Hypnosis: Psychological tricks in life

Chapter 5 Learning Hypnotism Easily

Chapter 5 Learning Hypnotism Easily (5)
Clear, specific and realistic goals.Whether it is a change in the environment, or a change in oneself, there is usually a goal towards it.In hypnosis, whether it is hypnosis for others or self-hypnosis, we must pay attention to suggesting that what we want to help people accomplish is a very clear, specific, realistic goal that has positive significance for individuals.If you feel that you have certain difficulties in setting goals or changing yourself, you must make appropriate and rigorous adjustments.

Fully and fully understand the specific situation of the individual.Everyone in this world has a different life background, growth experience, knowledge structure, personality, interests, habits, and experience and feelings towards life.Therefore, whether it is hypnosis for others or self-hypnosis, fully understanding the hypnotized person (others or yourself) is the key to the correct and appropriate use of suggestion.

Make full use of the functions and characteristics of hints.People's susceptibility to suggestion can also be strengthened through training. After the hypnotized person has received hypnosis or practiced self-hypnosis repeatedly, his hypnotic sensitivity will become higher and higher. This is also the repeated cumulative effect of suggestion.

Conformity is a basic characteristic of human beings who are influenced by society to maintain consistency with others.This characteristic of humans is also present in hypnosis, and some hypnotists use this characteristic to increase the effect of hypnotic suggestions.For example, in group hypnosis and hypnosis performances, the hypnotist will first select some people who are more sensitive to hypnosis, and first induce them into a hypnotic state.And once many people enter the hypnotic state, other hypnotized subjects will also quickly enter the hypnotic state, which is a good use of human conformity.

Try to use positive, positive, and active hints, and use as few or no negative words as possible.When using hypnotic techniques to help yourself and others, you should try to use positive, positive, and active language to convey positive hints, so as to improve the body's physical and psychological functions, thereby improving people's physical and mental health.

Give reasonable, easy-to-accept hints.Under hypnosis, the hypnotized person still has the ability to think logically. Therefore, no matter whether the hypnotized person is in the awakened state or in the hypnotized state, it is necessary to give hints that are reasonable and in line with the hypnotized person's moral and value views. easy to accept.During hypnotherapy, if the hypnotist gives hints to the hypnotized person that violate the routine or violate the moral and values ​​of the hypnotized person, then it may not be able to have any influence on the hypnotized person.

In short, when implementing hypnosis, we must use hints correctly and flexibly according to the actual situation, so that we can make good use of this most common and common psychological phenomenon in people's daily life to help ourselves and others.

Learn hypnosis step by step with a hypnotist.

Hypnosis also has rules to follow, and can generally be divided into the following steps to complete.

The first is induction.When we ourselves enter a trance state, such as daydreaming, the focus of the unconscious mind is the object of the daydream.And when one person induces another to enter a trance, the focus of the hypnotized person's unconscious mind is the hypnotist or their unconscious mind communicates with the hypnotist.This relationship between the hypnotist and the subject's unconscious mind is rapport.In hypnotherapy, establishing a high level of rapport between the two is often considered critical to success.Most of the purpose of the pre-hypnosis communication between the hypnotist and the subject is to help the hypnotized patients increase their understanding and trust, thereby enhancing their sense of affinity.The hypnotist will communicate the best way to induce trance and the best lines for each particular subject.

Then the hypnosis deepened.While the hypnosis is deepening, some hints that are beneficial to the hypnotized person's physical and mental health can be used.Academically speaking, a suggestion is a suggestion of belief or action that can be taken without distraction and without judgment.In other words, when you are hypnotized, in a relaxed state, your subconscious mind responds primarily to cues compared to your conscious state when you are fully awake.Suggestion goes through a direct channel to the subconscious mind, where it is easily believed, changes behaviour, influences or functions.

The last is hypnosis awakening.Once the hypnotist has made a therapeutic suggestion and achieved the purpose of hypnosis, the final task is to bring the subject out of the trance and back to normal consciousness.In one traditional method, the hypnotist tells the subject that she will snap her fingers at a certain point to bring the subject out of the trance and into the waking state.This performative technique is still used by some stage hypnotists because it is more dramatic.But many hypnotherapists now think this approach is too sudden.We've all been there — when our daydreams or sleep are suddenly interrupted and we can be startled.In a more common method, the hypnotist tells the subject that she is to slowly count backwards from 10, and as she counts, the subject feels himself slowly coming out of the trance until the hypnotist reaches the end When the hypnotized person is fully awake.Some hypnotists make this process more gentle, telling the hypnotized person to wake up naturally, with the goal of making the process as smooth and natural as possible.Sometimes if there is background music, the hypnotist can induce the subject to wake up from the trance when the music stops.

