My cheating is too hard

Chapter 143 Stone Carving Eyes Containing 1 Origin of Emperor Star

Chapter 143 The Stone Carved Eyes Containing a Trace of the Origin of the Emperor Star
"Yes Yes Yes……"

Shi Ji resolutely confessed, shouting that the boss is cheating, he deserves to be a little expert at killing people.

He didn't even know he was sold, but he was still complacent. As expected of a clever old monster, he lived too long and got Alzheimer's directly.

"However, you are right. What I have done may indeed be arrogant. Although I am powerful, I am no match for two fists."

Claure muttered, his eyes lit up, and said: "When I return, I will send out those alien races. At that time, I will start from various aspects and erode the city of the human race. Presumably those alien races will also be happy to do these things that damage the interests of the human race."

"The second king is mighty!"

Shi Ji shouted loudly, and almost lay down on the ground and clapped his paws.

"Cheating, cheating, thinking that I didn't die fast enough, it's really audacious..."

Shi Ji was amazed in her heart, she now firmly believes that if a certain person wants to die, no matter how he tries to intercept it, he will succeed in killing him in the end!


Claure smiled softly. It is naturally impossible for him to express his true thoughts. The strength of the human race is indeed very strong, but behind him stands a real boss: an immortal god.

There is a big man standing behind him, so naturally he is not afraid, he is fearless.

This time, I came here just to meet the boss, and hope that the boss can give me some pointers. By then, I will be more sure of overthrowing the human race.

However, intricate misunderstandings will lead to unpredictable results.

Seeing that Klauer spoke so arrogantly and domineeringly, Shi Ji thought that Klauer was really so arrogant, but he didn't know that Klauer was actually very afraid of the human race.

After making a crazy compliment, Shi Ji planned to say goodbye and leave.

Before leaving, don't forget to praise.

"I wish His Royal Highness Zane great success, destroy the human race, and achieve the immortal throne."

"Hold on."

Claure coughed a few times and stopped Shi Ji. The human army might be coming soon. He needed to meet his elder brother, learn from him, and make plans early.

However, after stopping Shi Ji, Claure didn't know what to say. After all, Shi Ji had already been touted as omnipotent.

In the final analysis, it is still a matter of face!
"Your Highness Zane, what else is there?" Shi Ji blinked his eyes a few times.

Claure snorted coldly, only to realize that he had fallen into Shiji's trick.

Unknowingly turned a corner.

As soon as he came here, he already stated his purpose!

Wave your hand.

"Okay, Shiji, I'm here this time, to meet my elder brother!"


Shi Ji hesitated, and said: "The king has already fallen into a deep sleep, His Highness Zane is afraid that he won't be able to see the king, why don't His Highness Zane come over after the king wakes up?"

"Big brother actually fell asleep? Is it because of controlling the prairie?"

Klauer pondered.

"Yes, yes, His Highness Zane is really knowledgeable. The king rearranged the prairie and lost too much mind, so he fell into a deep sleep."

Shi Ji nodded. In fact, she was also guessing wildly, because she had never seen such a thing before. When she heard what Klauer said, she immediately felt that it made sense, so she nodded hastily, and crazily praised Klauer.

"In that case, forget it."

Klauer shook his head, waved his hand and said, "Go, I'm going back too."

After all, Crower planned to go back.

However, I always feel a little worried.

Now that Shi Ji said so, he also found that he might have underestimated the reaction of the human race.

But he also has confidence, at most he has to pay some price.

"His Royal Highness Zane, wait a moment, I'll go to the prairie to get a little thing."

Shi Ji suddenly said, and then regretted it, and secretly scolded himself for meddling in his own business.

"small thing?"

Klauer wondered.

"Yes, you wait here for a while, I'll be back soon."

Shiji nodded.


Claure glanced at Shiji with great interest, and finally nodded.

To be honest, what can a small Zerg deserve his attention?

no more...

Klauer fell into deep thought. The Zerg race existed in the Emperor Star Era, surpassing any other ethnic group in number, but the talent potential is too low, and it is limited by the mother body, so it is destined not to be a big deal.

In the era of the starry sky world, although the Zerg race had also developed to a certain scale, it soon fell again and was beaten to the ground.


This is Klauer's view on the Zerg, and it is also the view of many ancient great beings on the Zerg. This is a race that cannot be put on the table.

After not thinking for a long time, Shiji came back and brought something to Klauer.

"what is this?"

Klauer wondered, just about to laugh at Shi Ji, but the next moment he stared blankly at the thing in front of him, a hint of surprise flashed away in his eyes.

"Heaven and earth wonders?"

Claure said in surprise, this is a moss-covered, ordinary-looking broken stone sculpture, mottled, with only one eye left.

However, Klauer saw a trace of breath from the source.

This trace of original breath immediately caused waves in Klauer's heart.

This aura seems to come from the ancient emperor star era, but this kind of strange treasure did not exist in that era, and only quietly appeared now.

Originally, Klauer only guessed that this world was transformed by a core fragment of Emperor Star.

I am more convinced now.

This world was evolved from the core fragments of the Emperor Star!
Emperor Star is recovering!

"Yes, a wonder of heaven and earth, in fact, may not be a simple wonder of heaven and earth. In short, His Highness Zane can throw this wonder of heaven and earth when he encounters a crisis. At that time, I hope it can help His Highness Zane .”

Shiji was vague, obviously hiding something.

In fact, after taking out the carved stone eyes, she immediately regretted it.

Originally, this carved stone eye pupil was placed on the King's Rock, but for some reason, it suddenly flew out of the King's Rock one day and hit Shi Ji on top of Shi Ji's head. Shi Ji didn't think much about it, and she couldn't get up. King's Rock, because the top and bottom of King's Rock have been tightly blocked.

Seeing that the carved stone eyes were still useful, Shi Ji hid the carved stone eyes.

Now that she gave Klauer the carved eyes, Shi Ji sighed inwardly, feeling a little helpless.

She can't do nothing.

Claure is dead, what about the prairie?
Although the prairie is completely different now, what should I do if the human race really enters the prairie?
So, Klauer can't die!

He must be alive to attract the attention of the human race!
However, what makes Shiji regret is not only that she may face the king's sling, but more importantly, she may have trusted Crower too much.

What if Klauer catches her and wants to ask her what happened?
This secret is of great importance!
Shi Ji looked at Klauer warily, and his heart suddenly became tense.

"In that case, I will go back."

Claure looked at Shiji meaningfully, and didn't ask any questions. Instead, he laughed a few times, turned around and left with stone-carved eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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