My cheating is too hard

Chapter 167 Three monks have no water to drink

Chapter 167 The Three Monks Have No Water To Drink

There is a fairy tale in the human world.

One monk had water to drink, two monks carried water to drink, and three monks had no water to drink.

Similar things happened at the foot of the king's rock without knowing it.

Da Gouzi was lying on the side, out of sight and mind.

Feng Yi and Feng Er stayed aside, watching the big dog quietly together.

Gradually, Da Gouzi was a little panicked.


How are you fat? !

Why are you looking at me like that? !

Could it be that these two stupid birds wanted to get rough when they saw that he didn't go in? !

"Made, don't go too far! I won't be the first to go in!"

The big dog was angry.

"Can you get in?!"

Feng together.

"Don't enter!"

Da Gouzi is very principled.

"Really not going in?!"

Feng Er said.

"Nonsense, I said if I don't go in, I won't go in, what do I love?"

The big dog is angry, can't understand?



Da Gouzi jumped into a rage and said, "If you don't enter, you don't enter! Don't you understand?!"


"Mad, come, come, let's fight!"

Big Gouzi growled, irritated to death.


"What the hell, are you annoying? Really, really, you only know the word bluff, aren't you insane? Come on, have a fight, and the one who loses will go inside to find the way!"

Big Gouzi was so angry that his petulant temper exploded immediately.


"I am coming!"

Feng Yi and Feng Er went up.

To be honest, it was the first time they had seen such a swearing request after growing up so big.

hit him?

Isn't it easy?
Did this dog really think that he alone could beat them both?

Snapped!clap clap!

Working together, one operation is as fierce as a tiger, the sky is shaking, the earth is shaking, and the land is cracking.

Howling wind, flying sand and stone.

Nine Heavens of Ice!
Popsicles, strong winds, scars, and that trace of suppressed unrestrainedness.

The sound of woo woo woo came one after another.

Two points are tactful, three points are bleak, five points are desperate, and the emotions are extremely complicated.

for a long time.


Da Gouzi lost, lying on the ground, crying, crying in despair.

"Made, you two are dishonest, shameless, and extremely shameless."

Big Gouzi complained.

"Hurry up! What Sabi talk, don't waste time, or you will change later, big dog, don't you know more about things when you are so old?"

"Right! Don't whine, hurry up! I can't wait."

Feng Yi and Feng Er are connected with each other.


Da Gouzi gritted his teeth and swore, but he didn't dare to really swear.

These two stupid big birds are not honest.

Two against one, what a beast!

Perhaps, this is when a scholar meets a soldier, and the reason is unclear.

If it is about IQ, he swears that he can definitely crush these two stupid birds.

In terms of force, he still couldn't suppress the two stupid birds alone.

Moreover, if his younger brother is still here, how can these two stupid birds be allowed to be arrogant?

With a whimper, the two brothers, one bite at a time, won't let go of their bites.

Thinking of this, Da Gouzi took a breath and was about to enter King's Rock.

"Damn it, as long as I meet the king, no matter what happens, I will make a small report to the king, so that you can't eat and walk around."

Da Gouzi was cursing in his heart, while turning and walking towards Wangwangyan.


Suddenly a huge force came, and the big dog wailed and was bounced away.


The big dog yelled and was immediately dumbfounded.

Still can't get in? !
This is so special!

Thousands of words in one word.

The big dog cried again.

crying sadly.

Lying on the ground, motionless, the sadness in my heart has already flowed upstream.

woo woo woo...

If I had known earlier, I would have known that this would happen, and I would not have done so many things.

A wise man has a thousand worries, and he must make a mistake!

Big Gouzi was filled with remorse, and when he looked at the two silly white birds who were also dumbfounded, he cried even more sadly, tears streaming down his face.

This severe beating was probably in vain!
"Brother, I can't get in..."

Feng Er found it incredible, unable to react, said: "So what were we arguing about just now?"


Feng Yi was silent, looked at the big dog who was crying loudly, shook his head slightly, and said: "Perhaps, this dog has too many scenes."

"That's right, otherwise, how could there be several chapters on the water?" Feng Er thought deeply.

Facts have proved that too much inner drama is not a very good thing.

The more brains you make up, the easier it is to get crooked!
Talking too much trash is not a good thing, and it is easy to be blasted.

That's what happened to Big Gouzi, he made a decision before acting, and lost a lot, but he lacked the drive of a young beast, always wanting to plot.

So, this time, he suffered a loss and was beaten by Feng Yi and Feng Er!
Er Gouzi is not, he is completely different from his elder brother, he usually doesn't talk too much harshly, although he is also very wicked, but he doesn't push too much if he can do it.

The four legs kicked, the two eyes stared sharply, the tongue spit out from the mouth with a puff, and hung on the side of the mouth, panting, the tail wagged, and the buttocks also jumped. stand up!

It's just like a dog.

"very good."

Zhang Yuan smiled.

Pat Er Gouzi.

This running dog is really sensible.


Er Gouzi smiled obsequiously.

Twisting his butt, he sat aside suddenly, then suddenly exposed his white and tender belly, his eyes were full of longing, and he fell to the ground.

"My lord, what do you think Ergou is doing?" Ergouzi said shamelessly.

"Hahaha, very good, very good."

Zhang Yuan laughed loudly, and patted Er Gouzi's belly. This running dog can be said to be the best at kneeling and licking. Although his technique is not very good, once he licks violently, it really makes him feel like a spring breeze. Feel.

"Wait, this king rewards you with a dragon leg!"

Zhang Yuandao.

He saw a bunch of bonfires in front of him, and he could vaguely see the power of thunder one after another. The red flames were mixed with strands of blue, which disappeared in a flash, but filled the flames with the breath of destruction. .

Around the campfire, Hao Ran was the ten little tyrannosaurs!

Now it has been roasted until the outside is burnt and the inside is tender, the golden surface is shining with a different kind of luster, drops of golden hot oil are drilled out of the fat under the roasting of the flame, sizzling, emitting bursts of light. A burst of fragrance.



This is the taste of dragon meat.

"A dragon leg?"

Er Gouzi's eyes straightened when he heard this, and Halazi immediately fell to the ground.

"Thank you, the king, for the reward, thank you, the king!"

Er Gouzi was extremely excited.

He hasn't eaten dragon meat yet.

Although this is not authentic dragon meat, it is still a dragon!
"Hahaha, this is a reward for you."

Zhang Yuan laughed loudly, stretched out his paw and patted Er Gouzi's tender belly.

Because of Er Gouzi's appearance, he finally knew what the Lord of Tianmen was doing behind his back. In a rage, Zhang Yuan immediately killed the little Tyrannosaurus.

Yes, this lion is so ruthless!

Now, it has been baking for almost two days.

He used Leihuo.

Ordinary flames cannot be roasted, and thunder fire is the most suitable flame.

Under the slow roasting, before he knew it, the essence of the dragon meat had been perfectly displayed.


Just smell it lightly, and you can't help but pounce on it!

During the whole grilling process, only thunder fire grilling is used, no need to add any condiments.

After all, high-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods!
 PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of "Grace-Pet Baking", and thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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