The hypnotized person can remember the hypnotic process after the session, unless the amnestic suggestion is received during the trance.They often feel relaxed or healthy after hypnosis, but have no other specific signs that tell them they have been "hypnotized."They sometimes feel "asleep" for hours instead of just minutes because hypnosis can affect our sense of time.Others feel refreshed, as if they had just had a good night's sleep, and many report that their sleep has improved greatly after hypnosis.Another common situation is that some people insist that they have never entered a trance state, even if the hypnotist tells them that they have indeed been hypnotized.Sometimes the hypnotized person enjoys the experience so much that they want to do it again.Although people's reactions vary, hypnotists point out that trance induction is a completely natural process without any side effects. However, it is best for the hypnotized person to take a nap for a few minutes at the end of the treatment session before facing the hustle and bustle of the outside world , just like waking up from deep sleep and taking a short rest.

The hypnotized person appears very relaxed in the trance.Sometimes their mouths open because the jaw muscles are too relaxed.The hypnotized person occasionally drools or sheds tears, not because of sadness, but because the tear duct is in a relaxed state.

[-]. Warm-up before hypnosis—hypnosis test

Before hypnotherapy, the hypnotized subject needs to be tested for suggestion, hypnosis sensitivity test and hypnosis depth test.The suggestive test is mainly divided into finger close test, hand entanglement test, thermal illusion test and impression test.Hypnotic sensitivity tests mainly include the Chevrolet pendulum test, arm lifting test, lemon visualization test, hands clasping test and body backward test.The depth of hypnosis test is mainly carried out through heavy eyelids, stiff arms, forgetting numbers, loss of pain sensation, creating something out of nothing, and changing something into nothing.

Suggested test: finger approach test.

The first is the finger close test, the specific process is:

The hypnotist first folds the fingers, and then instructs the hypnotized subject to clasp the thumbs tightly.Keeping this state, let the hypnotized person stretch out his index finger.While the hypnotist is speaking, let the index finger of the hypnotized person spread two to three centimeters wide.After completing the finger movement, the hypnotist will lightly touch the subject's arm and shoulder with his left hand, and then point to the middle of the protruding index finger of the subject with his right hand.

Then, the hypnotist pinches the index finger of the other person and says, "When I say 'OK, let go', you touch your index fingers together, like this." Repeat this exercise of touching your index fingers two or three times.

Hypnotist: "Don't do it deliberately, you can let them touch each other naturally... Yes, very good, relax the strength of the shoulders... Gradually the fingers touch each other. Get closer and let them touch each other. Together." While speaking, it was like pinching each other's fingertips tightly with the thumb and forefinger, bringing them close to each other.

Hypnotist: "Very well, now it's all touching together...it's all touching together." This is a hint to make the fingers touch together completely.

In this process, the secrets and principles of the implied test and induction method are hidden.The first secret is that after reaching a relaxed state, the hypnotized person was able to make the movement of touching fingers together, but under the suggestion of the hypnotist, he unconsciously developed a sense of trust in the hypnotist. Therefore, when the gap between the fingers of the hypnotized person gradually narrows, "You see, they touch together"-the hypnotist utters this sentence, and the hypnotized person under test will, as suggested, Cooperate with the process of making fingers touch each other, just like chasing this phenomenon. "Fingers touch together!"

Repeatedly giving this suggestion can subtly strengthen the suggestibility of the hypnotized person.However, in addition to giving suggestive words to the hypnotized person, the hypnotist must also give corresponding hints based on the body movements of the hypnotized person, which is a major point.In this way, the hypnotized subjects under test will be placed in a state that is prone to suggestive effects. This technique of giving hints is called pseudo-suggestion.

In fact, the second secret is that in the last link, "touch together, touch together." At the moment when the fingers touch together, the hypnotist will also add an additional hint: "Look, it's completely touching together." Together."

In hypnotic induction, there is no need to use a special tone of voice, but at least, when the hypnotized person feels uneasy about whether the induction can be carried out smoothly, the hypnotist must adjust the tone.If it can be done well, it is enough to change the tone of the voice according to the principle of suggestion.When hinting, the tone of the speech should not be too loud or too high-pitched. Use a calm voice and intonation. When the hypnotized person reacts, increase the speed of the speech in accordance with the speed of the hypnotized person's reaction, or use cadenced intonation to speed up the hypnotized person. responders.The next important point is that the hypnotist should say in a confident tone: "Look, the fingers are touching together."

