Chapter 197
The supporting roles will either be reduced to pieces of green leaves, or they will be beaten to death!
Klauer, a Sabi, will be beaten to death even if he becomes a green leaf.

It's too awful.

Zhang Yuan feels that he himself is also a supporting role.Therefore, he is very low-key.

Because under normal circumstances, the human race, the cheating race, must be the protagonist.

Combined with all the unbelievable things about the human race today, Zhang Yuan is even more firm in his guess that the human race is the protagonist, which is the general trend and cannot be changed.

And he is the supporting role.

Therefore, even though he is extremely powerful, he has to choose to fight.

But it's not like he's not playing a supporting role, and he's doing things like crazy.

For example, Er Gouzi and the others were sent to do things and frantically suppress the human race.

Now, I am afraid that many human races have been killed.

Another example is to induce Klauer to attack Tianmen, and taught the human race a lesson!

All these things explain one thing: he is the mastermind behind the scenes.

Although Claure can't be the big man behind the scenes, he must at least play the supporting role well. Since he is a green leaf, he must be the greenest and most tenacious one, and he must continue to shine.

However, Zhang Yuan now expresses that he is very sad and disappointed in Claure.

In Klauer, he couldn't see the basic qualities that an outstanding supporting actor should have: low-key, cautious, cautious, and shy...

can not see.

Not at all.

Now, the only thing Klauer gives Zhang Yuan is: arrogant and arrogant!
Damn, so arrogant!

To tell the truth, he, the dignified behind-the-scenes boss, would not dare to be so arrogant!
To be arrogant in front of his behind-the-scenes boss, Klauer is simply too arrogant.

"Death to me!"

Zhang Yuan was so angry that his mouth was crooked, and in an instant, he suppressed Claure.

However, there is no then.

Claure lay on the ground with a thud, rolled his eyes, and passed out.


Zhang Yuan looked at the unconscious Klauer.


A little bit shy.

Is this touching porcelain?
Zhang Yuan looked around and shook his head, expressing that he didn't understand this routine.

Klauer was really in a coma.

It is reasonable and expected, after all, Zhang Yuan is no small matter now.

With Zhang Yuan's current strength, if he explodes with all his strength, he can finish the job in an instant!

It doesn't take a second, just hit Huanglong directly, the other party hasn't reacted yet, it's over, it's just so caught off guard, impossible to guard against.

Standing where he was, looking at Klauer who fell into a coma, Zhang Yuan fell into deep thought.

Klauer should not have noticed him just now.

This is an opportunity.

That is to say, he was still the mastermind behind the scenes and was not discovered by Claure.

So, what to do next?

How will Crower play a supporting role?
Get involved!
Something must be done!
Let's make a big move!

Zhang Yuan got a little excited, and he enjoyed it a lot, "Okay, okay, I really have the demeanor of a big boss. Although I don't show up, I play with all the creatures in my hands."


Immediately, with a thought, a layer of mysterious sealing power blocked Klauer.

As long as the power of the ban is not eliminated, Klauer will always be asleep!

At the same time, Zhang Yuan broke out again, raising his claws.

Click click!

The space world where Klauer is located caused waves of waves.

The space is being cut, and cracks are spreading in all directions.

Finally, with a buzzing sound, the space vibrated, and the space was successfully cut down!
A huge space gap appeared out of thin air, dark, deep and cold.

That is the endless turbulent layer of space, and no living beings can set foot in it.

Even great immortal gods dare not enter the turbulent layer of space casually, otherwise they will easily lose their way and will not be able to get out for tens of thousands of years.

The power of space from all directions rushed to this gap, and was suppressed by Zhang Yuan just before the turbulent flow of space was opened, and finally dissipated into nothing.


Zhang Yuan raised his paw and began to control the space world that carried Claure. Slowly, it shrunk down, and finally it became the size of a mote, and attached to a long golden hair on Zhang Yuan's neck.

From cutting the space, then suppressing the space, and finally shrinking Claure.

After this set of procedures, there are only a few hundred words, and it is over in the blink of an eye.

very fast.

