My cheating is too hard

Chapter 218 It's the Dragon's Fault 3

Chapter 218
Shi Ji thought for a while, and realized that he really might have made a mistake.

But can this be her fault?
The boss said it so obscurely before.

In addition to those insane operations, brazen behaviors, and brutal routines of the boss before, it is also reasonable to kill Long San...

She couldn't help thinking of the bad side.

After thinking about this clearly, Shi Ji immediately became numb.


Can it still be said that the boss didn't make it clear?

Definitely not.

Not to mention the boss's long-standing behavior and way of doing things, but in terms of his current status, he can't say that. This is not what Ma Zai should do.

As a caring horse boy, she can only take the blame on herself!
"This this……"

Shi Ji faltered, gritted his teeth, and said: "My lord, in fact, Long San may have betrayed you. He just came here with the people from the Guangming Empire, and he wanted to beat me and humiliate me. I can't be more angry." rebellious."

Blinking and blinking his eyes a few times, Shi Ji shed a few tears in great sadness.

Those who hear it are sad, and those who hear it weep.

She can take the blame.


If Long San didn't humiliate her, how could she do such a thing?
In the final analysis, Long San humiliated her!
As the dignified ruler of the Zerg race, doesn't she want to lose face?

Anyway, Long San is now in a coma, so let's beat him to death!

Moreover, she was not wrong.

As for whether it was a betrayal, it is not clear.

Anyway, guesswork.

Can't you just say it?

Zhang Yuan couldn't believe it, he was a little dazed, and said, "Long San betrayed this king?"

"Yeah, yeah, I brought people from the Guangming Empire here. What else can this be if it's not a betrayal? But now I have killed those people."

Shiji Road.

Pointing to the piles of minced meat on the ground.

Among them, Martin can still see a trace of his original appearance. As for the others, they are not so lucky, and they are directly crushed to pieces.

Legendary Realm is no joke.

Very suddenly.


Zhang Yuan looked at the piles of minced meat squeezed into the armor, and was speechless.

"Long San swore an oath, Shi Ji, he will not betray this king just like you."

Zhang Yuanchang sighed.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of a little story. The great little hero led the enemy into the base area and sacrificed himself in a very tragic way.

Right now, isn't it a proper story?

It's just a pity that this little Sabi, Long San, may not know how to operate.


Shiji was dumbfounded.

My heart suddenly panicked.

What the fuck? !
Did Long San, that bastard, swear? !

Then why humiliate her?

Isn't it humiliating? !
Shiji's heart was suddenly in a state of confusion, he was in a state of fear, and didn't know what to do.

There was no way, the truth was that the big boss was standing in front of her, bringing an incomparably terrifying coercion, which made her almost unable to turn her head around.

"Okay, let's talk about it in detail."

Zhang Yuandao.

He felt that it might really be Long San's fault, so he immediately became interested.

As for the people of the Guangming Empire, they are dead.

To die is to die.

Turn off his wool?

It was Shiji who killed him, not him.

When dealing with this kind of thing, Zhang Yuan has already been able to handle it with ease.

Almost without thinking, I picked myself out and made a clear distinction.

On the contrary, he was more concerned about what happened to Long San.

Shi Ji didn't know what the boss was thinking, otherwise he would have collapsed if he couldn't help it.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

She thought about it, and felt that she had told everything honestly.

Because there was no need to add fuel to the picture, what Long San did just now was completely humiliating her.

Although she might be wrong.

But what could that brazen behavior be if not humiliation?

After a while.

After Shi Ji finished speaking, he still didn't forget to blink his eyes and keep crying.

I was very sad and felt that I had been greatly wronged.

"Your Majesty, you have to make the decision for me."

Shi Ji looked at Zhang Yuan, his voice was soft and crisp, with a hint of crying.

It was almost fatal.

"This Saby!"

Zhang Yuan immediately had a headache, unexpectedly, Long San was so crazy.

Very meow.

Even if you want it, you can find other orcs.

Shi Ji is a scorpion, where does Long San, Sabi, get the interest? !
Come on.

This matter was at fault on Long San.

It was this Sabi who was blinded by lard, and then fell in love with Shiji blindly.

Even a pig is much stronger than Shiji!
However, since Long San is his younger brother, he can't kill him, right?

"Shi Ji, this king thinks, let's forget about this matter, you just suffered a small loss, and Long San was also beaten by you, so let's forget it."

Zhang Yuan smacked his mouth a few times, and said: "As the saying goes, it's better to settle enemies than to end them. Don't worry, when I take Long San back to the prairie, I will punish him severely, and I promise to give him a treat that he is incomparable to. A profound lesson!"

"Yeah, I see, thank you, Your Majesty."

Shi Ji didn't know that the boss was disgusting her, so she was very happy now.

Finally escaped.

Moreover, it seems that the boss thinks the same as himself!

Long San is humiliating himself!
"Okay, keep working hard, the king is going back."

Zhang Yuandao looked back at the sky, and Klauer did not disappoint him.

In half a month, Klauer will be out of the cage.

That's the tiger out of the cage!

So, in terms of time, there is no rush.

The most important thing now is to solve Long San's problems.

Ryuzo has a problem, a big problem.

He actually likes bugs!

I can't stand it anymore.

When he goes back to the prairie, Long San will realize where he went wrong.

Bugs, orcs, these are definitely two species!
Even if the gender is the same, the structure is completely different!

How could there be any result? !

From this point of view, Long San has gradually become somewhat deformed in this respect.

And the cause of all this is likely to be the country of the Bright Empire!

They threatened and abused Long San, causing him to gradually become a pervert!
"Hey, it's my fault. If I hadn't accidentally kicked Long San into the gate of space, Long San would not have fallen into the Bright Empire, and would not have been caught by those human races."

Zhang Yuan is very guilty at the moment, even if Sabi Longsan is still his younger brother!
All of this, in the final analysis, is because of himself!

Suddenly, Zhang Yuan was stunned. The Guangming Empire is known as one of the three great empires!

It seems to be very powerful.

Moreover, there is the God of Light.

"By the way, Shiji, do you know the situation of the Guangming Empire? Tell me in detail."

Zhang Yuan originally planned to step into the gate of space, but suddenly thought of this.

The God of Light is an immortal god!

If such a terrifying existence really appeared in the Empire of Light...

The consequences could be disastrous.

Because the God of Light must be on the hook, suddenly ruthless!

Even if it is to hang him, it is estimated that it will be easy!
But Shiji killed several strong men from the Guangming Empire here.

This is probably a big trouble!

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Shiji did not doubt that he was there, and told the information about the Guangming Empire in detail.

Although there is a lot of information, but in summary, it is: there is a God of Light.

"Okay, work hard."

Zhang Yuan shook his head, stepped into the prairie, and disappeared without a trace.

Then, under Shi Ji's incomparably shocked eyes, the space gate that had been hidden nearby disappeared suddenly with a buzzing sound.


(End of this chapter)

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