My cheating is too hard

Chapter 201 2 Gouzi's Operation

Chapter 201 Er Gouzi's Operation
"Oh, it's alright, alright, can you say such sad things as soon as we meet?"

Er Gouzi shook his head, with a gesture of compassion, he said meaningfully: "You idiot, you idiot, why are you so stubborn? This is not good!"

"Yeah, don't be stubborn, throw yourself into our arms, and work together for a great cause!"

Big Gouzi nodded.

During these days, he felt the deepest empathy.

What is a good life?What does it mean to live comfortably?
He felt it.

In the past, he felt that only Shiji was his opponent.

However, he never expected that in fact, his younger brother is the master!
Don't ask, asking is cheating!

Ask, it is a human city full of talents, a big family where foreign races and human races live together, and everyone there speaks very well!

This time, Da Gouzi didn't want to come out at all.

I don't want to miss Shu, and I don't want to return.

How good!

What is life?
This is life!
The big dog was full of emotion, but the second fool was just stubborn, and his temper was too aggressive!

What's the use of killing the human race so hard?

It's better to invest in their city construction. When cities appear all over the world, how can the current human race survive?
Surround the city with the countryside, and before it subtly changes, the human race is surrounded...

There are too many human races, and their reproductive ability is even more terrifying than rats!
Killing is endless!
Only assimilation is the most correct operation!
At the beginning, Da Gouzi didn't understand this kind of operation, but later on, when a great city appeared, he understood it.

Have you seen the scene where the human race stood in the camp of the beast race and fought with the human race?

The big dog saw it.

That human race suddenly killed an unknown number of human races, he was a ruthless character!
The big dog was shocked at the time,
Then he rewarded that human race greatly, which aroused the envy of many human races.

Since that day, there have been many similar situations.

Even, some human races organized into mercenaries to hunt and kill the human race.

A lot of ruthless!
The most ruthless one is a foreigner, and he has a younger sister.

His name is Qin Hu, he is very cheating, and he has the cultivation base of the extraordinary three heavens.

Now that he has achieved great fame, many human races have become his ghosts under the knife.

For this kind of rebellious boy, Da Gouzi appreciates it very much and rewards him greatly.

In addition, there are some human races who will bring many human races to join them.

It is often bloody every time, many people are injured, missing arms and legs is common, what's more, there will be some enemies!
Of course, these enemies will all be killed in the end.

There are countless such situations.

All in all, in history, a great city is rising.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, and there will be more and more such great cities!

Now, more compatriots are needed to create more miracles together! !
Because as time goes by, the risk of the city's exposure is increasing, and it is necessary to master stronger strength in order to resist powerful enemies!

"shut up!"

The second idiot raised his eyebrows coldly, his eyes were open, he pointed at the big dog and shouted angrily: "You shameless, I will never go with the two of you! It's shameful that you two brazen scum came out of the orc clan!"

"Made, why are you still so stubborn?"

Er Gouzi was angry and very upset.

Why is this stupid Sabi so stubborn? I'm going to piss him off.

You know, a guy as smart as Da Gouzi was fooled by him.

Now that he has finally raised a large number of humans, he can hear many nice words every day, and his kneeling and licking skills have been significantly improved.

As long as you go back to the prairie, you will definitely be rewarded by the king.

There is no need to discuss kneeling and licking techniques with the bull demon at all. When he returns to the prairie, he will kill the threat of the bull demon and wipe out the grass.

Of course, that's for later.

What to do now is to continue to create more similar cities.

In this way, the technology he has mastered can be constantly updated.

One trick a day, no repetition!

However, to build more cities, it is not enough to rely on him and the big dog, and more strong men are needed to invest in this kind of construction.

The second fool is by far the best choice.

The reason is that this guy was stunned to death, very stubborn, he was a Sabi!
"Made, if you don't agree again, you have to give up."

Er Gouzi is very helpless. After a while, I am afraid that he will have to move his position.

