My cheating is too hard

Chapter 114 It turns out that the king is a boss

Chapter 114 It turns out that the king is a boss

"Ah... swear... what swear?"

Shiji was suddenly a little confused.

All she could think about was getting fucked by a stinky lion, or getting fucked by a stinky lion.

Still swear?

What is this operation?
She can't understand it at all!
"Nonsense, hurry up, hurry up and swear, you must swear to be loyal to this king forever."

Zhang Yuan roared.

Too bad!
He regretted it in his gut now.

You can pretend to be a wave, and establish a great image of yourself as omnipotent!
did not expect--

The wild goose hunted all day long and was blinded by the wild goose.


Gradually, Shi Ji realized that a mysterious rune appeared on her forehead, flickering, as if it would dissipate in the next moment.

Wisps of vast and boundless aura hang down from the runes.

Shi Ji immediately felt the terrible pressure like the sky, but her consciousness fell into it involuntarily. There was no time to react, but a dark vortex suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, swallowing her.


The surroundings are dark, lonely and deep, and the darkness is cold. Gradually, a little bit of light appears in the dark world, and finally fills the world.


Shi Ji was shocked, she actually came to the starry sky world, and what was even more frightening was that what appeared here was her body, not a puppet.

"Stone Rock!"

Faintly, a voice full of supreme majesty resounded in the starry sky world, booming, and the starry sky world seemed to be unable to bear it.


Shiji's scalp was numb, she was all too familiar with this voice!
It's that smelly lion's!
No wonder no wonder the stinky lion is so terrifying, so he is such a kind of existence...

Shiji let out a sigh of emotion, and suddenly felt terrified, trembling all over.

Fear filled my heart.

At this time, she actually scolded the stinky lion.

court death!

"My lord, my lord, I was wrong, please forgive me..." Shi Ji begged.

Boom - boom - boom

Thousands of stars are struggling to bloom, and finally shine on a certain place.

There, on the other side of the endless starry sky, sits a supreme and great existence, majestic and majestic, just the vast and boundless breath seems to suppress the starry sky world, making it immobile and screaming.

The huge body, covering the sky and the sun, is infinite, as if covering the starry sky world. Even if the legendary starry sky behemoth claims to be able to swallow the planet, it is extremely huge, but under his feet is nothing more than a mud pellet.

Small and humble, insignificant.

The hairs are terribly huge, and there are countless stars attached to them!
The soles of the feet are even more terrifying, there are swirling galaxies hovering there...

"Stone Rock!"

A murmur sounded again, as if it wanted to shatter the starry sky world.

The indescribably huge head projected two gazes on the starry sky world, pierced the starry sky world, and landed on Shiji's body.

Boom - boom - boom

The coercion like a god and a demon followed, and it was like a broken bamboo, destroying everything destructively. The starry sky world screamed and began to shatter.

"My lord...have mercy..."

Shiji saw clearly that this was the lion who often bullied him.

Immediately frightened and stunned, his whole body went limp, and he begged again and again.

"Shi Ji, listen, this king asks you, are you willing to be loyal to this king forever? Are you willing to sacrifice everything for this king, and always follow this king's will?"

The sound tore apart the starry sky world, turned into a torrent, swept over, seemed to be forced into Shi Ji's head, and made her wake up immediately.

"I am willing! I am willing! I am willing to be loyal to the king forever. If I violate this oath, I will die in heaven and earth! If I violate this oath, my race will perish."

Shi Ji roared, his mind was extremely clear, and his excitement was indescribable.

Trembling all over, I couldn't pull up any strength, and I was almost about to lie down here.

Allegiance must be allegiance forever!

What kind of titan, what kind of dragon and phoenix, or a starry sky behemoth.

It's all ants!

This is the real boss!
As long as she hugs this thigh tightly, she can be unscrupulous, without fear!

Just as Shiji's words fell, a mysterious rune quietly appeared from the endless starry sky, turned into a stream of light, and entered her body.

When Shiji reacted, he didn't find any trace of the rune, and he didn't experience any special changes, even in his thinking.

Of course, Shi Ji had no intention of resisting this, but was very excited.

"very good."

When the whisper sounded again, the starry world shattered like a mirror.

Shi Ji only felt that the scenery in front of him had changed, and when he woke up again, he had already returned, looked around, blinked his eyes, his mind was still in the starry sky world, his whole body was still shaking, and he couldn't react.

The same is true for Shiji himself, who is far away in the depths of the ground. His heart is agitated, it is difficult to calm down, and his breath explodes, so that the mountains shake and the ground trembles.

In an instant, I don't know how many weak stone scorpions were buried by the earth.

"Stone Rock."

An understated voice came, but it exploded in Shiji's mind like a thunderbolt, almost making her go limp.

"Your Majesty...greetings to Your Majesty..."

Shiji knelt down.

With her head down, she didn't even look good. Now she was shaking with excitement.

She actually pledged allegiance to a big boss!
She should have understood sooner!How could an ordinary lion be so powerful? In the initial stage of spiritual recovery, it could beat everything.

Although I don't know why this boss appeared here, after all, this world is too small, maybe there is some secret hidden in this world, so that this boss appeared, but Shiji didn't dare to think too much.

Her only thought now is to stick to her loyalty and do things honestly.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zhang Yuan looked on in amazement, and he was also full of doubts.

To be honest, he didn't know what happened to Shiji, he only knew that Shiji was loyal to him now and would not betray him, that's all.

The rune just now was a special method he learned from the origin of heaven and earth, which can make creatures sign a contract and be loyal to him from then on.

But this kind of method is not easy to use. Apart from being mentally sluggish for a period of time, he also needs to pay extremely precious heart and blood. Heart blood is not ordinary blood, but the essence of energy.

The price is too high!
So far, Zhang Yuan has only used it twice.

One time it was the Titan Klauer, Zhang Yuan forced Klauer to sign a contract, and then Klauer's attitude suddenly changed, frantic and frightening.

Zhang Yuan was a little confused by this, thinking that something went wrong.

This time is the second time.

Shi Ji also became so fanatical, trembling all over, like a psychopath.

In view of this, Zhang Yuan decided not to use it next time.

So much Sabie!

Fortunately, fortunately, those creatures in the prairie were born in the prairie, and they all surrendered to him and would not betray at all.

Therefore, there are really not many places where contracts are used, and there are only a handful of them.


PS: My Zhang Yuan will be mediocre...

(End of this chapter)

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