My cheating is too hard

Chapter 150 No. 3 and Chief Liu

Chapter 150 No. 3 and Chief Liu

Weeds are lush and lush.

There were bursts of beast roars, echoing in the boundless blue sky.

The two figures were leaving here in a hurry, looking panicked.

"Number 3, where are you going? This is not the destination we are going to, is it? You must not mess around, His Highness Zane ordered us to go to the gathering place of the human race to destroy, but you see Is it possible that this place looks like a human city? Further forward is the territory of those orcs..."

Chief Liu was out of breath. After running for so long, he almost lay down.

Not long ago, the master of Tianmen, His Highness Zane issued an order to all alien races: Go to the human city and wreak havoc!

Whether you like it or not, His Royal Highness Zane expelled all the alien races a day ago. Tens of millions of alien races left Tianmen and went to the human race area.

It is conceivable that no matter what, tens of millions of alien races will have a terrible impact on the human race.

After all, no matter whether the alien race is willing to confront the human race or not, it is absolutely impossible for the human race to ignore the existence of the alien race, and will inevitably send troops to suppress it.

In this way, conflict is almost inevitable!

Section Chief Liu is not young anymore. Originally, he didn't want to leave Tianmen. After all, Tianmen is full of alien races and lives relatively comfortably.

But, there is no way, he has been evicted.

And his companion is No. 3 who he rescued from the laboratory.

Before, he tried to restore No. 3's memory, so he experimented with other clones. Unfortunately, his experiment failed. The nutrition warehouse was too complicated, and all the clones died due to various accidents.

In the end, Section Chief Liu successfully released No. 3 from the nutrition warehouse.

The next step was to restore the memory. As a result, Section Chief Liu not only failed, but also made No. 3 half dead and dying. He was dumbfounded on the spot.

A dead horse acts as a living horse doctor, and he transformed No. 3 into a foreign race, only to save No. 3's life.

And from that day on, No. 3 became his bodyguard, obeying his words.

In the next period of time, Section Chief Liu finally enjoyed what is delicious, comfortable, and everyone respected him.

Not for anything else, just because No. 3 is obedient to him, very obedient!

Although the orc blood fused with No. 3 is not strong, it is an ordinary orc.

However, No. 3 is a clone that Tianmen paid a great price to research after all, and it is also the confidant of the previous Lord of Tianmen!

Natural foundation is good, potential is strong!

Once transformed, he immediately stepped into the extraordinary realm and became a strong one.

Although there are many alien races in Tianmen, there are still relatively few alien races in the extraordinary realm, so No. 3 quickly became the leader of one alien race.

It is conceivable how comfortable Liu Kechang is with his back against the mountain.

Even Qin Hu didn't make things difficult for him.

As for other alien races, they dare not embarrass him even more.

It's too late to kneel and lick, and some women even want to make a promise with their bodies.


Section Chief Liu smacked his mouth a few times, the good days are gone.

Glancing at No. 3 who stopped and looked at him, Section Chief Liu closed his mouth.

There seems to be something wrong with No. 3's eyes, did he offend No. 3?

No way……

Inexplicable, a little flustered.

"Number 3, what's wrong with you?"

Section Chief Liu was frightened, and looked around, his heart skipped a beat.

where is he?

"Huh! The great Zane? Come on! This place is far away from the Heavenly Gate, no matter how powerful he is, he will never hear your praise."

Xu Qing's face was livid. The damn Titan actually captured the Tianmen and transformed all the races into alien races. It's really hateful!
During this period of time, he has been suffering from hardships and bearing the burden of humiliation.

In order to perfectly hide himself and avoid the crisis of death, he even had to protect Section Chief Liu, a traitor of the human race, after he woke up.

Even the hatred of being transformed into a foreign race cannot be repaid.

However, now he has finally escaped from Tianmen.

The sea is wide and the fish leaps.

Now, it is finally possible to take revenge.

Xu Qing's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he stared at Section Chief Liu with tyrannical eyes.

"Dear Chief Liu, tell me, how can the little one repay you?"

Xu Qing leaned over.

"You... you... bold... No. 3... what do you want to do?!"

Section Chief Liu was trembling with fright, and said: "Did you forget that I saved you, if it wasn't for me, you would be dead, how could you live so well? Have you forgotten my saving your life?" Is it okay?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Xu Qing laughed out loud, belly laughing, laughing unscrupulously, laughing until tears fell, and after a long time, he straightened up and said: "Yes, that's right, you saved me, I haven't forgotten this, and... not only saved me..."

"How... how..."

Section Chief Liu suddenly changed his face, and suddenly found that No. 3 in front of him exuded an extremely familiar temperament, he was stunned, and his face immediately turned pale.


"You recovered your memory? Xu Qing..."

"Not bad! Actually, you didn't fail, you succeeded, my Section Chief Liu."

Xu Qing let out a breath suddenly, and then grinned grimly. Under Section Chief Liu's horrified gaze, he stretched out his palm and grabbed Section Chief Liu's head.

When he woke up, all his memories were restored.

At that moment, he not only understood that he was a clone, but also knew all the information. Chief Liu did not fail, on the contrary, he had succeeded.

However, Xu Qing couldn't let Section Chief Liu go, not only because Section Chief Liu had hatred with him, but also because this place was far away from Tianmen's sight, so he didn't need to use Section Chief Liu to deceive others.

More importantly, he is going to do a very important event next!
click - click -

Xu Qing exerted himself.

"No, no, no...I saved you...I saved you..."

"Forgive me, I was wrong, I know I was wrong, for the sake of saving you...let me go..."

"Ah...It hurts...Stop...Stop...Your Excellency doesn't care about villains..."

Chief Liu screamed again and again, screaming and desperate, his eyes bulged, and his seven orifices were bleeding.


The next moment, Chief Liu's head exploded, and Xu Qing crushed it to death!
Blood splashed from the headless corpse, gradually staining the ground red.

The air was gradually filled with the smell of blood.

Xu Qing's eyes were red, and his breath was terribly violent. While grinning silently, he panted violently, suppressing the strong killing intent that was constantly erupting.

This is the disadvantage of aliens!

Although his strength has improved, he has also inherited the tyranny from the bloodline of the orcs, and his personality will gradually become extreme, and he may even lose himself.

"Hey...hey...hey...hey...revenge at last...this bastard..."

Xu Qing grinned grimly.

The next moment, the color changed suddenly, and a wave of violent aura was coming from the Tianmen, with a bang, and the sky and the earth shook accordingly.

Looking around, the sky in the distance seems to be dark, and the sky is full of dark clouds.

"The human army..."

Xu Qing's eyes turned red, his whole body trembled, and he roared unwillingly.

(End of this chapter)

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