Chapter 186

"You idiot, I'm not finished with you!"

Er Gouzi was angry.

fly into a rage.

It took a long time to find a talent, and the cultivation base is very good!

As long as you learn a little knowledge of the other party, your status will be stable and worry-free.

From now on, go to the top, hug the king's thigh tightly, and suppress the prairie beast clan!
Now, it's gone...


This talent who could say "how dare you be rampant", a kind and lovely human race, just died like this.


He didn't even have time to howl, and he was caught off guard, probably he was stunned.

What a fool!

Die without any dignity!

Right now, the fools are coming in and out, making the human army go to hell!

Er Gouzi stared blankly.

Countless casualties.

Especially those talents in the Celestial Phenomena Realm, more than a dozen of them have died.

Although the remaining celestial phenomena realm talents united together, they also erupted with unusually powerful forces, swords, swords, flying sand and rocks, and even pulled the power of the heaven and earth.

Some are even more horrifying, shouting "Daolong Dao" and turning into dragons.

Even if it is the master of the restricted area, he is not afraid, he can beat the opponent to death with one punch.

However, when a thunderbolt came down, it was blown to pieces in an instant.

It looks fierce, but in fact, it is cute.

One dragon was killed.


No bones left.

The miserable howls came and went one after another, and the voice was full of sorrow.

The human army was defeated immediately.

Wanted to escape, but couldn't.

They have been surrounded by fools...

The faster you run, the faster you die.

"Hahaha, let me die!"

The second fool raised his head to the sky and howled loudly, so that he got up to kill.

Bathed in the sea of ​​thunder, and then threw thousands of thunder balls.

Like a goddess scattering flowers, it fell into the human army, and then exploded.


Er Lengzi closed his claws together, gathered the power of thunder, and then pushed out suddenly.

A giant beam of thunder burst out, rushing towards the Terran Celestial Realm.

"Do not……"

Human Race's Celestial Phenomena Realm howled miserably, eyes cracked, and hearts filled with remorse.

This lion king has not yet appeared, and only one orc can slaughter them!
How can they get the secret of the Lion King?
too strong!
Incredibly powerful!

In this war, they are afraid that they will bring disaster to the people!

A Celestial Realm roared, but was blown to pieces in an instant.

"Ji's evil beast, kill me!"

"Naughty beast..."

"The Ji family misunderstood my human race, the crime deserves death, the crime deserves death..."

"No, I don't want to die yet!"


The rest of the Celestial Phenomena Realm howled and roared miserably, and was finally wiped out by the thunder beam.

No matter how high their status is, and no matter what super family or top power they are in charge of the human race, they are just ants now.

In front of the terrifying giant, he didn't even have the qualifications to struggle.

at the same time.

Tens of thousands of thunder balls bloomed.

Boom - boom - boom

The wind howled.

Flying sand and stone.

Thunderclaps full of destructive power splashed in all directions, filling the entire battlefield.

"No, I don't want to die, I can't die..."


The screams were piercing, the pain was desperate, and countless creatures were struggling.

However, in this sky full of thunder, even the Celestial Phenomena Realm is nothing but ants.

At a certain moment, the Lord of the Tianmen, who looked mad, was swept by the aftermath of the thunder, and before he had time to react, he shattered and disappeared in ashes.


A series of explosions resounded through the sky, so that the heavens and the earth lost their voices.

I do not know how long it has been.

Everything vanished.

The sound of thunder stopped quietly.

The howling stopped abruptly...

The battlefield was in a mess, leaving only tens of thousands of extremely dark pits still jumping with the power of thunder and pieces of wreckage. Thunder fires were burning on them, and the strong smell of blood filled the entire sky.

within a thousand miles.


The invincible human army was all buried here and disappeared in ashes.

"Cool! Who else?!"

The second fool raised his head to the sky and screamed, bathed in the power of thunder, and put on a chic and heroic posture.

"Who else?!"

The second fool yelled.

The wings of thunder incited, the space was constantly shattered, and then reorganized.

As if the world could not bear his presence.

At this moment, Er Lengzi looked as if he had transformed into an ancient thunder god.

The sacred is full of majesty and inviolability.



This is the self-feeling of the idiot, and he is full of pride at the moment.

This time, I'm afraid I want to leave a very deep impression on Sister Fox, right?

Er Lengzi looked back at Daji, then at the army of beast tribes and the big dogs, and then nodded secretly, full of pleasure in his heart.


Sister Fox was shocked.

The orcs were also shocked, trembling with fright, not daring to move.

As for Er Gouzi, this dog is also trembling with fright now!
What kind of shit is general against general, soldier against soldier, what's the point?

Do it directly!

He was so stupid that he didn't believe this at all.

Damn it, if you see something that makes you uncomfortable, do it!

What are you doing?
waste time!

Just do it!

The second fool raised his head, wondering when he could regain his momentum.

After all, it's not very good to release the momentum all the time.

Because, after a long time, it looks a bit Sabi and artificial.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a few breaths, none of the orcs came out to speak.

The second idiot was a little confused.

This scene is a bit familiar.

Didn't the king do this before he came out?

"The king really has the foresight. It seems that I want to find some licking dogs like Er Gouzi, and I will yell when I encounter such a thing."

The fool understood.

I feel like I learned something.

Although there was no voice from the orcs, it was difficult for him to continue to pose in this posture.

After all, it's been a long time.

If you continue to do it, it is easy to be regarded as Zabi.

Not worth the candle!

Tell the truth.

In this regard, Er Lengzi thinks that he has a lot of experience.

So, thinking this way, Er Lengzi planned to take back his momentum.

"Damn... all dead..."

Er Gouzi was dumbfounded.

Then it got even more furious.

Very meow!
His mouth trembled with anger.

In just a few breaths, Er Lengzi not only walked in and out of the human army, but also slaughtered the human army.

Not a man!


The prairie orcs watched quietly, stunned and numb.

Was shocked!
His whole body was limp and weak, and he almost fell to the ground.

After a few breaths, I still haven't reacted, and I'm still panting.

"It's so scary..."


The bull demon and the leopard looked at each other, and they both saw fear in each other's eyes.

Never expected that the second idiot was so powerful that he slaughtered the human race.

They have offended the fool before.

too frightening.

Fortunately, the fool didn't attack them, otherwise they would be dead.

(End of this chapter)

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