My cheating is too hard

Chapter 122 The Big Secret in the Laboratory

Chapter 122 The Big Secret in the Laboratory
Now, come to this last laboratory.

According to Chief Liu, this last laboratory has a monstrous secret, and only the Lord of the Heaven Gate knows what is in the laboratory.

Even Section Chief Liu only found out about the existence of this laboratory by accident during an occasional study exchange. Driven by curiosity, he finally found out the location of the laboratory after repeatedly inquiring about it secretly.

Knowing that Section Chief Liu didn't know the situation in the laboratory, Qin Hu no longer made things difficult for him.

Now that Chief Liu has done so many things, he doesn't dare to play tricks at all.

Section Chief Liu is already famous, and his information has been widely publicized. The only thing to do is to follow him, otherwise Section Chief Liu will be chased and killed.

After all, Section Chief Liu once created and transformed many alien races.

Now he has joined the alien race, betrayed the human race, and become the dog leg of the alien race.

Every race does not lack backbone, especially the current human race.

Those hidden human races had already planned several murders against Section Chief Liu, but it was a pity that they came to give away the head each time, but their actions were self-defeating, which forced Section Chief Liu to completely betray the human race.

"Section Chief Liu, go and see if there is any equipment in this laboratory."

Qin Hu said.

The laboratory is a very special place. Ordinary people entering the laboratory will not only trigger the alarm, but may also be killed by some special weapons!
Before, there was a foreign race who was greedy for great success and entered a small laboratory recklessly. As a result, an explosion was triggered and he was directly buried in the sea of ​​flames.

The laboratory in front of me now is not only from the government, but also directly affiliated to the Lord of Tianmen. Even Section Chief Liu, an official experimenter, doesn't know about it. It can be seen how much crisis is hidden in this laboratory.

Right now, let Section Chief Liu go to explore the way, just so that he can use his spare heat.

"Yes, my lord."

Section Chief Liu did not choose to resist, nodded and entered the laboratory.

Half a quarter of an hour passed, and when Qin Hu and the others got a little impatient, there was a sound of hurried footsteps coming from the laboratory, and Section Chief Liu trotted out from the laboratory, with an excited expression on his face, and said, "My lord, good job!" The news is great news. The little one has discovered a lot of amazing things!"

"Are there a lot of experimental equipment?"

Qin Hu was excited.

"A lot of experimental equipment? Great, we can finally complete the task."

"Hahaha, good news, it really is great news."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that the Lord of Tianmen is nothing more than that. He has done so many nasty things in secret, and he can't compare to us aliens, who act openly and aboveboard!"

"All in all, it's really great, praise the great His Highness Zane."

"Yes, praise the great His Highness Zane."

The few people around Qin Hu had just finished speaking, and when they heard one of their partners praising His Highness Zane, they all praised him enthusiastically.

"Praise the great Zane, your will is supreme."

Qin Hu also looked enthusiastic, and said: "With this laboratory, more human races will be transformed every day, and they can be completely transformed in a few days."


The excitement on Chief Liu's face stopped abruptly, he stood where he was, opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, but seemed to find that he didn't know how to speak.

"what happened?"

Qin Hu frowned.

"My lord, it's actually a training room with no experimental equipment..."

Chief Liu faltered.

"What? Is this laboratory a culture room?"

Qin Hu's expression changed immediately, and the other aliens rushed over directly, grabbed Section Chief Liu by the collar, and lifted Section Chief Liu up.

"Damn it, old man, how dare you entertain us? Are you tired of living? Looking for some excitement? Okay, okay, I'll kill you now!"


A stench of stench came from the mouth, and Section Chief Liu trembled with fright, terrified, his face turned pale in a flash, and he was about to be scared to death when he breathed in. .

"No... no... really no... I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Chief Liu stretched his neck and struggled.

Alien races fused with the power of the blood of the orcs will show the phenomenon of blood suppression like the orcs. The foreign races fused with the power of the blood of the high-level orcs will naturally have a strong suppression of the orcs fused with the power of the lower blood.

Nowadays, Tianmen is madly transforming the human race, and the demand for the blood power of the beast race has increased sharply, but Tianmen is temporarily unable to obtain more advanced blood power, so most of the transformed human races are fused with low-level blood.

Section Chief Liu is no longer a young man with limited potential. The power of the fusion blood is naturally the lowest level. Alien races are created by big families and are fused with extremely high-level bloodlines!
When Section Chief Liu finished speaking, he started to roll his eyes, feeling like he was going to die.

"Okay, let him go."

Qin Hu said calmly.

That alien didn't listen well, and threw Section Chief Liu onto a pile of concrete rubble beside him. Section Chief Liu's expression was distorted, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Tell me, what did you find?"

Qin Hu looked down at Chief Liu.

"A lot of... hiss... culture fluid..."

Section Chief Liu struggled for a while, trembling with pain, gasped, took a few deep breaths, and when his injuries quickly recovered, he stood up and said, "My lord, there are a lot of culture fluid in it, and there are a lot of glass tanks. , cultivated a large number of dragon embryos, and even many dragon eggs that have mysteriously died, piles of them, it is impossible to measure!"

"There are still many core technologies, such as some crucial core technologies of God's creation. No wonder I didn't find the core technology of God's creation in other laboratories. They are all here. Sir, if the process of God's creation does not have the support of this technology , It can’t be done at all, it seems that the master of Tianmen has been controlling behind this, it’s really incredible.”

As a scientific researcher, Section Chief Liu couldn't help showing a trace of fanaticism at the moment. If he hadn't been injured, he would probably be even more excited.

"Section Chief Liu..."

Qin Hu frowned, a little annoyed, and said, "These dragons are traitors. I'm afraid those dragon eggs were killed by His Royal Highness Zane. Could it be that you still want to go against the grain and try to create a dragon? Do you know what you're talking about?"

"court death!"

The expressions of the other aliens couldn't help turning ugly, and they wanted to kill Section Chief Liu.

"My lord, forgive me, my lord, forgive me..."

Chief Liu's scalp was numb and he was trembling all over, and said: "Praise the great His Highness Zane, the little one will obey any of His Highness Zane's will, His Highness Zane's will is above everything else, above my life what!"

(End of this chapter)

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