My cheating is too hard

Chapter 187 The Newly Developed Routine

Chapter 187 The Newly Developed Routine
Can't stand it anymore!


Er Gouzi let out a long roar, and rushed towards Er Lengzi.

The power of legend exploded.

The howling wind turned into an invisible knife.

Slashed and flew the fool.

"What are you going to do?!"

The second fool flew upside down for hundreds of miles before barely stopping, and then became angry.


Fortunately, he hadn't withdrawn his momentum, otherwise, he might be cut off and fly to the ground, and by then, his shiny hair would be dirty.


Er Gouzi was so angry that his mouth was trembling.

In an instant, a spiritual light possessed him.

The words that were about to be blurted out came to a stop, abruptly.

This made him even more angry.

This feeling is like going through seven ins and seven outs, only to reach the peak the last time.

However, I found that the last time was gone!
Very meow.

It's hard to say, it's really uncomfortable!
Want to say it but don't know how to say it.

He lowered his head to look at the orcs who looked at him with shocked and puzzled faces, and then looked at the big dogs who looked at him with puzzled faces.

Er Gouzi was furious.

He really can't say it! !

The air is filled with something called embarrassment.

How to do?
Er Gouzi's eyes widened, and suddenly he felt a little overwhelmed.

Just now, he had a sudden eruption, possessed by a spiritual light, which caused his mind to be buzzing now.

In short, overloaded...


"If you kill the human race, we will have no way to know the basics of the human race."

Ergouzi hesitated for a long time, and then tried to think of this excuse.

The fool slaughtered all the human army, and they would have a lot less information about the human race, which is not conducive to the next plan to be arranged at all!
Most importantly, he hasn't given an order yet!
This guy, the second fool, actually took the lead in making the move, it's too embarrassing for him.

The more Er Gouzi thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense, and he scolded: "Say, how dare you take action without the order of my commander? This time in the battle with the human race, the king accepted me as the commander and made overall plans, but you acted without authorization. , dare to act recklessly, do you want to disobey the king's order?"


So cool!
Er Gouzi was so happy that he was dying.

Never expected that he could scold so well!

Perhaps, it was because he had spoken to that person, and although he was overwhelmed, he still inevitably absorbed some talent.

Therefore, under the premise of possessing culture, scolding is a sense of thieves!

Perhaps, this is the so-called those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

The next moment, Er Gouzi was heartbroken, trembling, and dying of anger.

Before his talent development plan even started, he was ruined by a fool.


The second fool was a little dazed, feeling aggrieved, and wanted to have an attack, but it was not easy to have an attack.

Er Gouzi is the great commander and his status is supreme.

This time, he was overstepping his authority.

This is provocation!

Er Gouzi is not afraid of Er Gouzi, but he is only afraid of the terrifying king.


The second fool gritted his teeth and said: "This time it is my fault, but there is no need to waste time with the human race. The king once said that we must go all out to deal with the human race, and we must not leave any delay for the human race. As long as we see the human race, we must Make a choice, either cut the grass and root out, or transform into a foreign race!"

"Hmph, they are all dead. We have no chance to understand the human race. Your Majesty said, we know nothing about the human race. Since the human race is so insidious, we should subdue the human race and understand the human race's conspiracy, not like you. In this way, the human race will be slaughtered!" Er Gouzi said.


Thief exciting!

Er Gouzi felt that he must be very unpopular.

Every word he uttered is full of profound knowledge and noble cultivation!

Maybe just after being irritated, the brain suddenly opened Ren Du's second channel, a thrill, potential burst out, and the light of wisdom quietly bloomed.

"Hmph, what are you talking about? I didn't slaughter the human race completely. You just want to understand the human race. You think Xu Qing is just a display?" the second fool retorted.

In desperation, he couldn't help seeing a figure from the beast clan.

The former confidant of the Lord of Tianmen, now the alien race in the prairie: Xu Qing!
This is a talent.


Er Gouzi was furious.

Xu Qing is too low-level and too weak to be a dog leg, comparable to the talent who said "how dare you be rampant"?


"You fart!"

"The human race is only one aspect. You can kill the human race in the Celestial Phenomena Realm. However, soldiers fight against soldiers, generals against generals, why do you want to kill ordinary human races?"

"Are you still shameless? You will lose all the face of my orc clan!"

"Face counts as a fart? If you kill it, you will kill it. What will you do?" the second fool said.

A little impatient.


Dead duck mouth hard!
Er Gouzi was so angry that his mouth was crooked.


Ergouzi looked ruthless, and said: "One of the purposes of this conquest of the human race is to cultivate the beast race of the prairie. You disobeyed the order and killed the human army without authorization, causing the beast race of the prairie to lose a valuable training opportunity."

"You, you can't escape the guilt!"

