Hypnosis: Psychological tricks in life

Chapter 6 Learning Hypnotism Easily

Chapter 6 Learning Hypnotism Easily (6)
The test of being suggested can be a warm-up exercise for hypnosis induction to a certain extent, or it can be a hypnotic induction method, but this test can only understand the suggestibility of the hypnotized person. It can be said to be a purely suggested test, and , it is not an ordinary test, it must have a special device, which can be used for your reference:
First, stick a small heater on the forehead of the subject to be hypnotized, and explain it in advance, turn the turntable, the heater will become hot, and then let the subject to be tested slowly turn it The turntable, when the heat is felt on the forehead, immediately remove the heater, at this time, let the hypnotized person write down the scale of the turntable.Then, do the same experiment again, but this time, without the hypnotized person's awareness, the power supply is cut off and no current is allowed to flow.Then, when the hypnotized person turns the dial close to the mark recorded in the first experiment, "Oh, watch out! It will be hot soon." Make such a suggestion.

It stands to reason that if there is no current passing through, they should not feel heat, but for those who are highly suggested or have been suggested, they will feel heat.This test is done using electrodes.

Impression test is a method of using impression and hand fatigue to know whether the hypnotized person has a rich imagination. In addition, it can also know the degree of resistance of the hypnotized person to hypnosis.

First, have the hypnotized subject sit in a chair and close their eyes.Then make it take a deep breath and relax the whole body.The hypnotist holds both hands of the subject under hypnotism, and "lifts the hands up gently." While speaking, he raises both hands to shoulder height, and then lightly holds the subject's left hand. At this time, let him Thumb up, "Now please imagine that there is a string tied to your thumb, pulling a big balloon." Say this to the hypnotized person.

Then, the hypnotist asked the hypnotist to open his right hand with the palm facing up, "Imagine a thick and heavy phone book on your left hand." Make such an explanation.

"Please start to imagine that the left hand holding the balloon is getting lighter and lighter... the balloon is rising." "And the right hand holding the phone book is getting heavier."

"Oh, it's getting heavier." Make the cue.

If the left hand of the hypnotized person rises and the right hand falls, it means that the person is highly suggestible.If, on the contrary, the left hand descends and the right hand rises, it means that there is still a sense of resistance to hypnosis, and it is necessary to start from the stage of mutual trust.

In addition, sometimes even if the hypnotized person will make completely opposite actions, show resistance to hypnosis, and still have certain reactions, the possibility of hypnotic induction is still very high, so there is no need to be too pessimistic at this time.

In fact, the situation where the hands are not up and down, and there is no response at all, is more difficult.At this time, don't stubbornly insist on using the impression method, but immediately switch to other suggested tests.

Hypnotic Sensitivity Tests: Chevy's Pendulum and Lemon Visualization Tests.

The hypnotic sensitivity test can be very effective in predicting the effect of hypnotherapy on the subject.For example, from the sensitivity test, we can know which guidance technique is more effective for the hypnotized person, know how the hypnotized person's imagination and concentration are, know the degree of trust of the hypnotized person, and whether the hypnotized person is unreasonable to hypnosis. expectations and so on.At the same time, the implementation of the sensitivity test can be regarded as a formal hypnosis warm-up, and instructions can also be implanted during the formal hypnosis to make it easier to deepen, and sometimes even reach a good hypnotic state during the test, so that the treatment can be started directly .

The Chevy pendulum test is first introduced below.

First, draw a circle with a diameter of about 15 cm on white paper, then draw a horizontal and vertical line through the center of the circle, divide the circle into 4 equal parts, and mark the two ends of the horizontal line from left to right A and B, mark C and D from top to bottom at both ends of the vertical diameter, and mark O at the center of the circle, and spread this picture on the desktop.Next, take a string about 20 cm long, and tie a grape-sized weight to the lower end of the string as a pendulum for testing.Finally, find a quiet environment and prepare to start the test.

Guide the hypnotized subject to stand on the paved chart, relax the whole body, pinch the end of the string of the pendulum with the thumb and forefinger of the dominant hand, and hang the pendulum above the center O point of the chart.Keep your arms and elbows fixed, and move your eyes back and forth between A and B. At this time, the pendulum will also move back and forth between A and B.Fix the focus of the gaze above the O point and let the pendulum of oneself (the hypnotist) stand still.Keep your arms and elbows still and move your eyes back and forth between points C and D. At this time, the pendulum will also move back and forth between points C and D.Keep your eyes fixed on the O-point and let your own (the hypnotist) pendulum stand still.The eyes turn repeatedly along the circular arc in the order of A, C, B, and D. At this time, the pendulum will also move cyclically along the track of A, C, B, and D.Keep your eyes fixed on point O, let your pendulum stop, and end the test.

