Chapter 217
"Stone Rock!"

Long San's eyes widened, indignant and desperate, feeling extremely sad.

Finished calf.

My mind went blank, and I could only hear a buzzing sound, about to explode.

Humming, the scenery in front of me is shaking, and the space is also distorting.

" sons..." Long San cried out in his mind.

He worked so hard, he had many sons, many daughters.

I can't see it anymore, I can't see anything anymore.

Perhaps, this is the tragedy.


The next moment, Long San fell into a coma.

It was just that at the moment before he fell into a coma, he vaguely saw a golden figure. In addition, he felt a burst of relaxation in his body, and the power of his blood burst out violently, which immediately made him fall into a coma.


Time goes back to the moment before.


A stalwart golden figure suddenly appeared in front of Shi Ji.

Its unremarkable appearance, golden hair like silk and satin fluttering in the wind, noble posture, noble face, and mysterious aura.

It seems that there are no special effects, but in fact it is full of endless special effects.

At this moment, funds are burning wildly.

The sky and the earth are shaking, the space is disillusioned, and infinite visions are blooming.

The ubiquitous legendary power could not touch this figure at all.

However, it seems that the special effects are full, but it exudes a sense of simplicity.

A mysterious and mysterious aura quietly bloomed, permeating between the heaven and the earth.

"Big... big king..."

Seeing the golden figure in front of him, Shi Ji was startled, never expecting the boss to appear here, and then hastily withdrew his breath.


The power of Long San's bloodline exploded crazily, with a bang, his eyes rolled suddenly, his four legs stared, then he twitched and fell into a coma.

Shi Ji glanced at Long San, then secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Long San did not die.

As a loyal pony, Shiji is well aware of the caring operations of all kinds of pony.

For example, at this moment, even though the boss ordered her to kill Long San...

But, pay attention, knock on the blackboard.

To kill Long San, you need to pay attention to the word "accident".

It means killing Long San without knowing it.

For example, just now, she pretended that she didn't know Long San, and then killed Long San.

This is "accident".

But now that the boss is here, she can't kill Long San in front of him. This is not an "accident" but "intentional".Not only is it against the original intention of the big brother, but her behavior is also provoking the majesty of the big brother.

At this moment, once Long San died.

She committed a great crime!

Although the task is completed, it is bound to be severely punished by the boss.

Nine times out of ten, you will lose your life.

After all, as a boss, majesty is the most important thing, inviolable.


Shi Ji heaved a deep sigh in his heart, as a horse boy, he was really helpless.

How to create an accident next?
Moreover, she also thought of a question.

In case Long San wakes up, report her to the boss.

Will the boss punish her for this?

Thinking of the brazen and terrible operations and crazy routines of the boss before this, Shi Ji believed that the boss would punish her for this.

"Ma De, in the end, not only was the bamboo basket fetching water all in vain, but it also caused a lot of trouble."

Shiji was full of inner drama, feeling deep sadness and despair.

Perhaps, this is the sad journey of a caring horse boy!

However, there is no way.

As a horse boy, she can only recognize it.

Fortunately in the misfortune, Long San did not die, everything can be redeemed.

Moreover, what if this color dragon is not Dragon Three?
After all, even though Long San is an idiot and pervert, he wouldn't be so crazy.

It's a pity that the big brother's words immediately made her feel deeply desperate.

"Shiji, what are you doing? Why are you bullying Ryuzo, what do you mean?"

Zhang Yuan was angry.

After taking a look at Long San who was about to burp, Shi Ji was instantly pissed off.

So many days have passed, but Shiji still has no news. Zhang Yuan stayed in the prairie, worried that he would die, afraid that Long San, Sabi, would be killed.

After all, the current Long San is completely different from the previous Long San.

This time, he made [-] points of preparation before deciding to leave the prairie.

The most important point is that there is no trace of the human race here.

That's why he shows up.

Otherwise he would not have come.

However.Unexpectedly, things were completely different from what he had imagined!

He finally came out, but he didn't expect to see this scene?

Didn't he make it clear enough?
Bring Ryuzo back!

It was a complete accident that Long San left the prairie!
He made it very clear.

Clearly, clearly.

He never imagined that Shiji, who had entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, would do such a frenzied thing, even wanting to beat Long San to death!
Damn it...

How does this let him solve it?

"Shiji, Shiji, what are you doing? You're really going too far. You're making my heart hurt. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Zhang Yuan was heartbroken.

To tell the truth, Shi Ji is his right-hand man.

This guy Long San is not only stupid, but also a sand sculpture, completely inferior to Shi Ji.

There is no comparison.

However, Long San is his younger brother.

In terms of affection, he could let Shi Ji go, but in terms of the majesty of the king, it gave him a headache, after all, this involves the issue of face.

after all--

Big guys love face.

"Your Majesty..."

Shiji collapsed.

It seems that before Long San wakes up, he will be sold out by the king.

This kind of routine and gameplay.

She couldn't be more familiar as a horse boy.

In the past, the king also used this method to play with her.

But it's not that crazy!

In an instant, she was sold out.

At this moment, the sadness in Shiji's heart flowed like a river.

There seems to be a song coming from my ears: "Liang Liangye misses you like a river...

The boss who had been diving for a long time, when he appeared for the first time, he punched her hard.

All this came so unexpectedly.

Make her confused, make her at a loss.

The two paws are at a loss, like her soul that has nowhere to rest at the moment.

"Okay, okay, no need to say more, that's it." Zhang Yuan said with a headache.

"Let's stop this matter, don't tell a third party, or you will know how powerful it is, and erase the Zerg's memory about this part."

Zhang Yuan did not forget to warn.

Forget it.

That's all for now.

so tired.

He still can't cross the threshold in his heart, he really is too soft-hearted.

Fortunately, Shi Ji did not kill Long San.

There is no third party involved in this matter.

Otherwise, the evidence is solid, as the king, he will definitely punish Shiji.

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."

Shiji wept with joy, he didn't have time to think about it, anyway, he just escaped a catastrophe.

Then, she frantically erased the memory of the Zerg.

As the master of the Zerg, modifying the memory of the Zerg is completely trivial.

At the later stage of the race, she herself is the will of the Zerg, and all the Zerg will only have instincts, without the slightest self-awareness.

"Also, why did you kill Long San?"

Zhang Yuan was puzzled.

Lifting the paw, it cut a space and used it as a container to put Long San inside.

Then the container shrank, turning into fine dust, attached to a golden hair.


Shi Ji was amazed at the boss's operation at first, but he was a little dazed the next moment.

He looked at the boss, and then at himself.

His eyes were a little dazed.

What the fuck?

Could she be wrong? !

(End of this chapter)

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