Hypnosis: Psychological tricks in life

Chapter 23 Hypnotic Tricks in Life

Chapter 23 Hypnotic Tricks in Life (10)
The Chinese place great importance on human feelings and respect for face. "A drop of water will be repaid with a spring of spring." Smart people use this tactic, and the "sugar-coated cannonball" often hits the first shot, and it will never fail.

Therefore, when asking a friend to do something, especially some friends who are not very close, we might as well give him some sweetness first, to make the other party happy or owe him a favor, so that he will do his best to help us.

Ask the "enemy" to do things, and use common interests as bait.

Sometimes we are faced with an embarrassing situation: we are caught in a difficult situation, but only our enemies can help us out of it.At this time, should we ask the enemy for help?You know, friends are temporary, and interests are permanent.If you use common interests as bait, enemies may also become temporary friends, helping you in trouble.Don't beat your current "enemy" to death with a stick. Abandoning a person is tantamount to abandoning a glimmer of hope for success.

In the late Warring States period, after Shang Yang's reform, Qin gradually became stronger and became the most powerful country among the seven heroes. The six countries of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei were unable to resist the aggression of the strong Qin alone.In order to fight against the powerful Qin State and protect the interests of weak and small countries, it is imperative to unite the six countries.

In 314 BC, Su Qin first went to Yan State and pointed out to King Yan Wen that his country and Yan State had common enemies and common interests. In front of the mighty Qin State, each small country was like a candle in the wind. Only when everyone united , in order to protect the interests of all countries from infringement.He persuaded King Yanwen to unite with Zhao, which is hundreds of miles away, to prevent Qin from being thousands of miles away.

After King Yanwen accepted Su Qin's suggestion, Su Qin came to Zhao State again and pointed out everyone's common interests to Zhao Suhou.He said: "The reason why Qin State does not attack Zhao State is because it is worried about Han and Wei two countries attacking its rear. If Qin State defeats Han and Wei first, and then raises troops to attack Zhao State, then the disaster of Zhao State will come." Su Qin also pointed out to King Zhao : The land of the six countries is five times that of Qin, and the soldiers of the six countries are ten times that of Qin. If for the common benefit, the six countries can be united as one, with one heart and one mind, they will definitely defeat Qin.Therefore, he hoped that King Zhao would invite the monarchs of Han, Qi, Chu, Yan and other countries to negotiate and discuss the great cause of the six countries to unite against Qin, so that Qin would not dare to attack any of the six countries.

Throughout the lobbying process, Su Qin grasped the main line that all countries must safeguard their own interests, and that Qin is their common enemy, explaining that the six countries have common interests, and that if they cooperate, they can resist the strong, and if they divide, they will be defeated by Qin. The country is in danger of being broken.Therefore, helping each other in the same boat and uniting against Qin Dynasty is the only choice to protect their own national interests from being divided.

On the contrary, if you exclude the other party's interests from your own, then the other party will never treat each other friendly, and you will always be hostile, and the other party will be even less willing to do things for you.

There are no permanent enemies in the world, only permanent friends. When asking for help, you should include your "enemy" and turn him into your friend.Because maybe there is a common interest relationship between you, and the combination of the two parties can even achieve the goal.Maybe your "enemy" is more relevant and capable than you in a certain aspect, and without him, you can't get things done... In short, when asking for help, your "enemy" should not be excluded. It is wise to Can turn an enemy into a friend, or adopt certain strategies to make him (her) happy to do things for you and make you feel satisfied.

The best way to let the "enemy" do things for you is to let the other party know that you and him have common interests, so that the other party will do their best to do it.In this world, no one does not work hard to protect their own interests.

A fox pretends to be a tiger, and uses the reputation of a big shot to do things for himself.

For human beings, foxes and tigers can also be used.Especially when you ask someone to do something, if you use the trick of pretending to be a tiger and relying on the power of a big man, then the thing will be done easily.

Salomon Andre was a famous Swedish explorer at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Once, he organized an Arctic expedition in order to obtain relevant scientific data in the Arctic Circle and fill in the blanks on the map.

It was 1895. After careful calculation and arrangement, Andre formally proposed a plan to explore the North Pole by airship at the Swedish Academy of Sciences.Because people don't trust and don't care about it, there are very few people funding it.

Andre went door to door to find those rich men and big entrepreneurs, but who would want to invest in a risky business that has nothing to do with him and may not have any chance of success?Andre always came home disappointed and tired.

After a long time of running around, a kind and enlightened big entrepreneur finally expressed his willingness to provide sponsorship, and he even expressed his willingness to bear all the expenses. At the same time, he also made a very important suggestion to Andre: I hope this adventure plan get people's attention.Wouldn't the significance of this expedition be weakened if he just left without a sound?

