My cheating is too hard

Chapter 121 Alien Race: Qin Hu

Chapter 121 Alien Race: Qin Hu

A deafening sound suddenly sounded, as if thunder suddenly came from the originally lifeless world, it was hard to calm down.

The vibration continued to come, and finally stopped abruptly with a louder roar. Suddenly, an extremely dazzling light appeared in this dark space, and it came from outside the door, illuminating the claustrophobic laboratory.

Several people came in from the door, some were tall and some were petite, they were said to be human, but there were more or less other characteristics on their bodies.

For example, the person at the head has black spots on his face.

Sweeping around, sniffing with his nose, the normal pupils immediately stood up, like a beast, completely different from human eyes.

The breath is tyrannical, as if to choose someone to get wet.


The others are also of different races!

"What about people?"

A hoarse voice sounded.

"My lord, my lord, the little one is here, here." A foreigner hurried over, with a flattering face, and said, "My lord, what do you want?"

"Ask knowingly, Section Chief Liu, don't forget, you have now been transformed into a foreign race, the supreme Highness Zane rules the Tianmen, the human race is like a street rat, has no status, and the foreign race is the supreme race of the Tianmen!"

The leader snorted coldly, and when he said the words "His Royal Highness Zane", his expression suddenly became extremely frenzied, and so did the others.

"Praise Your Highness Zane!"

"His Royal Highness Zane!"


Several people murmured fanatically, very much like fanatics in those religions.

No, they are fanatics now, and everything is dedicated to His Royal Highness Zane.

"Praise Your Highness Zane, we must fulfill your will, your will is above all else, the supreme existence, listen to my voice."

The man in the lead murmured, opening his hands with a fanatical expression.

His Majesty Zane, the ancient and noble being, rescued them from the tyranny of the human race, and is now the savior of their alien race.

In the past, he was just an ordinary human child. Although he lived at the bottom of the society, without food and clothing, and without a fixed place to live, he was at least still a human being.

As a result, he ran into a servant of a big family one day, and after being severely beaten, he was taken away.

One month later, he became a foreigner in Tianmen Underground Colosseum.

There are thousands of aliens like him in the Colosseum!

Fighting with various alien races and beast races every day, in order to survive.

The human race claims to be superior, but they have done many unknown things in secret, such as creating various alien races for fun, and creating the Tianmen underground Colosseum, and even those alien races who died in the Colosseum will be killed Secondary use, packaged to the laboratory upstream of the Colosseum.

Some foreign races who were seriously injured and survived will also be executed directly.

The seemingly peaceful Tianmen is doing many terrible things behind its back.

The Lord of Tianmen is high above and rules Tianmen. Is it possible that he doesn't know these things?


The Lord of Tianmen knows, because the upstream is subordinate to the Lord of Tianmen.

Not only did the Lord of Tianmen not stop them, but he attempted to study them from their corpses.

This news came to him suddenly after entering the Colosseum for a hundred days.

From that moment on, he completely gave up.

His personality became more and more violent.

In the end, he became the only victor in the Colosseum and was crowned king.

Compared with the human race, his appearance of neither human nor ghost is more like the human race.

Recently, he discovered that he was being closely monitored, often did not get enough food, and his physical strength declined. It turned out that the Colosseum thought that he could use him to carry out a crazy hype, thereby plundering a lot of property.

Sadness is greater than death.

Destined to die in the ensuing fight, he had no resistance.

Because resisting would only make it more miserable, maybe dying at the hands of the same kind is not bad, at least his sister can get a good condolence money.

However, just a few days ago, a great existence suddenly appeared.

Defeated the Lord of Tianmen, occupied Tianmen, became the new ruler of Tianmen, and killed all the human races in the realm of transformation and the guardian dragons of Tianmen.

As for those families, they were naturally taken care of and all of them were wiped out.

Great revenge!

Not only that, that great existence also released their alien races, and let them, the spurned alien races, assist him, because in the eyes of that great existence, their alien races are the most perfect creatures.

Today, they are followers of His Royal Highness Zane.


After His Royal Highness Zane released them, he announced an order the next day that the alien race is the legal race of Tianmen, and the human race must accept transformation. If they do not accept the transformation, they will provoke the supreme majesty of His Highness Zane. Not only will they die, The whole family will be affected.

The alien race became fanatical, and after struggling for so long, it was finally recognized.

Some of the alien races among them may have been transformed in order to gain power, but more alien races were forced and not voluntarily transformed.

Only in the underground colosseum, hundreds of aliens die every day, and there is a steady stream of new blood every day!They almost come from the bottom of society...

In addition to the Colosseum, there are also many alien races raised in the laboratories of major families, and even some perverted family children are no longer satisfied with ordinary human races, and like to play with some female alien races with strong vitality!
Among them, there are tens of thousands of aliens who were played to death.


"Your strength is the strongest, foreign race, tell me, what is your name?"

"Qin Hu!"


Qin Hu couldn't forget that day, he had a word with His Highness Zane, and after that, he was appointed as the sole ruler and leader of the alien race in Tianmen.

Today, he is almost in charge of the transformation of the Tianmen Human Race.

Due to the large population of Tianmen, the number is at least tens of millions, even if there are a large number of laboratories, the transformation process is very smooth, and there is almost no resistance, but it still takes a lot of time to transform them all.

Equipment is needed, a laboratory is needed, and a large number of special items need to be manufactured.

While worrying about this, one of his subordinates who had been following him since he came out of the Colosseum suddenly told him something that surprised him.

A certain experimenter who was seen in the Colosseum at the beginning has now been transformed into a foreign race. When he was walking on the street, he was discovered by his subordinates.

After hearing the news, Qin Hu immediately sent someone to bring the other party over.

After several cross-examinations, it was discovered that this experimenter was not an ordinary experimenter at all, but a section chief who was in charge of several important official laboratories!

Qin Hu immediately took control of Section Chief Liu and took him to various laboratories that were hidden extremely secretively, thus obtaining a large amount of professional high-level experimental equipment from the government, and the speed of manufacturing special items was greatly improved.


PS: I feel that the current grades are too bad, is it because I am too coquettish?impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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