For the lemon visualization test, the test principle is the same, but the props used are different, and the props can also be replaced with other fruits familiar to the hypnotized subject under test, except that lemons and apples are commonly used.

Guide the hypnotized person to relax completely and close his eyes slowly, imagining that there is a slice of lemon in front of him, smelling the taste of lemon, slowly pick up the slice of lemon, and taste the taste of lemon with his tongue Taste, toss that slice of lemon and everything feels back to normal.

After the test, the hypnotized person should be asked whether he has seen the lemon. If the lemon is seen more clearly, it proves that the hypnotized person's visual imagination is better; If you can smell the lemon, it proves that the hypnotized person has better olfactory imagination; ask the hypnotized person whether they feel the texture of lemon, if the texture of lemon is clearly felt, it proves that the hypnotized person has better tactile imagination ; Ask the hypnotized person whether he has tasted the taste of lemon. If there is an increase in salivation, it proves that the hypnotized person has a better taste imagination.

It should be noted that if the hypnotized person under test does not have the above reactions, it does not prove that the corresponding imagination ability of the hypnotized person is not good. It is necessary to continue to communicate and build a trust relationship to find the reason, and to To further clarify whether the hypnotized subject is really willing to accept hypnotherapy, the following authoritative guidance method can also be used to test the hypnotic susceptibility of the hypnotized subject.When adopting the authoritative guiding method to guide the other party, it is necessary to pay attention to the smooth guiding process, gradually strengthen the tone, be firm and powerful, and speak quickly.

Hypnotic Sensitivity Test: Hand Clasp and Arm Lifting Test.

Before performing the hands-clasping test, the hypnotized subject should first be asked to turn off the cell phone, and remove jewelry, belts and glasses from the body.Find a place that feels comfortable, relax your whole body, stand with your legs apart naturally, and let your arms hang down naturally.Then, the hypnotized subject should be taught the posture to be tested, that is: arms stretched forward, palms facing each other, fingers spread, fingers clasped together, arms as straight as possible, elbows on both sides Get as close as possible.The test steps are as follows:
Guide the hypnotized subject to relax, close his eyes gently, straighten his arms forward, palms of both hands facing each other, fingers spread, and ten fingers held together.The hands clenched tighter and tighter, and finally they couldn't separate them.At this time, the guidance should be strong, the tone should be firm, and pay attention to whether the fingertips of the hypnotized person turn white due to clenching.Then, stop trying, the arm will gradually return to its normal state, and it will hang down naturally. All the feelings will return to the normal state, and it will completely return to reality.Finally, end the test and ask the hypnotized person how he felt.

You can end the test with something like: "OK, you did a great job... now please stop trying... slowly relax your body... slowly release your hands, slowly relax your Body...slowly relax your body...ok, very good...you can move your hands freely...yes, very good, now slowly lower your arms...yes, that's it …adjust your breathing…slowly relax your body…well, adjust your breathing, relax your body…your body feels good…relaxed…well, that’s it…your body It feels so good... so relaxed... slowly opening my eyes, fully coming back to reality..."

After the test, attention should be paid to communicate effectively with the hypnotized subject. If the hypnotized subject said that during the test, his hands were sucked tightly and could not be separated, it means that the hypnotized subject has high hypnotic sensitivity; ask the subject The hypnotist's feelings about the authoritative guiding method, in order to decide whether to use this guiding method in the next step of hypnosis.

Before performing the arm lifting test, the hypnotized subject should be taught the test gestures, namely: arms stretched forward, left hand open, palm up, right hand lightly clenched into an empty fist, thumb raised upwards.

After teaching the hypnotized person the gestures used in the test, ask the hypnotized person to turn off the mobile phone, remove body jewelry, belts, glasses, etc.Find a place that makes it feel comfortable and stand, with your arms hanging down naturally.

The steps of the arm lift test are as follows:
Guide the hypnotized person to stand naturally with his legs apart, relax his body, and then stretch his arms forward, with the palm of his left hand facing up, his right hand lightly clenched into an empty fist, and his thumb raised upwards.Close your eyes, and imagine that a heavy object is placed on the palm of your left hand, and a big balloon is tied to the thumb of your right hand.The left hand keeps falling and the right hand keeps rising.

