My cheating is too hard

Chapter 115 3 Great Completions

Chapter 115 Three Perfections
"Let's go, dig out the spiritual veins. I shouldn't need to do it this time, right?"

Zhang Yuandao.

"Hmm! Don't worry, Your Majesty."

Shi Ji felt a little ashamed when he heard it, but he still promised, full of confidence.

"set off!"

Zhang Yuan rode on Shi Ji's back, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he ordered.


Shiji replied.

The rest of the journey was a bit dull, completely crushed all the way.

The puppet controlled by Shiji has been completely reborn. Not only has its realm reached the limit of the peak of the Transcendent Second Heaven, but it also seems to have mutated.

With a body of a thousand meters, it is so majestic that it looks like a hill from a distance.

The whole body is covered with golden scales, the defense is extremely powerful, the teeth and claws are bared, the tail is ferocious, the iron claws are terrifying, and the long sharp feet penetrate the ground every time they walk across the ground, turning them into terrible weapons.

Pushing all the way, the momentum is like a broken bamboo, and no beast can resist one or two.

Gradually, Zhang Yuan collected thirty spiritual veins, and the task was successfully completed.

During this process, Shi Ji did not hide her talent. She began to deliberately look for the mother body of the Zerg race, and the result was quite fruitful. She got some mother bodies of the Zerg race and planned to take them back so that the deity could try to plunder the talent.

In nature, there is no shortage of Zerg. Except for some Zerg without a mother, almost every kind of Zerg that has a number has a mother.

In the wild, ants are the most abundant, and each ant colony has a mother body in which ants live.

Therefore, most of the mother bodies obtained by Shiji came from the ant family.

"My lord, my subordinates have also found some spiritual veins, should we go get them?"

Shiji said cautiously.

Although Zhang Yuan's behavior is the same as before, but she now knows that Zhang Yuan is a big boss, and now there is only a deep sense of awe in her heart, she dare not be arrogant, or even have any bad thoughts.

As for the name "Stinky Lion" that has been cursed for a long time, I dare not even think about it.

She doesn't dare to call herself a concubine anymore, she is just the servant of this big boss now.

Calling herself a subordinate was already the limit of what she could imagine.

What I have to do now is to curry favor with this big boss, curry favor!
Crazy kneeling and licking!

Do what you want!
The result was naturally as expected, the boss was very comfortable being licked, and Shi Ji was also very happy. As long as she continued to lick, there might be a chance to be fucked by the boss.

If at that time, wouldn't she be the beast under the beast?
Reach the pinnacle of animal life!

Thinking about it, I feel so excited!
Now that he has dug thirty spiritual veins and is about to go back, Shi Ji is naturally not happy, and it is hard to get this opportunity for the two beasts to be alone.

In addition, Shiji has other ideas. She wants to get more female worms, and strives to improve her strength. How can she increase her weight in the boss's heart by then!

In this regard, while Zhang Yuan enjoys it, he also feels a little sad. Shiji has become so obedient, and if he wants to sell Shiji in the future, he will always be a little embarrassed to speak up.

If something similar to Claure happens again, I will be embarrassed to make a move.

Shi Ji is already so obedient, and he is also very good at kneeling and licking. If he sells Shi Ji again, won't he become an ungrateful beast?

Although he is no longer a human being, he can't be a beast either!
"Still going to dig out the spiritual veins?"

Lying on Shiji's back, Zhang Yuan hesitated when he heard the words.

In this way, seven or eight days have passed.

Counting from the day he left the prairie, nearly ten days have passed.

This is the longest time I have been away from the prairie.

"Yes, Your Majesty, there are still many spiritual veins. They are all new ones that may disappear at any time. Since Your Majesty has a way to keep the spiritual veins from losing their spirituality, it is better to dig them all back so that they will not dissipate naturally."

Shiji Road.


Zhang Yuan is still hesitant, it is always good to get more spiritual veins.

However, he said at the beginning that he only wanted thirty, so he could only ask for thirty.

Since you are a king, you must do what you say and do what you say!
Shi Ji said: "Your Majesty has great supernatural powers, unprecedented. Since those spiritual veins may dissipate by themselves, it is better to take them back. It is said that God has the virtue of good life. Your Majesty has such great supernatural powers, and is so selfless. Why don't you help God?" How about saving those tiny and pitiful spirit veins?"

Shi Ji started to kneel and lick!

"My lord, now that the spiritual energy is recovering, the spiritual pulse is very important. It can speed up the recovery of the spiritual energy. The faster the recovery of the spiritual energy, the faster the growth of the beast race will be. Would the king be willing to watch the growth of the beast race slow down?"

"No, Your Majesty is unwilling."

"The subordinates know that the king cares about the orcs on the spirit veins. After the king takes away the spirit veins, their growth rate will be affected."

"However, as the so-called small self and the big self, the king took away the spiritual veins for the sake of the beasts in the world. I believe that they will be very happy if they know! Even if they die, they will still be smiling and nine springs, and will not resent the king. .”

"Take away the spirit veins, there are three major accomplishments, one is to complete the heaven, the second is to complete the beast race, and the third is to complete the general trend of the world. Why not do it?"

It has to be said that Shiji is very cultured, more cultured than any creature on the prairie, and every word he utters makes Zhang Yuan feel refreshed.

"Well, you're right!"

Zhang Yuan pretended to hesitate for a moment, then nodded and let out a long sigh.

"Since that's the case, let's go. I hope that those orcs can let go. For the future of the orcs, we can only wrong those poor orcs."

"Yeah, don't worry, your majesty, those beast races will not be unwilling, and those who are unwilling are already smiling at Jiuquan. Even if they die, they will be very happy."

Shiji excitedly said: "Your Majesty is really great, you are indeed worthy of being His Majesty."

"Ahem...alright... let's go..."

Zhang Yuan coughed a few times, being kneeled and licked by Shi Ji like this, even though he was already well-informed, he still felt a little embarrassed and panicked.

He knows his own business.

From the "greatness" that Shi Ji said, he is really a little bit short.

Although this "little bit" is very insignificant, Zhang Yuan has always been very modest, so when he heard that his greatness was exaggerated a little bit by Shi Ji, he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed and guilty.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Shiji set off happily.

"By the way, Your Majesty, I have a question, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Shiji Road.

"What's the problem? But it's okay to say." Zhang Yuan showed the demeanor of a king.

"My lord, there is actually no problem. I just want to ask, where did the titan giant lava giant Klauer go?"

Shi Ji hastily explained.


Zhang Yuan pondered for a moment, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, subduing Claure can be said to be the most outstanding operation in his life, and it's so good!
"He's fighting for the prairies."

Zhang Yuan said with a smile, which meant a lot.


Shi Ji hesitated to speak, opened his mouth, but finally did not say anything.

Claure Zane, has several titles: Titan Giant, Fallen Giant, Lava Giant, has an unusual origin, and his surname is Zane!
The Zane family is the supreme royal family of the Titan family, supreme.

But when he thought of the big boss beside him, Shi Ji knew that he was talking too much. Would the big boss not know what she knew?joke!

"Claure, don't let big brother down!"

Zhang Yuan looked at the distant sky, so many days, it should be enough.

PS: Every chapter in the past few days has a lot of words, please recommend tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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