After hearing this, Andre felt that it made sense, so after discussion, the two decided to let Andre continue to raise funds and expand their influence.However, despite Andre's best efforts, people's reaction is still very cold, and Andre is very anxious, and he writes his expedition plan into an extremely detailed and rigorous paper, demonstrating the plan's validity with a lot of evidence. Feasibility and significance, and then he asked the enlightened entrepreneur to find ways to present this article to the king.

After some twists and turns, the king finally saw this article. He was very surprised by this bold plan, so he summoned Andre and asked about some specific information about the expedition.The two talked very speculatively, and finally Andre asked the king to provide some small sponsorship in a symbolic manner, and the king readily agreed.

The news spread quickly, and the press reported the King's concern.Since the king was interested in this matter, many celebrities and rich people also paid attention to the expedition and donated a large amount of money.As a result, many ordinary people became interested in this project, and everyone understood the significance of the expedition.Finally, Andre's career is no longer his own hard work, but has become a public one.In this way, Andre finally succeeded!
It is a strategic strategy to use the power and reputation of others to achieve one's own goals.It was with the help of the king that Andre made his expedition a success.So, when you go to ask someone to do something, you might as well try a tricky way to get help from others.

So, in real life, what is a "tiger" that can be "borrowed"?You can refer to the main types listed below:

A Tiger can be a powerful and powerful person who shares your dreams and wants to help your cause, or it can be an organization or association whose dreams and views mirror yours.By working hand in hand with others and working together, you can create the necessary situation that the tiger is right behind you.It can also be your job title or job title.Lonely people are often weak and insignificant.However, if you work for an employer with power and influence, you are no longer just a powerless loner.

It can be seen from this that "tiger" does not only refer to dignitaries and celebrities, which is worthy of attention.Of course, the "tigers" in life are not limited to the above types. We should always pay attention to those people and things that can improve our reputation and image.They are all likely to be the so-called "tigers" that we can successfully ask people to do things.

Ask the villain to do things, pay attention to strategy, and both kindness and power.

Whether you like it or not, you will inevitably encounter villains in your life.The villain often plays tricks behind his back.Although despised by most people, this kind of person is able to have both sides among leaders at all levels, and almost every good thing in the unit will be touched by him.Sometimes, you have to rely on him to do things.

Xiao Cheng works as a typist at the county party committee secretariat. Recently, he has to allocate housing. In addition to queuing up according to the score line, he has reserved 8 sets of incentive housing.The five members of Xiao Cheng's family squeezed into a 5-square-meter house, and they really wanted to get one.So, I secretly lined up the staff of the county committee in my heart, and I was in the queue by a point, so it seemed that I had to use the idea of ​​a reward room.The reward room is for those who are promising but not qualified. Of course, whether they are qualified or not is a word from the leader, but how does it work?So, I thought of my colleague Deng Lei.Deng Lei was introduced by the deputy secretary of the county party committee. He didn't do anything in the secretariat, but he got a lot of bonus every time.

Taking an opportunity, Xiao Cheng talked to Deng Lei, and Deng Lei was very happy, "Brother, I can help you, and I can help you, but you need money. How about this, you give me 5000 yuan first, if I can't help you, so I'll give you back every penny. If you get the house, give me another 5000 yuan." Xiao Cheng hesitated, after all, the house hasn't been seen yet.But there was no other way, he gritted his teeth and agreed.After Deng Lei's participation, the house was finally allocated.

It is not an easy task to let villains do things for us, especially let them do good things for us.But if we can adopt certain strategies and aim at their vital points, we can achieve what we want.

Strategy one, in the face of interests, villains rise.

Most villains forget about righteousness for profit, and many villains have a relatively wide network of relationships because they are willing to "invest".Using such a feature, you can lure them with benefits when you are in trouble, and let them help you solve the difficulties, so as to realize the exchange of small profits for big profits.At the same time, many facts have proved that the villain is also happy with such "incentives" and is willing to do business for you.

Strategy two, the motive is noble, and the villain is willing to do it.

Many people think highly of themselves, and think that they are a kind and noble person, and the villain is no exception. Although he has a sinister heart and tricks behind his back, he still hypocritically shows his kind and noble side on the surface. .Pang Morgan, a master of psychology, also believes that everyone has two reasons for their actions: one is the real reason;Therefore, we can also give those villains who pretend to be kind and noble a noble motive and let them do business for us.

The third strategy is to lure the snake out of its hole and force it to submit.

Unconsciously alerting the enemy will make the opponent alert and take precautions; consciously alerting the enemy can make the opponent panic and agree to your request.

