My cheating is too hard

Chapter 149 is imminent

Chapter 149 is imminent
Feng Yi, Feng Er, Da Ji, and Er Lianzi all felt that something was wrong.

These two dogs do this kind of thing without saying a word, and they seem to be addicted...

I've heard of comparisons, but I've never heard of a prodigal being used as a comparison!

Moreover, since they are commanders, they naturally have some lackeys under their command!

Now look at yourself eagerly!

If not, it will have a strong impact on the image!
Although it doesn't matter for a while, I am afraid that I will be gossiped.

After a long time, it will leave a bad image for the lackeys!

At that time, will there still be lackeys coming?
Not anymore.

"Little ones, you too!"

In desperation, Feng Yi, Feng Er, Daji, and Er Lengzi had no choice but to follow Er Gouzi's words, gritted their teeth, and temporarily took advantage of these lackeys.


"Long live!"

The lackeys were overjoyed and extremely excited, wishing they could rush over and give the leaders a couple of kisses to express their gratitude.

"Hahaha, well, little ones, there is no need to be like this, the commander loves you."

Er Gouzi laughed loudly, stood in front of the lackeys, stretched out the dog's head at 45 degrees to the sky, and attracted countless lackeys to cast admiring gazes.

"Long live Er Gouzi Commander!"

The bull demon roared at the right time, and the lackeys beside him roared, and more and more lackeys also roared.

"Long live Er Gouzi Commander!"

"Long live!"

"Long live the Commander!"

A group of lackeys worshiped one after another, their hearts were very bright, and they knew what was going on, so they followed the roar of the beasts, trampled on the ground, and catered to them.


Er Gouzi snorted slightly, and gave the Bull Demon a look of "I am very optimistic about you", and then laughed, enjoying the worship of the lackeys.

Niu Mo is indeed a beast talent, no wonder he can get the name bestowed by the king, he looks like a beast, calm and composed, but the sudden kneeling and licking is earth-shattering, there is a mysterious charm in it...

All in all, just one word: cool!


Big Gouzi gritted his teeth, wishing he could slap his younger brother away.


Feng Yi and Feng Er didn't speak, but their eyes immediately became very bad.


Seeing this, the second stunned man jumped into a rage, and the power of thunder shone all over his body.

He had never seen such a brazen person, so fucking shameless.

Daji was fine, she kept her posture.

Shi Ji kept silent, and secretly asked his subordinates to secretly move his share over, and then moved them back.

She doesn't have any lackeys herself, and some of them are her own people.

Although Ergouzi was the first to propose so much flesh and blood this time, the other orcs did not object. Although they were a little upset, they still recognized it with their noses open!

According to Shiji, Claure, who is far away from Tianmen, will usher in a terrible disaster, and the reason why Claure will capture Tianmen is that there is a king's instigation behind him!

In case Claure is defeated by the human army, the prairie will definitely bear the brunt.

At that time, the eyes of the human race will probably be on the prairie.

In any case, the overall strength of the prairie orcs must be quickly improved.

The most important thing is to create a large number of extraordinary creatures, the more the better.

Only in this way can we calmly face the army of the human race, and even fight back when the army of the human race attacks to suppress the human race!
In a short period of time, it is impossible to improve again. Whether it is a second dog or a second fool, everyone knows this clearly and understands it very well.

Therefore, more than [-]% of the extraordinary creatures hunted this time were distributed.

All that was left for Er Gouzi and the others was a millipede and a few extraordinary creatures, which were quickly scraped off and devoured on the spot.

There are not many, so it is better than nothing. Fortunately, the millipedes are already at the Celestial Realm, and they have a lot of flesh and blood life essence, which can be regarded as a small surprise.

After devouring the life essence of this batch of underground river creatures, plus what they swallowed before, the potential value of the prairie beast race will be very high, and it will not take long to easily create a large number of extraordinary creatures.

Although the concentration of spiritual energy in the prairie is already very high, even surpassing the concentration of spiritual energy when the recovery of spiritual energy fully erupts, even a pig can become a strong person, but if the current situation of the beast race in the prairie is considered, the potential is slightly weaker. Insufficient, it will undoubtedly take a long time to become stronger.

Only by increasing your potential can you speed up your cultivation.

Swallowing the flesh and blood of the creatures in the underground river is undoubtedly the best way to increase the potential at present. While devouring the life essence of the flesh and blood, at the same time devouring the spiritual energy, the combination of two can even exert excellent effects.



After eating their share, Er Gouzi and the others looked at Shiji, as if saying, "Why don't you understand, little brother".


Shi Ji was terrified by the sight, and said, "Don't act recklessly, my Stone Scorpion clan is a large army, and when the time comes to fight against the Human Race army, my Stone Scorpion clan will be the main force. I choose to share with you equally, which is already giving you a lot of face."

"Okay, okay, I'm not Er Gouzi."

The second fool waved his paws and said, "Since you've finished eating, let's do it again. You're in a hurry and can't wait."

"Yes, hurry up! Do it again, make it bigger, make it more."

Er Gouzi said, and then said to Er Lengzi: "Also, this time I won't help this licking dog, we will just watch and let him be beaten to death."


Er Lengzi's face became unhappy, this dog has been against him.

"What? Not convinced?"

Er Gouzi laughed out loud immediately, looked around, and found that the leopard and bull demon had gone back, shook his head, a little dull.

"It's boring, there is no 666, it's boring to fight, and it doesn't feel like it."

Er Gouzi smacked his mouth a few times, and couldn't help heaving a long sigh.

Invincible loneliness!
The licking dogs all went back, and there was no point in continuing to slap them in the face.


The second stupefied roared, groaned, and rushed forward.

"Ouch! Licking the dog, how dare you hit me, you're looking for death!"

Er Gouzi yelped in pain, reacted, and opened his mouth to bite.


"You dare to bite me, you are dead, Er Gouzi, you are fucking dead."


"Uncle bite you to death, bite! bite!"


Under a series of speechless gazes, Er Gouzi and Er Lengzi fought.

Feeling full and warm, that's about it.


Time passed little by little, and as they continued to devour the life essence of the creatures in the underground river, the overall strength of the prairie beast clan became stronger and stronger.

The number of extraordinary creatures is increasing. As long as the creatures with good talents are awakened, almost all of them have stepped into the extraordinary level, and their strength is extraordinary.

Taking bull demons and leopards as examples, they have already reached the level of the second heaven!

It was another day of fishing for underground river creatures.

This time, there were no subterranean creatures above the extraordinary, but more extraordinary ones and two soaring creatures. They looked the same and came from the same race!
Great training!
The strength of the prairie orcs has improved, but their fighting skills still need to be improved.

This time, a large number of low-level extraordinary creatures were attracted to appear, the purpose is to let the orcs of the prairie fight to their heart's content and improve their combat capabilities.


Er Gouzi climbed up and shouted, and all the lackeys behind him rushed up.

At the same time, the orcs under the command of the other commanders also rushed forward.


Roaring sounds one after another, and the sound of fighting continued, shattering the sky.

A few Orcs fell, but many more ripped apart their opponents.

Er Gouzi and the others didn't have much joy on their faces, but rather heavy.

Time is getting tighter.

The human army is imminent!
(End of this chapter)

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