After a period of time, the hypnotized person feels that the hands of the hypnotized person have changed obviously, so he is guided to open his eyes to see the change of the hands' position.Ask the subject to lower his arms and end the test.

When it is found that the position of the hands of the hypnotized person has changed significantly, you can say a paragraph and end the test: "Okay... very good, now open your eyes and take a look at the position of your hands, very good... you do very well...your imagination is very good...now please lower your arms slowly..."

If the hands of the hypnotized person move slowly and rhythmically, it means that they have high hypnotic sensitivity.If the hands of the person under hypnotism move too fast, it means that he may have a fake action; if the person under hypnotism does not move his hands, it means that he may be strongly resisting, so please find the reason in the communication.This test is a very important hypnotic sensitivity test.In hypnosis, the imagination of the hypnotized person has a great influence on the effect of hypnosis.

Hypnotic Sensitivity Test: Body Retrograde Test.

The body fall test mainly tests the degree of trust of the hypnotist in the hypnotist. When performing this test, the hypnotist should stand in a lunge position and stand behind the hypnotist so that he can stand upright when receiving the hypnotist. Be steady and ensure the safety of the hypnotized subject.Moreover, there must be an assistant standing on the side of the hypnotized person, and also standing in a lunge posture, so as to help the hypnotist catch the hypnotized person falling backward at any time, and ensure the absolute safety of the hypnotized person.

The test steps are as follows: Guide the hypnotized person to relax and close his eyes slowly.The hypnotist stands behind the subject in a lunge position and places his hands on the subject's shoulders.Guide the hypnotized person to imagine that his whole body is like a steel plate, very hard, and the hypnotist's hands are like a magnet, which will suck the hypnotized person's body backward.After receiving the hypnotized person steadily, the hypnotist slowly lifts him up and guides the hypnotized person's bodily sensations back to normal.

Here is an example guide for your reference:
"Okay... Now let's play an interesting game. Please take a deep breath... Let your body relax... Okay... That's it... Now please stand with your feet together... Let your hands hang down naturally... Yes, that's it... Please close your eyes slowly... Very good... When you close your eyes, you will feel more relaxed... More relaxed... Yes, that's it... Breathing Please put your attention on your shoulders...you are relaxed...safe...you are relaxed...safe...relaxed...safe...well...well...in a minute, I Will put my hands on your shoulders...and when my hands touch your shoulders, you'll feel your whole back is hard...hard as steel...you'll feel your whole back Very hard...very hard...hard as steel..."

At this time, the hypnotist put his hands gently on the shoulders of the subject, and then continued to guide in a firm tone: "Your entire back is very hard...very hard...like a steel plate... Yes, very hard...very hard...very hard...very hard...like a steel plate...When my hands leave your shoulders, my hands are like a big magnet, it will attract Slowly your body falls backwards...yes, the body that will attract you slowly falls backwards...don't worry, you'll be safe...very safe...I'll catch you firmly...I I will catch you firmly...you will be safe...very safe...I will catch you firmly...ok...my hands are like a big magnet that will draw your body slowly towards you Falling backwards... yes, it will attract your body to slowly fall backwards... falling backwards..."

At this time, as long as the hypnotist touches the shoulders of the subject under test gently with both hands, the subject will fall backwards.At this time, the hypnotist's hands slide down to the place under the shoulders of the hypnotist close to the vest to firmly receive the hypnotist, and then gently lift him up.

End test: "Okay...you've done really well...very good...now, please take a deep breath, yes...very good...continue to breathe deeply...breathe...ok, relax your body...yes... …slowly relax your body…”

At this time, it should be noted that the muscles of the hypnotized person must be completely relaxed.

"Okay... all your muscles are relaxed... very good... very soft... very relaxed... very soft... good... very good... all your muscles are very relaxed...yes, that's it... ...very soft...very relaxing...very soft...well, very...now please slowly open your eyes...to come back to reality...to come back to reality..."

Hypnosis Depth Test: heavy eyelids, stiff arms.

Hypnosis is a process of interaction and cooperation between the hypnotist and the hypnotized.In the process of implementing hypnosis, the hypnotist should detect the hypnotic degree and state of the hypnotized person to determine whether the hypnotized person has entered the hypnotic state and what depth of hypnosis has been reached, so as to decide whether to continue hypnosis.

(End of this chapter)

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