My cheating is too hard

Chapter 198 Chisa left happily

Chapter 198 Chisa left happily
"Hahaha, Xiaosha, you are right, there must be the most human races in the human race city! How could this king not think of it, you are a genius."

Zhang Yuan laughed out loud, and then boasted that he was stupid.

A look of remorse.

This made it clear that there was no 300 taels of silver here, and Xiao Sa immediately panicked.

Sure enough, the next sentence of the boss came: "Chisa, since you are so smart, I will leave Klauer to you, and you will send Klauer to the vicinity of the human city."

"Your Majesty..."

At this moment, Xiao Sa cried.

The sadness in my heart flows upstream like a river.

It is still the familiar routine, the familiar formula, and the soup is changed but not the medicine.

Go near the human city?
It's okay to look for trouble, isn't this going to seek death? ?
Even if he walks near the human city and doesn't go to the human city, but he looks so handsome, like a sparkling firefly under the starry sky, twinkling and shining, I don't know how eye-catching it is!
The human race is open, one or two, all of them are very popular!
As soon as he saw how handsome he was, he would definitely be arrested.

Or keep them in cages, or just eat them, grilled ones.

All in all, this mission is really, really dangerous!

Why is he unwilling to leave the prairie? On the one hand, he has to be busy cultivating a relationship with the big brother, holding the big brother's thigh tightly, and on the other hand, he is also a human race who is afraid of cheating.

Humans are really scary.


Insidious and cunning!

All kinds of conspiracies emerge in endlessly, not to mention, the strength is also very strong!
He is a majestic dragon clan, but in front of the human race, he is just a piece of cake.

Compared with the human race, his strength may be slightly better, but compared with the conspiracy and tricks, he will definitely lose a complete defeat, and there is no possibility of victory.

"Your Majesty, can you not go?"

Chic struggled, but soon he saw the big man's eyes full of hope, his face changed immediately, he gritted his teeth, and said, "Okay! King, I understand, I will promise to complete this time satisfactorily." Task!"

"Hahaha, good, good, cool, my king really saw you right."

Zhang Yuan smiled, and gently placed his raised paw on the chic paw, and said kindly: "This time, you have a long way to go."

"Tell me, what unfulfilled wish do you have?" Zhang Yuan looked like a gentle and kind old leader, patted his handsome paws, and smiled very kindly.

A feeling of punching and punching spontaneously arose.


Xiao Sa immediately cried.


Wish a ghost!
This is such an easy task!
What wish does he want? !

Xiao Sa cried very sadly, he felt that he might die this time...

Thinking of the boss's operation, Xiao Sa cried even more sadly.

He might be sold!
In the end, Xiao Sa made a wish, and got a seed of heaven and earth as his wish came true. His strength skyrocketed, and his body size also skyrocketed. His incomparably powerful talent began to show its advantages, and he became a behemoth.

The body is nearly tens of millions of meters high, covering the sky and the sun, and the breath is terrifying.

The dragon scales shone with light, and the dark gold color was full of indescribable magical power.

There was a fiery breath in his mouth, and his whole body exuded a heavy meaning!
Billowing energy swept in, absorbing energy from the void all the time, so mighty, that layers of halos shone all over his body.

hold head high--

It has a tall head, a slender body, and a body length of at least 5000 million meters!
From a distance, it looks like a rolling mountain range, shining...

Covering the sky and the sun, covering the four fields.

This is the star creature.

In the same realm, compared to the titan Klauer, his body is even stronger.

The space lingering around is twisting, breaking, and finally reorganizing.

Indistinctly, Xiao Sa was falling into the turbulent flow of the void little by little.

The situation is changing, there are rumbling sounds, the wind is howling, and all kinds of special effects are full.

Flow batch!

The world of stars can no longer support its existence. With a height of tens of thousands of kilometers and a length of tens of thousands of kilometers, it is a truly unimaginable colossus.

In the world of stars before the revival of spiritual energy, this size is a natural disaster, shaking the world at every turn, and can easily destroy everything.

For example, the eastern country before the recovery of spiritual energy was only 5500 kilometers up and down, and such a huge country was just a matter of chicness.

Of course, such an area, in today's era, is not considered large.

It is only equivalent to the territory of a forbidden zone master.


Even if the aura recovers now and the world expands, it can't bear the chic.

It's not that it can't carry his volume, but that it can't carry its life form!
Because Zhang Yuan controls the prairie world, the space is infinite and special.That's why he can carry Chisa, but with the terrifying speed at which Chisa continues to grow, when the realm is completely stabilized, his body size may be more than ten times that of his current size, and his power will be even greater!

Even if it is a prairie, it is difficult to bear its power, and the space will be broken!

The giant dragons in the legendary realm, the vast and endless starry sky world is their destination.

"I'm so strong, I shouldn't be afraid of humans anymore!"

Xiao Sha muttered to himself, feeling the soaring power in his body, more or less found a little bit of confidence, his eyes became firmer, but thinking of the horror of the human race, he had to be cautious again, and couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Human race, that's a joke!
He swears!
As long as they reach their destination and leave Klauer behind, he will come back immediately.

From then on, I will never leave the prairie again and spend my whole life here!
After getting used to the soaring power a little bit, Xiao Sha shrunk her body.

In the next moment, it transformed from a behemoth into a small flying dragon about half a meter long.

It is harmless to humans and animals, and looks very immature.

Compared with the majestic appearance before, it was a world of difference.

The breath has also changed, and it is weaker than the first level of the mortal realm.

The world also shook violently, and then quickly returned to normal.


Seeing this, Zhang Yuan was filled with emotion immediately. Chic is worthy of being his mount, and he deeply understands the core values ​​of supporting roles: keep a low profile and not be arrogant!

It's really good to keep a low profile like this before leaving the prairie.

A supporting role as arrogant and conceited as Klauer is destined to become cannon fodder.

Only a supporting role like Xiao Sa is eligible to live from the first episode to the last, and if they don't keep it all, they may live forever, until they die of old age!

As the saying goes, beasts have their own ambitions, and they cannot be forced, these are just natural!
Claure died once, but he is still arrogant and cannot be changed.

Just like a dog can't get rid of eating shit, it's the same reason, there's no way...

Of course, Zhang Yuan is not ruthless, he left a seed of heaven and earth in Klauer's body, and is frantically improving Klauer's strength!
After Klauer wakes up, with his personality, he will definitely do something!
At that time, the human race will suffer...


Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan waved his paw and opened the door of space.

He couldn't wait any longer, and looked at Xiaosha quietly without speaking.

"My lord, I'm leaving."

Looking at the eyes of the boss, Xiao Sa understood, and immediately expressed his attitude.

Then, he showed a look of eagerness and enthusiasm.

(End of this chapter)

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