My cheating is too hard

Chapter 103 The realm is like floating clouds to me

Chapter 103 The realm is like floating clouds to me

The master of the restricted area, who controls a trace of the power of heaven and earth, can change the world!

Especially for such ancient existences, the research on the power of heaven and earth has reached an unimaginable level. Even if they only control a little power of heaven and earth, they can bloom dozens of times, or even hundreds of times the effect!

Therefore, when entering the realm of the master of the forbidden area for the first time, he turned an area of ​​thousands of miles into a taboo field, which is not something a junior master of the restricted area can do.


The overwhelming coercion swept across the entire world like an overwhelming mountain...

Those flaming eyes looked around, faintly exuding the brilliance of the ancient immortal will, as if it could assimilate everything.

"So strong!"

Shi Ji gasped, his scalp was numb, and his heart was terrified.

Although this was just her puppet incarnation, this kind of coercion directly acted on her willpower, making her heart tremble uncontrollably.

However, the strange thing is that Shi Ji didn't feel any discomfort other than that.

Looking around, Shiji couldn't help shaking his head, and his heart was even more shocked.

A layer of invisible power shrouded her around, isolating this world.

Therefore, she only felt the coercion of those eyes, but did not feel the breath of lava, nor did she feel the terrible coercion of life!

Try to imagine, without this level of power, she would probably have collapsed in this taboo area long ago, how could she be fine?

Shi Ji looked at Zhang Yuan, who was still calm and calm, and was secretly speechless.


In the forbidden area of ​​the Lord of the restricted area, a new area was forcibly opened up!

It seems to be in the taboo field, but it is already independent of the taboo field!

This is not a power that the master of the restricted area can control!

Shi Ji recalled the stinky lion, which reached a height of [-] meters, and found that he had seriously underestimated the strength of the stinky lion, but it was already such a powerful existence, why did it make things difficult for him? Is this a bad idea? !
However, no matter what, just hug the golden thigh in front of you tightly!

"Your Majesty, let me ask you out of spite, what level have you reached? Have you surpassed the Lord of the Forbidden Zone?"

Shiji said cautiously.

"Boundary? What's the use of a realm?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said: "The realm is like floating clouds to this king, it is insignificant."

Yes, the realm has a fart?
Standing here, he did not isolate the power of taboo, but let the power of taboo sweep over him, and the system prompts sounded continuously in his mind.


"Ding! Spirit power +100!"


"Ding! Spirit power +100!"



"This king is very talented, what realm do we need? This king only believes in strength! Break through all spells with one force, even if you are hit by a violent wind, this king will stand still."

Zhang Yuan's calm tone carried a hint of melancholy. It would be great if he could awaken his talent. He firmly believed that his talent must be extremely powerful.

Compared with talent, cheating is really insignificant. The fighting spirit that was originally born after rebirth has long since disappeared during this period of time.

If he has talent, he needs to work hard on his own. That kind of feeling is the most beautiful, and he can experience the joy of success and the satisfaction of harvest...

Where is it like now, you can become stronger while lying down, it's just a plaything!


Shiji was silent.

There is no doubt that this is pretending to be coercive, but she dare not expose this coercion.

I had no choice but to kneel down and say, "My lord, you are really too powerful, too powerful."

"Hahaha, it's not bad."

Zhang Yuan laughed out loud.

At this moment, several roaring sounds suddenly came from a distance, and these sounds were especially ear-piercing in this taboo domain where almost all living beings were extinct.

Looking at it, it turned out to be a King Kong with five heads close to the size and a height of nearly [-] meters!
The aura was violent, bursting out of the body, constantly bursting out seemingly incomparably powerful power belonging to the extraordinary third heaven, trying to counter the ubiquitous taboo power, but this behavior is no different from a mayfly shaking a tree, and a mantis arm blocking a car.

Around these King Kongs, there are still some remains of dead King Kongs, which are fragmented, and part of their bodies have already fallen into the magma.

Looking at it, Zhang Yuan felt a little pity, what a powerful creature this is.


The Transcendent Third Heaven is certainly powerful, and it is definitely the overlord in the outside world.

Even in the vast and boundless prairie, there are no creatures who have reached this level.

Erlianzi and the others are very talented, but they are nothing more than extraordinary second heavens.

However, this place is so special that it has evolved into an ancient taboo field!

Once you enter the taboo field, not only will you not be able to get the slightest help from the outside world, but you will also face the erosion of the ubiquitous taboo power!

This is the horror of the taboo field.

Unless you have mastered absolute oppressive power, otherwise entering the taboo field is a dead end!

The ancient existence had already discovered several King Kongs, and he looked down.

When the eyes of the ancient existence fell, the terrifying taboo power suddenly erupted, rushing towards several King Kongs, directly tearing their fragile defenses, piercing through the seemingly hard skin, and piercing into the flesh and blood.

"No, I am your descendant..."

"Ancestor, forgive me...have mercy..."


Several King Kong howled miserably, unable to resist, they could only kowtow and beg for mercy.

However, seeing that this great existence has murderous intentions, the terrifying taboo power has penetrated his whole body, and his flesh and blood are being obliterated and devoured bit by bit. Knowing that he can't survive, when he was furious, he immediately cursed, gritted his teeth, and roared Roaring, about to pounce.

"Damn it, what kind of ancestor are you? Plot against us, we don't recognize you!"

"Even if I die today, I will curse you, and curse you to die!"

"Curse you……"

"Death! Die together!"


The great existence was unmoved, his eyes moved slightly, and a giant hand made of lava appeared in the sky. Under the shroud of scorching flames, it descended from the sky, intending to directly slap these struggling King Kong to death.

Boom - boom - boom

The air vibrated, and circles of hot red air surged around.

The strong wind howled around, constantly blowing away the rich sulfur gas...


The monstrous coercion tends to be in all directions, like gods and demons, the sky and the earth vibrate, and the few King Kongs only sense the breath and immediately spit out blood, the body is broken, and only the last breath is left hanging in the throat...

Dying, unable to speak, he could only watch the giant hand fall.

Staring at the giant hand falling from the sky, their eyes were burning with anger.


As an ancestor, but kill descendants!
The unyielding fighting spirit burned in their chests, which actually caused the blood to boil, and the body that was being broken further stopped breaking. This mysterious force from the depths of the blood became stronger and stronger. Under the call of the unyielding fighting spirit , To compete with the power of taboo!

(End of this chapter)

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