My cheating is too hard

Chapter 222 His Overlooking Gaze

Chapter 222 His Overlooking Gaze

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, the god standing on the other side of the rainbow bridge walked step by step, but he felt an extremely strange feeling.

It seems that every time you step, it is this world that caters to and actively advances the gods, rather than this noble god who is actively advancing.

Before I move, the world can't wait to cater to me and flatter me.

This is probably one of the greatness of the gods.

Layers of ripples opened up in the void, and the sound didn't seem loud, but there was a deafening feeling, as if the sky and the earth were vibrating crazily.

Circles of monstrous ripples, like overwhelming mountains and seas, contained endless terrifying power, and were directly transmitted to the minds of countless creatures.

Make them terrified, make them tremble, make them terrified.

Countless beings were amazed, but they didn't notice a stream of light galloping from afar, fleeting, and a long distance had been crossed in an instant.


In the end, this mysterious and great figure came to Shiji.

With a height of only two meters, in front of Shiji, he is equivalent to a small pebble on the ground, extremely small, insignificant, and ridiculously humble.

However, it contained an indescribable terrifying power, which made Shi Ji fearful.


The indifferent voice reveals nobility, which is the great word of God.


He stretched out his finger and pointed ahead, as if breaking something.


Shiji's mouth was trembling, and suddenly he found that the power that imprisoned him had disappeared, he could move, but he didn't dare to move, instead he secretly scolded the dog thief a few times in his heart, and then looked at the figure stubbornly .

If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you, dog thief, my mother will not surrender!

Shi Ji felt that the God of Light probably wanted to surrender himself.

Otherwise, why didn't he kill her directly, but let her go all of a sudden?

After all, she is not bad! !


Her heart is full of pride.

However, she will never surrender, after all, she has already made an oath!
Besides, Boss Baobuqi is still watching here.

As the most loyal horse boy, how could the boss let her die?
Moreover, she speaks so nicely.

The whole prairie, who else is she.

But Shi Ji soon lost his pride, feeling as if his heart had been pinched, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, terrified.


What the hell is this guy trying to do? !


He looked down at Shiji indifferently, obviously that petite figure was far inferior to Shiji, but at this moment he used the bird's-eye view, as if casting a curious gaze from some indescribable deep dimension.

"That's right!"

Shi Ji collected himself, gritted his teeth, and pretended to be fearless.

However, what awaits Shiji next is a seemingly short but extremely long time. It seems that thousands of years have passed, and all his secrets seem to be revealed and clearly seen.


Shiji became more and more frightened.

This guy is actually checking her secrets? !

However, he couldn't struggle to escape, and it seemed that even his thoughts became sluggish.

I seem to be imprisoned in a cage, and all the secrets in my heart are revealed little by little under the stripping of the cocoon, and I can see it all at a glance.

Suddenly, for a moment.

The feeling that almost suffocated her stopped abruptly, Shi Ji gasped suddenly, her body trembled, and she gasped wildly and violently.

Immediately there was a thud, and he lay down on the ground without courage, his whole body was limp and weak, as if he had gone through many battles and couldn't lift any strength.


He glanced at Shiji silently, then randomly looked at the distant world.

Such a posture, aloof, does not seem to care about Shiji's life or death.

Obviously, in Shiji's body, he just saw something that really interested him, and it seemed that Shiji's interest was gone.


"What is..."

The beings who had been spying in the dark felt a little shocked, talking a lot, and involuntarily followed his line of sight and looked into the distance.

Mountains, rivers, deserts, plains.

A vast ocean, vividly on the surface, with turbulent waves and turbulent waves.

"His gaze, is it the sea? Across thousands of mountains and rivers, I'm afraid only the sea can interest him."

"The sea..."

"The sea is known as the cradle of life, and it breeds countless creatures. In the era of aura recovery, terrible existences were born there, and it is a forbidden area for human civilization..."

A being spoke.

His eyes flickered, and he looked at the sea in surprise.

Before the era of aura recovery, the sea was a forbidden area for human civilization!
It has bred many unknown ancient creatures and countless powerful species.

And since the era of spiritual recovery has come, the unknown ancient creatures and countless species in the sea have ushered in an unprecedented transformation.

Even the three great empires, the powerful orcs on land, and even these ancient revived beings dare not enter the sea world easily.

There, taboos are really bred!

Perhaps, only such taboo places can attract his attention.

And the Sea Clan is also the overlord!
Possesses unparalleled terrifying power.

Today, none of the ancient sea people is awake, they are all sleeping.

Perhaps it is not that the Sea Clan has not awakened, but has already awakened early and is making arrangements!

"Hmph, the cradle of life? Ridiculous! The place He wants to look at is there!"

Suddenly an ancient existence spoke, his tone full of amazement.

Looking far away, across the magnificent sea and the boundless ocean.

On the other side of the sea, across mountains and rivers, a vibrant prairie comes into view.

The breeze is blowing, and the weeds and flowers above cannot be blown away.

The white clouds are blossoming, unable to cover the azure blue sky.

It looks so beautiful, like a paradise.


However, all these beautiful appearances seem abrupt and strange.

It seems to have been created on purpose!

It is incompatible with the appearance of the era of reiki recovery.

There are only endless weeds and no living things, which is normal!

It can be said that there is no such special place in the world.

"I can't see through, and I can't see, what kind of place is this?"

That existence spoke quietly.

He clearly has ancient experience and is well informed and knowledgeable.

However, what happened in front of him really made him completely unable to see through.

At first glance, that is the prairie!

But at the second glance, I felt that something was wrong, and I felt that it was not that simple.

However, no matter how you look at it, you can't see any mystery at all.

Everywhere reveals awkwardness and weirdness.

This can be called: the forbidden land!
At this moment, when many people saw the existence of this prairie, their hearts tightened.

found it!
(End of this chapter)

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