My cheating is too hard

Chapter 200 The Silent Killing

Chapter 200 The Silent Killing

The world has changed dramatically.

The aura of the legendary realm soared into the sky, and the world shook accordingly.

This is the ultimate power of life!
The great power under the immortal gods!

This is the great power that blooms from the creatures in the starry sky, the ancient titans, the fallen giants, the giant royal family, and the ancient resurrected ones.

The level of power is legendary, but this breath is boundless.

The great creator is fair, he didn't endow the titans with any fighting skills, but endowed them with huge size and boundless aura!
Once it is pulled, it will be earth-shattering, out of control, and unimaginable.

The general legendary realm can't be compared with it at all, it's a world of difference...

Therefore, when Klauer's strong eruption, the creatures of the whole world felt a faint pressure, and those strong in the celestial realm and higher-level existences who had initially communicated with the power of the heaven and the earth felt a sense of pressure from the heaven and the earth. Feeling this terrifying coercion, they all changed color suddenly.



Boom - boom - boom

A terrifying thunder beam descended from the sky, destroying the city!

Almost all the creatures living in the city died in an instant.

There are fragments of limbs and corpses everywhere, and the ground is a mess and scorched earth.

The power of thunder is flickering, spreading out, constantly destroying wildly.

Er Lengzi has no expression on his face. In the past few days, he has destroyed an unknown number of human cities, and the destroyed human races are countless.

Every kill is to cut grass and roots!

For several days, the news did not leak out.

Maybe some cities have already noticed something is wrong, but they haven't reacted yet.

After all, in today's era of revival of spiritual energy, communication is extremely difficult.

Maybe satellites can monitor the surface, but satellites are not omnipotent.

The use of satellites is generally only aimed at one's own city and the area near the city, and the satellites can't do anything further away.

Reiki is complex and changeable, and satellites need to be updated frequently!

This is another large resource consumption.

With the current terrifying strength of the human race, a city is a small country. There is really no need to develop bigger and stronger satellites for the sake of contact. The consumption of this resource basically has no prospect!


In a short period of time, there is generally not much contact between the two cities.

The way of contact is relatively primitive and backward.

Therefore, the destruction of the human city was almost, it can be said, silent.

This kind of killing, the fool is already a little tired.

I desperately hope that there will be strong people to resist him!
It's a pity that no strong man appeared, but his strength is getting stronger and stronger!
Thanks to the seeds of heaven and earth and his own thunder talent, after only a few days, he found that he was vaguely about to stand firm in the legendary realm!
Once the legendary realm is firmly established, the strength will inevitably usher in a stage of skyrocketing again!

All kinds of supernatural powers, all kinds of life transformation, this is an unimaginable ultimate sublimation.

And fighting can speed up this change!

So, he came to destroy the human race!
The hatred between the two sides did not happen overnight, it was a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, so the second idiot didn't talk nonsense at all, as soon as he made a move, it was a terrifying thunderbolt!
shuh- shuh-



"Hey... I'm going to kill you!"

A few figures flew out from the ruins, full of anger and complete despair, like moths to the flame, rushed towards the second fool.

A terrifying force of thunder came through the air, destroying several people.

Ashes vanished, no bones left.

At this moment, thousands of human races were buried in the huge human race city.

Er Lengzi looked indifferent, planning to leave here and continue to destroy the human race.

This is a fight between races, there is no hatred at all, either the human race will be suppressed, or the orc race will be suppressed, other than that, there is no third choice.

Coexistence is impossible, the world is so big, and resources are limited.

Moreover, the deep blood feud between the two parties is doomed to be unable to coexist.

Before the human race can react, try to slaughter the human race!

"It's a pity that sister fox didn't see my heroic appearance, but I slaughtered so many people along the way, and ruins can be seen everywhere. I believe sister fox will definitely see it. This is really great."

The second fool sighed secretly,

He was indeed a little impulsive before, feeling that he would be dragged down by the orc army, so he chose to leave in order to quickly slaughter the tribe.

The effect is actually very obvious. I don't know how many people were slaughtered!
However, there was a fly in the ointment, sister fox couldn't enjoy this scene.

This made Er Lianzi feel a little pity, and every time he thought about it, he felt very uncomfortable.

The most painful thing in this world is to act silently...

There's nothing technical about this kind of pretense, it's very low-level.

However, the matter has come to this point, for the sake of this face, it is impossible to go back.

I can only wander outside, wandering, wandering like a child who has left home.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Suddenly, a light laugh came.

"Two dogs!"

Er Gouzi looked over and saw Er Gouzi and Da Gouzi galloping towards him. He immediately became upset and shouted angrily, "What are you two guys doing here? Get out of here if you have nothing to do! "

Before that, he thought that Er Gouzi and Da Gouzi had the same purpose with him, to kill the people quickly, so he tacitly acted out a scene.

But, later on, he found sadly that he really thought too much!
Er Gouzi, this dog has ulterior motives. It is not for slaughtering the human race at all, but for capturing the human race. It is simply wishful thinking that he wants to raise the human race.

As for the big dog, this guy is now Er Gouzi's dog leg.



The second fool was furious at that time, and the two sides were evenly matched in the fight.

He couldn't fight again and again, and he fought for several hours. In desperation, the second fool left and went to destroy the human race by himself, cutting grass and roots every time!
There are other reasons besides hatred for being so ruthless.

"I killed all the human races, and there is no one alive, so get out of here."

The second fool said impatiently.

Er Gouzi is so vicious, he will come out every time to pick up leaks!
And he also built a city, which is a shame and a shame!
It's a strange thing, the face of the orcs was completely humiliated by this guy.

It can't be shaken off, like a dog skin plaster, secretly hiding in a small corner, every time it comes out, it makes the fool gnash his teeth in anger.

However, nothing can be done.

can only suffer.

One-on-one, no one can do anything to anyone.

But if it's one-to-two, he will only be beaten.

At first, he was pissed off.

Later, I also recognized it!
But, Ma De, don't think that he will give Ergouzi this Sabi a good face.

(End of this chapter)

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