The human race has begun to pay attention to that city, if the human race sends an army...

At that time, no matter whether they win or not, the city will be completely exposed.

In this way, he can only shift positions.

It's just that I don't know how many lovely people will be killed...

As long as he imagined that scene, Er Gouzi felt very uncomfortable.

I really want to slaughter the human race in one go.

However, just as Da Gouzi said, the reproductive ability of the human race is too strong, it can be killed endlessly, and its children and grandchildren are endless and never collapsed.

Only assimilation is king.

Moreover, only by assimilation can he raise more lovely talents!
Therefore, instead of slaughtering the human race now, you can use this to attract more talents, otherwise, once the slaughter is done, it will be difficult to attract talents.

"If the fool doesn't agree, I have no choice but to frighten some human races first, massacre a few cities, frighten them, and then slowly plan."

Er Gouzi secretly said.

It's plan A for the fool to come to help, but this is plan B.

"Do you understand that the number of human races is countless, can you kill them all? The only way is to make them forget their identities!"

Er Gouzi had a lot of meaning. After thinking about it, he remembered what the king said.

Immediately, he took a long sigh, changed his tone, gritted his teeth, and said, "You idiot, do you know that there are so many beast races, and there are countless strong ones, why can't they beat the human race?"


The stupid man stopped. He had thought about this question for a long time.

The number of human races is indeed too much, and they can't be killed, and they can't be killed.

He thinks that's the only reason.

However, seeing the extremely strong and incomparable force gushing out of Er Gouzi, Er Gouzi stopped, and then looked at Er Gouzi in amazement.

Could this scum know the reason? !

How can it be? !
The fool doesn't want to believe it!


Still resisting the urge to rush up and be tough with Er Gouzi.

"Two dogs..."

At this moment, Da Gouzi also changed his expression.

Sure enough, his younger brother is hiding so deeply!

Difficult to measure.

All the orcs thought that Er Gouzi was a licking dog, but in fact he was a sinister and cunning guy who had been hiding his true colors all along!
How long has it been since he came out, and he has already thought of the level of race.

I thought he was on the second floor, but unexpectedly, he was already standing on the eighth floor!
At this moment, Da Gouzi felt a pressure, and Er Gouzi's ranking in his mind skyrocketed, surpassing Shiji and far above all beasts.

This is a formidable opponent!


Er Gouzi grinned, glanced around, and burst out violently!
Two words, slowly spit out from his mouth——


Er Gouzi had a lot of meaning, and although his tone was low, it was extremely provocative.

The simple two words immediately made the big dog and the second fool feel an extremely strong aura, which made their hearts tense.

Could this be the truth?
Er Lengzi couldn't believe his own feelings, and his eyes instantly split open.

Da Gouzi couldn't believe it either, and looked at Er Gouzi in horror.

Two words, causing changes in the world?

It's so nonsense...

Da Gouzi felt like Sabi.My brain is buzzing...

He was standing next to Er Gouzi at this moment, which could prove that Er Gouzi didn't use any strength, just said two words, that's really all.


Er Gouzi was stunned, his pupils constricted as he looked at the shocking world.

When did he become so unpopular? !
Words follow the law? !

Tongue brilliant lotus? !
Er Gouzi didn't believe it. He had always been very self-aware.

So, I flew into the sky, and then looked into the distance, looking into the distance.

The next moment, he was dumbfounded, his scalp was numb, and he said again, "Damn!"

From this point of view, quality is not something that can be tamed in a day or two, it must be persevering!

However, the focus now is not this.

God, changed...

Boom - boom - boom

At this moment, the situation changed, and the sky was shocked!
The huge world swayed and roared.

Under Er Gouzi's perception, there is a terrifying existence that is erupting...


Da Gouzi came to his senses and looked into the distance with seriousness written all over his face.

 Thank you for "."Liangzi's monthly ticket, thank you for your tickets, come often
(End of this chapter)

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