My cheating is too hard

Chapter 166 The Encounter of Three Monks

Chapter 166 The Encounter of Three Monks

King Rock.

Several beasts met here, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into an awkward situation.

"Huh? Why are you two here?"

The big dog was dumbfounded.

My younger brother Er Gouzi is lost!
You should go find my brother Er Gouzi now!

Is your past friendship all fake? ! !

damn thing!
One thing in front of one's face, one thing behind one's back!
Da Gouzi cursed and cursed in his heart, but he didn't dare to really curse.

I can't beat the two of them alone, so I can only endure it.

"Hehe, what you said, if you can come, why can't I come?"

"That's it! That's it! You're really smarter than a beast!"

Feng Yi and Feng Er sneered again and again, staring at the big dog with contempt in their eyes.


Da Gouzi looked around and couldn't help laughing out of embarrassment.

I thought I could fool other beasts!
Unexpectedly, Feng Yi and Feng Er also found out.

Fortunately, except for the two of them, no other beasts were found.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, did you find out?"

Big Gouzi said awkwardly.

"Nonsense, Er Gouzi disappeared suddenly, without a sound, without any trace. This guy must have done it on purpose, and it happened to coincide with the king waking up. What good things could Er Gouzi do behind his back? You still need me Do you want to continue? That younger brother of yours is really amazing!"

Feng Yi glanced over, feeling a little upset.

What is selling teammates?
This is selling teammates.

"Yes, that is, I really convinced your younger brother. Er Gouzi is too much of a beast. I secretly apologized to the king. Wouldn't it give the king the illusion that we are shameless? That's okay. what?"

Feng Er took the words, and said angrily: "I said, big dog, you really still care about your second dog, it's fine if you cheat on me and big brother, but you are his big brother, but you are his big brother! Don't you want to lose face? I feel bad for you! My face hurts!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Er covered his face with his wings, as if the shameful beast was himself.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Feng Yi also covered his face, shook his head, and said in a strange voice: "Oh shame, shame to see a beast..."


When Da Gouzi heard this, he couldn't help but cursed loudly, and his eyes immediately burst into flames.

I know it's embarrassing, but isn't it a bit cruel for you to mock me like this?


Feng Yi and Feng Er lowered their wings and looked over together.

"You... are right!"

Da Gouzi froze for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said.

He was even more upset with Er Gouzi.

Er Gouzi, a scumbag, saw that the king had woken up, so he didn't come to inform his elder brother. Instead, he quietly went to find the king by himself!

How sinister is the intention?

It's okay to sell teammates, but to actually sell your own eldest brother, it's extremely shameless!
At that time, how will the king view them? ?

It is not difficult to imagine that they are also likely to receive a terrible beating!

But at that time, Er Gouzi was alone, watching from the sidelines, and might even climb on top of them and become their immediate boss!
Especially his big dog, after the comparison with the two dogs, his status in the king's heart may plummet, and finally he will be assigned to a certain corner to regret his life, do nothing, and become the most miserable Xiaoyue Sirius.

But at that time, Er Gouzi reached the sky in one step, making it difficult for him to hold a candle to him.

The more the big dog thought about it, the angrier he became. Er Gouzi is such a fucking dog.

How can you bear it?

Can't stand it!

"Damn! When we find Er Gouzi, we'll beat him up."

Da Gouzi said.

As a younger brother, if you are unkind, don't blame the elder brother for being unrighteous!
This time, his big dog is going to kill his relatives righteously and deny this younger brother.

"it is good!"

Feng Er and Feng Yi looked at each other and nodded, full of interest.

My heart is filled with the thrill of revenge!

Not long ago, they also learned more about the art of time management with Er Gouzi.

In-depth discussion, nine shallow and one deep, each has its own harvest.

Unexpectedly, it's only been a few days, and it's so ruthless!
"Go, you go in first."

Da Gouzi nodded, and suddenly changed the subject, letting Feng Yi and Feng Er advance to Wangwangyan.


Feng Yi and Feng Er looked at each other, and then looked at Da Gouzi like an idiot, without saying a word, quietly watching Da Gouzi pretending to be aggressive.

"Hey, you go in first, why? Are you afraid? If I go in first, if the king thinks you are not good, it will not do you any good."

Da Gouzi coughed, lowered his voice, and reminded him quietly.

"Hurry up, if you go in now, you can still leave a good impression on the king. My younger brother has already gone in, and my wolf clan has left a very good attitude. No matter how you say it, you should be the second to appear there In front of the king? Otherwise, how will you, the bird clan, get along in the future?"

The big dog was serious, and the corner of his eyes inadvertently fell on the towering but quiet Wangwangyan in front of him, and his heart was suddenly pulled together.

A little flustered.

What if after entering, you are suddenly beaten by the king, what should you do?

So far, the only thing left is to find a scapegoat.

As long as he was sure there was no danger, he swore that he would rush forward.

Funny, four legs can't do as well as two legs?
Even if the opponent has wings, so what?
Da Gouzi was triumphant, and was secretly delighted. In terms of wit, he was terrific.


Feng Yi and Feng Er didn't move at all, they looked at the big dog quietly and didn't speak.

The big dog was embarrassed, he gritted his teeth, it seems that he must take a strong medicine!

"What's the matter……"

Da Gouzi suddenly exclaimed, and then put on a look of heartbroken, hating iron but not steel, and I'm all for your good, extremely anxious.

"Made, it seems that IQ is a bit high." Da Gouzi was stunned immediately.

But after thinking about it, this is not difficult to understand. After all, these two birds can see through his plan, so they must be different from ordinary beasts in terms of IQ.

Big Gouzi is worried.

For a while, I'm afraid I won't be able to scare the other party successfully!

Next, no matter how the big dog frightened or manipulated, the two big birds remained motionless, stuck there, as if the whole bird was useless...

"Okay, let's spend it like this!"

The big dog straightened his neck.

No matter what, anyway, he will definitely not be the first to go in!

The ghost knows if he will be beaten up after entering.

If it was only him, perhaps he would grit his teeth and be willing to go inside.

But since there are three beasts here, why should he go by himself?

What if he gets shitted?
Are these two stupid birds cheap for nothing?

The big dog snorted, Mad, let's just waste it like this!

(End of this chapter)

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