Zhang Yuan looked at the sleeping Klauer excitedly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

This cute little brother is about to shine again, illuminating the world.

"My lord, where is Your Highness Zane?"

Xiao Sa was already dumbfounded from the sidelines, with fear written all over his face.

Terrible, if he's not mistaken, Klauer seems to be gone.

"Hmph, that guy finally came back to life. I didn't expect that he would be so arrogant. He didn't go to observe the specific situation in the vicinity at the first time. It's too arrogant."

Zhang Yuan snorted coldly, looking at the surrounding environment, he became more and more angry.

If he hadn't knocked Klauer unconscious by accident, he would definitely hang and beat Klauer severely, and let Klauer know what despair is!

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is despair!

Xiao Sa fell silent, opened his mouth, thought for a while, and dared not answer.

He felt that the reason why the boss was so angry was not because of these.

Nine times out of ten, there may be other reasons.

Reminiscent of the past, he suddenly felt that it was very likely that Klauer did not see the boss, which caused the boss to lose face, so he felt dissatisfied.

However, this is too unreasonable!

To tell the truth, if he were Klauer, he probably wouldn't be able to find the boss!
One is that the boss is too powerful!
Even if he stood face to face, he couldn't feel the breath of the boss himself.

How could Klauer find the boss?
Secondly, the boss is so small, about five meters, it is pitifully small.

Klauer is a million meters tall and huge, so how could he look down and find a creature that is smaller than an ant in his eyes?
Isn't this a joke? !

If Klauer really did this, he would really become crazy!
Even if you are chic, you will not look for small creatures with no breath. Firstly, it is not necessary, and secondly, it is still unnecessary.

Only those with neuropathy and paranoia would care about an ant...

It's a pity that the process is not so important after the result appears, because the final result has already appeared.


Looking at the excited look of the boss, his eyes were full of vengeful pleasure, and he couldn't help but shuddered and shrank his neck.

Too bad!
Dang and stand again!

While wanting Klauer to find himself, he deliberately hides himself!

In the end, blame Klauer.

No, no, it is very likely that knocking Klauer unconscious is the ultimate goal!

Under a strong storm of thinking, Xiao Sa felt that he had finally discovered the truth hidden behind this operation, and he took a deep breath.

A coolness gushed out from the tip of the tail, passed through the spine and rushed straight to the back of the head.


Xiao Sha felt cold all over his body, he just felt his hair stand on end, and couldn't help shivering.

This this……

This set is too tough!

So straight!
Very purposeful!
Go straight to Huanglong!

It's really hard for Klauer to guard against!

How *shameless!
In other words, the several hundred catties of dragon's blood he just paid could not be recouped.

Xiaosha sighed, under the madness of his brain, he no longer dared to ask for any benefits, he only hoped that he could live well and survive!
"Chisa, do you know where there are more human races?"

Zhang Yuandao.


Xiao Sa was dumbfounded and shocked, is this the latest routine? !

Where are there more human races?
What kind of problem is this? !

Even Sabi knows that it is a city of the human race, it is the base camp of the human race, there must be many human races living there, it can be said that there are countless!
This problem is very simple!
Xiao Sa planned to blurt it out, but the next second, he froze.

Is it that simple?

The boss's question just now gave away several hundred catties of dragon blood.

Now, another question? !
It doesn't seem simple!

Very meow!
What are you going to do again? !

Xiao Sa was really scared, trembling.


The big brother asked a question, how could he not answer it as a boy.

Gritting his teeth, he made up his mind, and then, he began to speak incoherently.

"This... this... that... a place with a lot of people, a place with a lot of people is a human city... yes, a city... there are the most people in the city!"


Xiao Sa sighed in her heart, waiting to meet the latest wave of the boss's routine.

I just hope that this tactic can be straighter and tougher, just like the tactic used to deal with Crower, instead of beating around the bush, it would be best to hit Huanglong directly.

Otherwise, he will have a hard time!
 Thanks to this pretty boy: "Just do what you want" as a reward
(End of this chapter)

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