children?"

2. Push the reason to the friend who entrusted the matter.

You can say: "My friend bought this thing for you, and I didn't spend any money on it. If we leave it to him, we'll have everything. We don't have to be too polite to him (her)."

3. Push the reason to the lover who is not around.

(End of this chapter)

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