Chapter 127

In the next ten days, Zhang Yuan successfully catalyzed the spiritual veins in other places, leaving only the center of the prairie that had not yet catalyzed the spiritual veins.

The reason why it took so much time was not expected by Zhang Yuan. He thought it would be very easy, but things gradually became unexpected.

The price is too high!
When I catalyzed the first place, I just felt a little tired.

The second place is not bad, passable, a little heavy on the head.

In this way, at the third place, the fourth place, and the fifth catalysis, Zhang Yuan was so tired that his head was dizzy, as if it was going to burst, and he rested for a long time before he barely recovered.

The sixth catalysis, I was so tired that I had to rest for nearly two days.

For the seventh catalysis, I rested for about four days, and for the eighth catalysis, I took a five-day rest.

However, five days have passed, and it has not been relieved, and there are still some sequelae.

My head was groggy, and I obviously had a lot of strength in my body, but I still felt very strenuous.

"what 's wrong?"

Zhang Yuan muttered to himself, a little scared, and almost didn't want to catalyze the spiritual vein.

Even a fool would know that something is wrong, there must be something wrong!
But what is the specific problem, Zhang Yuan is not clear at all, his eyes are blind, he opened the plug-in too hard, and as a result, he suppressed the power of his blood, so the talent has not been awakened, and naturally it cannot be passed on. I remember, I am ignorant of many things, I don't understand...


Zhang Yuan took a deep breath and couldn't continue. If things went on like this for a long time, wouldn't he become an illiterate among the orcs?
Although there are some illiterates in the orc clan, who can't even say a nice word, but these illiterates have blood inheritance memory!

However, he has no awakening talent, no inheritance, and his current strength is entirely obtained by his own hard work, not by external things at all.

So, this also caused a very embarrassing thing.

He became an illiterate!
It was purely because of good luck that the strange object of heaven and earth "Xiaoaodi" was discovered in the first place.

If Zhang Yuan had been a little more noble, and hadn't been ashamed to ask, he didn't know that there would be such a ghostly thing as the wonders of heaven and earth, and he wouldn't even think about seizing the wonders of heaven and earth...

Therefore, knowledge is very important.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, what if I find the treasure in the future, I don't know what to do? And I have a problem now, obviously I am very powerful..."

Zhang Yuan fell into deep thought, hesitating, should he ask other lackeys?


He is no longer a simple king. In terms of character, he must always remain tall, and this is a weakness. How can he say it?

Although the running dogs are very obedient, but this will have an impact on the image!

"Your Majesty, are you alright?"

Shi Ji said cautiously, her expression was a little fanatical and a little worried.

Catalyze a large number of spiritual veins, seize the creation of heaven and earth, and devour the energy of the universe...

These things were so unbelievable that she could hardly imagine them.

Now a circle of spiritual energy has been formed around the prairie, and the spiritual veins in eight directions are echoing in the distance. Under the guidance of the terrain, countless spiritual energy is surging and boiling, mighty and mighty, comparable to the concentration of spiritual energy that is fully recovered and erupted, and even, It's unbelievable to go beyond that.

You're only a few minutes away from the central hub of the Prairie!

At that time, it is conceivable that the entire prairie will usher in a crazy transformation. Not only will the background of countless beast races be crazily improved, but more importantly, the prairie will form a very special area.

This will be a holy place!
Even a pig can become a strong person. The starting point is at least the third level of transformation. With a little hard work, one can step into the extraordinary realm.

Although the prairie is still in this world, it is detached from the world.

It is very different from the outside world.

Shi Ji couldn't help having an idea, she wanted to enter the prairie.

Not just her, but the entire stone scorpion clan.

At that time, even if she doesn't do anything, her strength will increase rapidly.

What's more, Shiji was shocked to discover one thing, the land of the prairie was slowly expanding, but it didn't affect the outside world.

In this way, the resource problem caused by the rapid increase in the strength of the orcs will be perfectly solved, and the area will expand, and the resources will also increase accordingly. The possibility of her stone scorpion clan entering the prairie is still very high.


Shiji has her own inheritance, and at the same time, she has received many legacy from her predecessors, and knows many things, but even though she looked through all her memories, she couldn't find any relevant traces, so she could only guess secretly.

However, as long as you think about it for a while, you will understand that it is completely natural that she "can't figure it out", and it is reasonable, so there is no need to worry about it.

If she can guess what the boss does, can he still be called a boss?

The strength of the big boss is unimaginable, but it is something that a little girl can guess, just do things honestly, do more and ask less, that is the kingly way.

Although I really want my ethnic group to enter the prairie, but now is obviously not the best time to mention this. If I say so, I may be severely beaten!

After a few days, the boss seems to be getting more and more tired, and he needs to take a rest every time he does it, and the rest time is getting longer and longer, something is wrong...

Shi Ji was a little worried, probably because what he was doing now required an extremely heavy price. After all, what he was doing now was unprecedented.

However, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of just in case.

If something goes wrong with the boss, wouldn't she be left alone?
Those very fierce generals under the boss will never let her go, and the stone scorpion clan will also be finished, even though this matter has nothing to do with her...

"I've done too much, and I'm a little tired."

Zhang Yuan let out a long sigh, paused, and said, "It takes a lot of effort to catalyze the spiritual veins. Next, I'm afraid I'll be in a deep sleep for a while."

"Ah? How could it serious..."

Shi Ji was taken aback, the boss really paid a very terrible price!

However, it might be a bit scary to actually have to sleep to recover.

"Nonsense, do you think it's really that simple?" Zhang Yuan glanced at Shi Ji unhappily, and suddenly wanted to beat her to vent his anger, but he felt that he couldn't lift his strength up and down, so he could only stare at Shi Ji. Rocky.


Shi Ji didn't dare to speak anymore, the boss was not easy to provoke, and she didn't dare to provoke him.

"Okay, get ready, I will do it again, when the nine spiritual veins will converge on the prairie, under the influence of spiritual energy, the general situation of the world will undergo mysterious changes, and this side of the world will also be blocked, even if the human race dares to appear , There is no way to take the prairie." Zhang Yuandao, patted Shiji.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Shiji's eyes lit up.

As long as it happens again, the prairie can be transformed, it is really great...

(End of this chapter)

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