My cheating is too hard

Chapter 142 Scared the Insects to Death

Chapter 142 Scared the Insects to Death
Not long after we separated, the prairie has already transcended this world, especially when he thought that the star under his feet was transformed from a fragment of the core of the Emperor Star, which made Klauer extremely excited when he was panicked.

Boss, worthy of being a boss!

This is not something God Realm can do!

Klauer was amazed. Thinking of the horror of the boss, he suddenly felt a little too unsteady. Since the boss is so powerful, he must have been planning for a long time. Isn't it easy to dig a space?

Great layout!

"But, how did I get in? If the eldest brother is willing to guide me, wouldn't it be easy for me to surpass my original achievements? Thinking about it, I'm really excited..."

Claure was worried, he couldn't get into the prairie at all.

Visible but intangible, the prairie is no longer in the same time and space as him.

If he was still a god, relying on the power of the god, there might be a slight chance to enter the prairie, but now he absolutely cannot enter.


At this moment, the dreamlike prairie suddenly set off waves.

An extremely familiar figure appeared in Klauer's sight.

"Stone Rock!"

Klauer appeared and looked at Shi Ji in front of him. He didn't expect that after such a short period of time, the other party had already stepped into the realm of the extraordinary third heaven.

Of course, this small realm is not worthy of Crower's seriousness.

He was just a little surprised. You know, this is an extremely barren area. Shiji's breakthrough so quickly may have something to do with the prairie.

"His Royal Highness Zane..."

As soon as Shiji came out of the prairie, he was shocked by Klauer's sudden appearance. He hurriedly looked around and found that there were no enemies.

Scared the insects to death!

Now Claure has been tricked, and sooner or later he will provoke the human army!
If the human army suddenly appeared here, wouldn't she be finished? !

However, at the moment, it seems that the human army has not yet attacked Claure.

something's wrong... something's wrong...

Shi Ji was in a state of shock and panic, inexplicably flustered.

It has been a while since Klauer captured the Tianmen, and she has also successfully stepped into the third heaven of the extraordinary. There is no reason why the human army has not come to take revenge. This is completely inconsistent with the character of the human race.

Besides, Tianmen is extremely important, it is a checkpoint for the human race to prevent the orc race from going north!
If the head of the high-level human race was not kicked by a donkey, it was accumulating even more terrifying power, ready to kill Klauer directly.

A more terrifying power...

Just thinking about it makes me shudder...

Bao Buqi appeared suddenly, and then slapped her to death with his paw.

"Made, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have come out. Why did I have to come out?"

"I'm really cheap!"

Shi Ji secretly scolded himself for being stupid and despicable, and was going to find an opportunity to escape.

"Hmph, why are you panicking?"

Klauer snorted coldly.

"No, nothing..."

Shi Ji hurriedly shook his head, and said, "Did His Highness Zane come to look for the King?"

"Yes, this seat has successfully captured Tianmen, transformed tens of millions of human races into alien races, and slaughtered millions of human races, and those high-level human races and families were all killed by this king, and the core treasure of the Tianmen Black Tower was captured by this seat. It's a pity The Lord of the Tianmen has already escaped, but it is estimated that he is almost dead by now."

Klauer said proudly.

But Shiji was so frightened that his heart trembled. Every time he heard what Klauer did, he couldn't help trembling. After hearing that the Lord of the Heavenly Gate escaped successfully, he couldn't help but shivered in fright. It's so fierce.

Snatching treasures, transforming the human race, massacring the human race, and letting the Lord of the Heavenly Gate escape...

Looking at Klauer, Shi Ji's eyes, unknowingly, changed.

You're doomed, damn it, you're definitely doomed this time...

No matter how powerful the king is, no matter how much he makes the people feel a great threat, the interests of the people have never been touched, and the bottom line has not been touched.

But you have done so many things.

One pile, one piece, bloody, this is a challenge to the human race!
Moreover, you, you actually let people escape, are you so stupid?

Wait for the human army to clean you up!
"Your Majesty is so witty. As long as Claure is around, the human race will focus on Claure. When we successfully develop, we can easily kill the human race, dominate one side, and be free and unrestrained."

When Shi Ji thought about it, his admiration for Zhang Yuan was out of control.

"By the way, I don't know if the king has been exposed, what if he is exposed?"

"Claure can't die..."

Shi Ji was extremely witty, and when he thought of this level, he immediately panicked.

Seeing Shi Ji's eyes change and change again, Claude was suddenly upset.

What was that look just now?
It seems to say: You are mentally retarded, you are dead, you are dead.


Claure snorted coldly, exuding a strong aura, and the coercion swept over, and Shiji was so suppressed that he fell to the ground with a plop, unable to move.


Shi Ji was stunned immediately, stuttering and saying, "Zan... Your Highness Zane... What are you doing..."

"Shiji, are you hiding something from me? I found out that something was wrong with you from the very beginning, and said, do you know some secrets?!"

Klauer snorted coldly.

"no no……"

Shiji was terrified, how did Crower know?

Claure continued to suppress, saying: "You can continue to quibble, but you have to remember that every word you say will determine what you will encounter next. The elder brother of this seat is your king. This seat can be regarded as your second king, if you dare to deceive this seat, you are seeking your own death!"

With that said, the coercion became even worse.

Shi Ji was trembling crazily, and the stone skeleton let out an overwhelmed groan, clicking and clicking, as if it would collapse at any moment.

"This this…………"

Shiji was dumbfounded.

This is such a disaster!

"Your Highness Zane, the little one really doesn't know. The little one was just afraid that the human race would come here. You really don't know. The human race is very powerful, but you have done so many things that are harmful to the human race. It would be an unimaginable disaster to suffer strong revenge from the human race..."

Shi Ji wanted to cry but had no tears, but he still told the truth.

Klauer is now being pitted to death by the king. He has done so many terrible things, and the sins are too deep. It is impossible to jump out of this pit.


Claure snorted coldly, knowing that Shi Ji had told the truth, he withdrew his coercion, and said: "I think you know something, it turns out that you are afraid of the strength of the human race. How can the small human race take revenge on me? I wish that the human race would come to take revenge on me immediately. At that time, I will kill them to pieces. Keep."

(End of this chapter)

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