When entrusting the villain to do things, you can use the trick of "striking the grass to scare the snake" to lure the snake out of its hole and force it to submit.For example, when a person visited the home of the person who was being sought, he casually told him that there seemed to be some rumors outside that he had accepted bribes, and that he had an improper relationship with a certain woman, and that someone bumped into them together.If you stop at this point, it is guaranteed that his face will turn gray and his heart beating with fear, and he will definitely beg you: "Brother, I have something to discuss. If you have any difficulties, just tell me, and I will help you solve them."

At this time, his words are absolutely sincere. You can make a list of what he can do, and let him serve you readily. This is called one thing and one thing.As long as you can grasp his sore spot, his whole body will go limp immediately, allowing you to support him.However, before there is no conclusive evidence, never use this trick, otherwise he will bite you back, including telling you to "fall in three steps".

If you entrust a villain to do things, you must act safely. Once you lose something, you can withdraw in time to avoid greater losses.It is necessary to proceed step by step, and don't take out all the benefits at once, otherwise it will arouse his greater appetite.Don't hang yourself on a tree, don't rely entirely on villains, and find a few more paths to prevent missing opportunities.

[-]. Salary increase and promotion, strategizing - hypnotic tricks to help you navigate the workplace

Some people say that the workplace is a small rivers and lakes, a miniature version of the jungle society, we must always guard against the knife in the back and the cold arrow in front of us.Indeed, the relationship with colleagues, superiors, and subordinates largely determines the development of our careers.Through the application of hypnosis, we can do a job with ease and move freely in the workplace.

Praise a colleague behind his back, and he will be grateful.

What is said about someone behind someone's back is generally perceived as coming from the heart and without personal motives.If applied properly, its benefits can not only serve as an example to more people, but also make the person being said feel more authentic and sincere in the praise after hearing the good words "spread" by others. While the sense of honor is satisfied, it enhances self-motivation and trust in those who speak good words.

For example, there is such a passage in "Dream of Red Mansions":
Shi Xiangyun and Xue Baochai persuaded Jia Baoyu to become an official. Jia Baoyu was very disgusted. He praised Lin Daiyu to Shi Xiangyun and Xue Baochai and said, "Miss Lin has never said such stupid things! If she said such stupid things, I would have had trouble with her." It happened." By chance, Daiyu was coming out of the window at this time, and overheard Jia Baoyu saying something nice about herself, "I was surprised and happy, sad and sighed." As a result, Baodai and Baodai talked to each other, and their feelings increased greatly. .

Because in Lin Daiyu's view, Baoyu only praised herself among Xiangyun, Baochai, and herself, and didn't know that she would hear it. Such kind words were not only rare, but also unintentional.If Baoyu had said this in front of Daiyu, Lin Daiyu, who was very suspicious and petty, would probably say that Baoyu was teasing her or trying to curry favor with her.

Many of your colleagues have their own outstanding performance and things to be proud of, but sometimes these performances cannot be discovered by the leader or other colleagues. At this time, if you act as a discoverer and praise him behind his back, colleagues will be very happy. grateful.

Superficial compliments can be embarrassing at times, but behind-the-scenes compliments can do wonders.Don't worry that others don't know what you have done for him, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Ning Wei is more enthusiastic, and often uses his break time to visit the lonely old people in his neighbors and help them do things.A year ago, he submitted an application for joining the party.One day, his colleague Lin Ying discovered this secret, and pretended to casually talk about it to other colleagues when he came back.The matter of Ning Wei taking care of the lonely and widowed elderly spread like wildfire. Soon, the company party committee agreed to accept Ning Wei as a probationary party member and appointed him as the secretary of the company's Youth League Committee in view of his performance.Later, Ning Wei learned that it was because of Lin Ying's "informant" that he had embarked on this smooth road. He was grateful to Lin Ying, and soon Lin Ying was appointed as the head of the department.

There are many leaders who like to inquire about other colleagues behind their backs, so they should be praised more at this time.This is especially true for those colleagues who were ordinary in the minds of leaders.So will this make capable colleagues fall out of favor?The answer is no, the leader has his own plans, and your words are only for reference.

When the leader criticizes a certain colleague in public, when you have the opportunity to get along with the leader alone, you might as well say a few good words for him in front of the leader.After all, the leader has limited understanding, and maybe he only understands the side of his colleagues. At this time, your praise becomes another window for the leader, and can play a key role in helping colleagues.

Speaking to your face is different from speaking behind your back, and the effect will be different.Saying good things about your colleagues behind your back can greatly show your "heart" and "honesty", which will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.If you praise your colleagues in front of the third person, the praised colleagues will definitely think that it is a real compliment without hypocrisy, so they accept it sincerely and are grateful to you.

Let the other party take advantage, and he will remember you in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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