My cheating is too hard

Chapter 104 Shot and Giving Up

Chapter 104 Shot and Giving Up

"Unyielding fighting spirit?"

The ancient existence took a second look, and without saying anything, it was going to be suppressed and killed in one fell swoop!

The power of taboo is the power of taboo, mysterious and unpredictable, even if these few King Kong awaken the unyielding fighting spirit deep in the blood, but the extraordinary realm is the extraordinary realm!
Even the unyielding soul has not been condensed, how can it cross the realm with the extraordinary realm, and counter the powerful taboo force?
wishful thinking!

Awakening and unyielding fighting spirit is extremely rare even among the Titans.

Now, these King Kongs who have inherited a trace of the power of the blood of the Titans have all awakened, and this ancient existence has to look sideways.

What followed was the killing intent!
If you just killed them casually before, now you have to do it for real.

The unyielding fighting spirit is a special power, which contains a truly incredible great power. It appears from nowhere. The legend is a gift from the universe!

You can keep fighting as long as you don't die.

Unyielding will, endless strength!
It can even win across borders!
If they continue to keep them, it is tantamount to breeding tigers, which is extremely stupid.

Every creature who has awakened the unyielding fighting spirit, as long as he does not die halfway, will eventually become the overlord of one party, suppressing endless creatures.


Just when the ancient existence was about to destroy King Kong, another force appeared, blocking the terrifying giant hand that was about to fall from the sky.

The world was shocked!
"It's you!"

The ancient existence looked over, with deep eyes, not angry, but rather apprehensive, looking at the seemingly ordinary lion in front of him.

To tell the truth, although he has endless knowledge and insights that cannot be measured, he still cannot see the realm and strength of this ordinary lion.

But if you can ignore your own taboo power in your own taboo field, and even lightly open up a space independent of the world, your strength may have surpassed the master of the forbidden area, and you have stepped into a higher realm. It is heaven and earth, and the self is the master...

However, although that realm is powerful, it is absolutely impossible to be so casual, not to mention understatement, but the breath has never been leaked!
Could it be a higher level existence?So much so that it is back to basics.

However, another doubt came to his mind, even if such a powerful creature was back to its original nature, he was absolutely sure to be able to recognize it.

But he couldn't see it at all, it seemed to be a lion in front of him.

Ordinary, unremarkable.

Not the slightest bit of talent.

However, he saw another scene, the ubiquitous multi-taboo power is disappearing, this lion seems to be transformed into a terrible black hole in the depths of the universe, standing here, like the only gap in the dam, attracting countless The power of the taboo is devouring with incomparable greed.

He comes from the ancient past and firmly believes in a principle that countless beings will agree with: unknown beings often hide crises that cannot be captured.

Therefore, after he woke up, he didn't have the slightest thought of going against the ordinary lion in front of him, but was full of fear.

Seeing that the lion had destroyed the giant hand that covered the sky and ignored the power of taboo, he became even more vigilant in his heart. He looked at the dying vajras lying on the ground, and he stopped and looked over suspiciously.

"This ancient existence, hello, it's an honor to be your neighbor. This king is the lion king of the prairie, and the prairie is over there."

Zhang Yuandao pointed in the direction of the prairie, showing a sunny and terrifying smile, while trying to recall some books from the West that he had read in his previous life, trying to maintain a humble attitude.

In fact, he was a little apprehensive, after all, he was an old monster.

This kind of old monster's realm may be very ordinary, and his strength may also be special rubbish, but he is well-informed, and it is very likely that he has mastered extremely special and terrifying methods. If it is serious, he can be killed in minutes.

Originally Zhang Yuan didn't want to make a move, he just wanted to just stand by and watch.

But after seeing King Kong's abnormality, under Shi Ji's urging several times, he had no choice but to destroy the giant hand that shrouds the sky and save King Kong.


The ancient existence looked in the direction of the prairie, saw the seemingly ordinary prairie, the flames jumping in the eye sockets suddenly became violent, it seemed that it couldn't react, and it gradually returned to calm the next moment.


At the same time, he took back the taboo domain, and his body size shrunk a lot, his ferocious face softened, and finally turned into a giant of about five meters, wearing lava armor, with a face similar to that of humans.

Zhang Yuan was amazed to see it. It is a kind of happiness to be able to be big or small.

"Respected Lion King, ruler of the prairie, hello, I am the fallen Titan of the Titan family, Klauer Zane, you can also directly call me Klauer, it is an honor to be your neighbor. "

Claure Zane introduced himself, and this moment seemed very humble.

At this moment, the earth is already a piece of scorched earth. Although the lava has dissipated with the disappearance of the taboo domain, this mountain range has already been razed to the ground in the terrible catastrophe just now, and countless vitality has been plundered.

A gust of wind swept away, taking away the sulfur smell in the air.

Only the desolate land was left, with a few King Kong lying on it.

Standing on this piece of land, Klauer immediately formed a strong sense of contrast with the previous one. If he hadn't seen what happened just now, he would definitely not be able to believe that this broken land was caused by the humble giant in front of him...

"Ahem, cough, this king is also very honored. I didn't expect my neighbor to be a great titan, Claure Zane, a good name, a good name."

Zhang Yuan came back to his senses, and then laughed out loud, feeling a little comfortable in his heart.

This is a titan. The creatures in the starry sky actually respect him so much. Although they may have ulterior motives, this behavior of letting go of their arrogance for him immediately gave Zhang Yuan a sense of satisfaction.

Afterwards, Zhang Yuan pointed directly at the dying King Kongs on the ground and said, "Klauer, these King Kongs were given to you. I was sorry just now, how offended you are."

" don't want it anymore?"

Klauer was stunned, why did you take the shot just now, trying to test me?
"Hahaha, no more, this king was just curious, offending the neighbors just because of these King Kongs, it's really not worth it, it's too stupid."

Zhang Yuan confessed.

He didn't want to be nosy in the first place. Although King Kong is far from the Titan, King Kong can be regarded as one of the descendants of the Titan.

The ancestors taught their children and grandchildren that this is a housework, and if you kill it, you will kill it.

What do you care about your ancestors?Whether it's right or wrong, it's a problem to intervene. If you meddle in your own business, why don't you save the world and save the girl?
Zhang Yuan disdains that kind of meddling behavior. In those novels, if the protagonist has the halo of the protagonist, he would die without knowing how he would die.

The reason why he made the move just now was because he felt that these King Kongs had good talents and could be used as one of the few lackeys he had.

However, there are obviously greater interests in front of him!
As for these lackeys, Zhang Yuan can only offer an extremely painful apology!
(End of this chapter)

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