Er Gouzi swears that he must be a fool and establish his majesty!

Otherwise, the next time you meet a talented person, you will be blown to pieces by the fool again.

Thinking of this kind of thing happening, Er Gouzi immediately felt a pain in his liver.

"Made, I can't stand you anymore, let's fight!"

The second fool was so angry that he died.

"Fuck! I scolded you a few times, and you actually wanted to fight. It seems that I have to punish you."

Er Gouzi was furious, and shouted: "Brother, let's kill him together!"


The big dog roared and rushed up.

As the saying goes, father and son are soldiers in battle, brothers who fight tigers.


The second fool raised his head to the sky and screamed, and rushed up.

"Fuck him!"


Er Gouzi and Da Gouzi roared and rushed forward.

Two on one.

A big battle broke out immediately.

Flying sand and rocks, strong winds howling, the sky dim and the earth dark.

All kinds of outrageously expensive special effects are flying around, rendering the sky.

A stream of light rushed straight to the ground, and with a bang, it split a ravine tens of meters wide, and the groundwater rushed out violently.

However, the next moment, the gust of wind howled and directly flattened the gully.

A mountain range exploded suddenly, the gravel flew, and finally turned into dust all over the sky.

The creatures hiding in the mountains only had time to scream, and they were wiped out in an instant, without a whole body, and all traces were forcibly erased...

Similar scenes are being staged crazily.

When the gods fight, the fish and shrimp suffer.

These are the three powerhouses who have wielded the power of legend, and a big battle is breaking out.

This is the pinnacle power of a living being, and every move is a world-shattering.

Under the impact of energy again and again, even a turbulent flow of void rushed in!
Although it was forcibly destroyed by the energy in the next moment, the leaked breath was enough to cause further damage to the earth!

Within a radius of thousands of miles, the earth collapsed, the mountains collapsed, and the thunder destroyed the world.

Thousands of miles!
Thousands of miles!
Aftermath rippling.

Everywhere he passed was a mess, life was cut off!

Gradually, the three guys fought farther and farther, heading north.

In the end, they left the sight of all the orcs, leaving only a mess on the ground.


The beasts were silent, and looked at each other with more or less blank eyes.

Why did the commander and several commanders run away?

what happened?
At a loss.

can not understand!

"younger brother?"

"elder brother?"

Feng Yi and Feng Er looked at each other.



Very meow!
What's going on?

It disappears after hitting it, is this the latest developed routine?

But how could they not know?
Not scientific!

"These three guys!"

Daji gritted her teeth, staring dumbfounded.

It took a long time to react.

The big dog, the second dog, and the second fool, one or two have no brains.

Although they are not human beings, there is really no need for dogs to go to this level!

It's too brutish.

Well now, all gone.

What should we do with all the orcs left behind?


Feng Er looked over, with a confused look on his face, and said, "Is this the latest routine?"

"Shut up, why are you talking like that?!"

Feng Yi patted Feng Er, then smiled and said, "Daji, isn't this a newly developed routine? Do you have any opinions on this?"


Daji was dumbfounded.

Dude, knock on the blackboard, the focus of attention now is obviously not this!

In the end, he sighed, shook his head, and said, "Yes, this is a newly developed routine called Ma Liuzao, but this routine can only be used once, and it has been used up now, so you all have no chance. "

"Ma slip away?"

Feng Er blinked his eyes a few times.

The name sounds rustic.

It doesn't match Ergouzi and Dagouzi's divine operations.

"To shut up!"

Feng Yi patted Feng Er, he finally understood, and was immediately furious.

Looking at the large area of ​​orcs on the ground, especially those innocent little eyes, Feng Yi couldn't bear to look directly at them, and his chest was swollen with anger.

Very meow!
These three dogs ran away after hitting each other!

Especially Er Gouzi, who, as the great commander, actually neglected his duties.

Too much…

"What should I do, Daji?"

Feng Yi felt melancholy and regretted.

If I had known earlier, he should have joined, and then he could have run away too.

However, it doesn't work now.

was abandoned.


Daji glanced at Feng Yi, and said sarcastically, "What else can I do? Follow the plan."

"Xu Qing!"

Daji called out.

Now all the human races are dead, but there is a human race in the prairie beast race.

That is Xu Qing.

This is an ace!
"I'm here! Master, I'm here!"

Xu Qing responded, and ran out of the beast clan in a hurry, but his face was covered with tears and snot, as if he had cried a lot, with tears streaming down his face.


Xu Qing originally wanted to hold on, but he couldn't help it after all.

Hold your head, howl, cry bitterly.

The human army is finished!

That's horrible!
woo woo woo woo……


Daji was tired.

Somewhat confused.

Rely on Xu Qing, a perverted psychopath, to find the way?
Is it feasible?

(End of this chapter)

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