My cheating is too hard

Chapter 128 The last time: the sky is broken

Chapter 128 The Last Time: The Sky Is Broken

Boom - boom - boom

Different from the calm and calm before, Zhang Yuan erupted with an incomparably violent aura, mighty and mighty, as if an ancient god had traveled through the long river of time and space from an unknown era and came to this world... …

As soon as it appeared, the boundless coercion enveloped the world.

The earth shook, cracked, and overwhelmed, it sank hundreds of meters out of thin air.

With Zhang Yuan as the center, the earth is sinking, and the sky and the earth are roaring crazily.

He walked in the air, and the golden light bloomed from his body, and it became more and more intense.

"Heaven and earth obey orders!"


Zhang Yuan looked up to the sky and roared, the roar was deafening, the sound seemed to contain some kind of magical power, and suddenly disappeared, entering some kind of mysterious realm.

This is the world of Command Prairie!
The master of the restricted area can control the power of heaven and earth, but the power of heaven and earth held by even the top master of the restricted area is limited, it can be said that it is insignificant, compared to the vast and boundless power of heaven and earth, it is pitifully insignificant.

Today, Zhang Yuan directly commands the power of heaven and earth, which is simply beyond imagination.

It seems that this Fang Tiandi is his son, and he is Tiandi's father.

"I'm coming!"

Shi Ji was so excited that he looked at the sky excitedly without blinking his eyes.


A torrent of spiritual energy surged from the area of ​​the spiritual veins, and the spiritual energy that had almost turned into substance was visible to the naked eye, full of vitality, and could be broken through just by smelling it.

Countless orcs were alarmed, feeling the boundless and terrifying coercion, and they all lay down on the ground, trembling, with a trace of awe in their eyes, and then they fell down frantically and kowtowed their heads.

"Shi Ji, today, this king will let you see what is called supernatural workmanship."

Zhang Yuan's face is full of indifference, and the golden hair, which is as soft as silk and satin, blooms gorgeous colors under the backdrop of countless auras.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Shiji was so crazy that she wanted to shout: Your Majesty, you are so awesome!

Bigger changes appeared, the sky was changing, the clouds were tumbling crazily, and the thunder roared, as if something was about to enter this world from the universe, and the invisible and colorless coercion became heavier and heavier.


A golden beam of light erupted from Zhang Yuan's body, rushing into the sky in an instant.

The sky and the earth shook violently, and the spiritual energy rolled and roared. Amidst the roars, in the depths of the sky, the sky and the earth suddenly shattered, and a pothole quietly appeared, and the light from the starry sky world hung down from it.

"This this…………"

Shi Ji was so frightened that he looked up at the starry world that appeared in the sky.

I was so frightened that my head buzzed, as if I was about to be frightened, and my speech became stuttering, and an inexplicable sense of horror quietly grew in my heart.

God, broken!

When one of the barriers is lost, the energy from the universe will crazily erode this world. At that time, no living being can escape this disaster!

Even though this gap is relatively small, the creatures of the prairie absolutely cannot escape.

The gap was right on top of her head, and she was the first to bear the brunt. She would definitely die...

At the same time, an inexplicable sense of horror pervades the hearts of countless prairie creatures. Although many of them have just awakened their wisdom, or are still ignorant, they are all scared.

The most courageous ones would be trembling with fright at most, but those timid creatures would be so frightened that they would shit and pee, and even burp directly.


Feng Yi and Feng Er were really alarmed this time, they turned into two white streamers flying from the sky and landed beside Shi Ji, their eyes were terrified.

"Shiji, why did the sky break, what happened? What did the king do..."

"The sky is broken, it's over, the energy of the universe is mottled, as long as you don't step into those legendary realms, you will definitely die if you touch the energy of the universe..."

Feng Yi and Feng Er saw the king in the sky, but they still couldn't help being frightened. Although they knew that the king was very powerful and were constantly transforming the prairie recently, it was impossible to step into that realm.

"Don't...don't ask...I...I don't know either!"

Shi Ji was so shocked that she wanted to cry, but she felt that Feng Yi and Feng Er wanted to kill her, but she really didn't know what happened.

The boss just yelled, and then the sky was pierced with a big hole...


Da Gouzi and Er Gouzi wailed and appeared beside Shi Ji.

Although it was very strange for Shi Ji to appear, they just took a look at Feng Yi and Feng Er before they landed. They had no intention of saying hello at all, but with their tails between their legs, trembling all over, and their bodies were still wet.

They had just come out of the underground river, and they saw the sky shattered at a glance. They were so frightened that they almost fled the prairie, but in the end they didn't leave, but came here, and then they saw the king at a glance...

Although my heart was full of panic at the moment, I still forcibly restrained it.

"Your Majesty..."

Daji, who was cultivating in the hell world, also appeared at this moment.

"Shiji, what's the matter?"

Daji asked, although she was cultivating in the world of hell, she knew what happened recently, just because her cultivation has reached a critical moment, and the world has changed drastically, and her aura has increased, so she wants to take the opportunity to break through...

However, I didn't expect that such a terrible scene would be staged.

"I do not know……"

Shi Ji said again, almost collapsed, she might really be beaten to death.


Howling winds, flying sand and rocks, the energy tide from the universe falls crazily, blooming brilliant light, the space distorts, the magnetic field collapses, the world seems to lack a dam with a hole, facing the endless flood from the depths of the universe, no longer There was no way to stop the pouring of the flood.

At the moment when it was about to descend into the world, the torrent of energy suddenly changed.

It turned into an endless torrent of aura, nourishing everything in the world.

The terrible crisis has become a precious resource in an instant!

"Good baby..."

Er Gouzi's eyes lit up, and he opened his mouth to swallow the torrent of spiritual energy.

Other beast races are also ready to move, this torrent of spiritual energy is so pure that there is no trace of impurities, it can be absorbed directly without any impact.

Da Gouzi, Feng Yi, Feng Er, and Daji moved and absorbed them.

The breath on the body is getting stronger and stronger.

"Forget it, I want it too!!"

Shi Ji gritted his teeth and simply ignored it.

He opened his mouth and began to swallow the spiritual energy.

This torrent of spiritual energy is endless, even though countless beast races on the prairie are absorbing spiritual energy at this moment, the amount swallowed is just a drop in the bucket, which is insignificant, and more spiritual energy is overflowing into the heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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