Under the principle of this kind of suggestion, if the suggested test is not done well, the hypnotist must not be shaken or stopped with the idea of ​​"failure", nor can he pass on such thoughts to the hypnotized person. Actually, it is very important for a hypnotist to maintain self-confidence when facing a hypnotized person.

Even with the same test, it is good practice to use different cues and vary them slightly each time you take them.Also, "When I count to ten, the fingers touch together...ten, nine, eight, seven...one, look, really touch-up." So, add counting to the cue The method can also make the test run smoothly.In addition, the hypnotist must carefully observe the response of the hypnotized person, and if he finds that the test is not suitable, he should say: "Okay, very good, your mood has calmed down, now we will do other exercises." other tests.

Being Suggested Test: Hand Entanglement Test.

Before starting the hand entanglement test, first, the hypnotized subject must take off his rings, necklaces, bracelets, watches, belts, etc.

The hypnotist stands obliquely in front of the hypnotized person and says to the hypnotized person: "Like this, stretch your hands forward and spread your fingers." Those who follow suit.Then, the hypnotist folded the fingers of both hands: "Please follow me, like this, the fingers are deeply overlapped."

Then, the hypnotized subject under test folded his fingers.The point of this link is that even the roots of the fingers must overlap tightly.Then, "Bend the fingers so that the palms fit as closely as possible." The instruction instructed the subject to bend the fingers so that the palms fit tightly.If you don't bend enough, you will fail, so the fingers must be bent enough to make the fingertips stick to the back of the hand as much as possible.

Then, the hypnotist wrapped his hands around the hands of the hypnotized person, "Yes, that's it, let the palms fit together tightly. The fingers are bent so that the palms fit more tightly. In this way, the fingers will also stick tightly together." The back of the hand." As he spoke, he took both hands of the hypnotized subject and stretched his arms forward.The hypnotist stroked his hands from the shoulders of the hypnotized person to the front of the hands two or three times, and said: "The hands are firmly pressed together, and the arms are straightened and hardened."

Then, "press the hands tightly together, and the arms straighten and harden."—Speaking,—while stroking the subject's arm two or three times to make it straight out, let the hypnotized person's palms fit tightly again , then straighten your arms again.

Why is it necessary to straighten the arm of the hypnotized subject?Because in order to release the overlapping hands, the fingers must be opened, and once the arms are straightened, the fingers are difficult to open, and even if they are opened, as the first point said, the fingers are deeply overlapped, and a slight force There is no way to make it open.This constitutes the condition that the hands are actually difficult to separate before giving the hint of "unable to leave".

At this time, the hypnotist should not keep giving hints that the hypnotized person cannot leave, but first point to the thumbnail of the hypnotized person's fist with his right index finger as an instruction, "Please look carefully at this thumbnail." Then, the hypnotized person stares Nails, "When I saw my fingers, my fingers hardened, and my hands became even harder."

said the hypnotist.At this time, the hypnotized person's hand and the straight arm near the wrist cannot relax.Then, "The hands can't be separated. Even if you try to pull them away, there is no way to separate them." Maintaining this air of confidence and affirmation, continue, "Yes, it really can't be separated!"

After making a firm judgment, without delay, you must continue to make hints such as "the more you want to separate, the tighter they will stick together." "The fit is so tight that they can't be separated." Then try to Shaking the hands of the hypnotized person from side to side, the results show that the hands are in a state where they are completely attached and cannot be separated.In the cueing process of this link and the cueing in the finger approaching test mentioned above, the secret of gazing at the thumb is also crucial.That is to say, to create the condition that the hands cannot be separated, one must stare at the thumb and concentrate on one point, so one does not think about how to separate the hands at all, and does not think that the hands can be separated as long as the fingers are loosened, but only Will obey what is suggested, thinking that the hands are difficult to separate.That's the secret.

If the hypnotized person resists the suggestion, and when he intends to let go of the hand but cannot do it, he says "it's already loosened, but it's hard to open!" These words will significantly reduce the suggestion.Once you see the sign that the fingers of the hypnotized person are straightened and the hands are about to separate, when it is irreversible, pat the hand of the hypnotized person lightly, "Okay, now we are separated." Just separate your hands.

Being Suggested Tests: Thermal Illusion and Impression Tests.

(End of this chapter)

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