My cheating is too hard

Chapter 223 Shi Ji, I misread you

Chapter 223 Shi Ji, I misread you

"What is this place?"

"A prairie looks unattractive, but it reveals strangeness everywhere."

"It's not the prairie, is it the folding world?"

"It can't be a folding world. The gears of the era have just started. The great era has not yet arrived, and the power of space in the world is still unstable. Once the folding world appears, it will inevitably be buried in endless space!"

"That's right, it can't be a folding world."

"In that case, then, what kind of place is there? Whose taboo is it?"

"I don't know. I just woke up. I thought the great era has arrived. Unexpectedly, the great era has not yet begun. I will sleep again soon. Now I just want to watch a play and see what is different here. "

"Hmph, I'm going to sleep too, but before that, I decided to make a big fuss about the Sea Clan. Who will go with me? The human race in this era has already risen. As long as it exists, the human race will inevitably grow up and become a giant again. what."

"Since that's the case, let me go too. None of the Sea Clan is awake this time. It's unreasonable to interfere with the balance of the world."

"Hahaha, that sounds grand, but I also have the same idea!"

"Okay, okay, let's go together then,"

All the existences were discussing and murderous, they were forced to wake up early, but none of the Hai Clan woke up early, which was unreasonable.

Once the Sea Clan passed through this transitional stage normally, it would be extremely terrifying.

For all races, it will cause a crushing situation.

This is not the result that the crowd expected to see!
a moment.

The discussion stopped abruptly, and they looked towards the prairie and remained silent.

Perhaps, this is where he was looking!
In other words, there, it attracted the attention of a great god.



Hiding in the door of space, Zhang Yuan shrank his neck, feeling a little dazed.

How did this happen all of a sudden?
The God of Light, this unqualified asshole, low guy from Goujie, found him? !

What are you kidding? !

Feeling so many gazes projected over him, Zhang Yuan couldn't help beating the drums in his heart, and couldn't help but retract the half of his head that was exposed.

But when he found that these existences didn't seem to find him, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, tightened his paws, and then he looked at the hooker.

It’s fine if this trash likes to play tricks, after all, everyone is an adult, well-informed, and knows that playing tricks is an extremely happy thing.

However, it should never have happened, it shouldn't have caused him to be exposed!
It's all right now, after struggling for so long, he finally couldn't hide it anymore.

"Made, you trash, as long as you come over, I will shoot you to death."

Zhang Yuan was so angry that he cursed.

I really want to run over in such a hurry, then give the God of Light a few ears, and then spit a few more times.

In the end, he used a brutal way to brutally torture the God of Light to death!
Only in this way can he express the bad breath in his heart.

But he just thought about it in his heart, it was impossible to go out.

There are too many tricks, and there are also many things.

And what kind of Sea Clan!
Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan was so angry that he could continue to hide.

The gods were really weird, and they saw the extraordinaryness of the prairie.

However, fortunately, no one seems to be able to see the prairie.

Even the God of Light was just puzzled and didn't really see him.

This can be regarded as an unexpected harvest.


Under the watchful eyes of all the beings and Zhang Yuan.

God of Light, moved.

"Ant, what is that place?"

He turned around, looked at Shiji, and spoke calmly, with Tianxian in his mouth.

It exudes endless and terrifying coercion, causing the world to roar.

"Shiji, be tougher!"

Zhang Yuan secretly said, looking at Shi Ji with burning eyes, eyes full of expectation.

Among so many horse boys, Shiji is the one he admires the most.

Not only can it be cute, but it can also be fierce.

Smart and quick-witted, with a high level of education, the key mind is also very sharp.

If it was Ergouzi and the others, Zhang Yuan felt that he would definitely be confessed by them, because what these dogs like most is to bully others.

Once he gains power, he will be the boss and my second child, and he will be so arrogant.

They fight when they don't agree with each other, they fight each other, they calculate each other, and they are also very stupid.

However, in Zhang Yuan's impression, Shi Ji is definitely an exception.

"Come on, Shiji, scold this guy to death, don't worry, you won't die!"

"Shiji, hang him!"

Zhang Yuan couldn't help shouting in his heart, he was very excited, and he was on the scene.

Sure enough, under Zhang Yuan's expectant eyes, Shi Ji really stiffened up, raised his head stubbornly, and then showed a trace of contempt.

"Good! Good!"

Zhang Yuan almost cried out.

As expected of Shiji, although this movement is not smooth and seems a bit obscure, there is a hint of domineering in every gesture.

After such a distance, Zhang Yuan could also feel that the blazing domineering fire was almost rushing towards his face, giving him the illusion that he was about to suffocate.

Finally, Shi Ji spoke out, and the words were astonishing and earth-shattering.

"Hmph, listen up! That is the great territory of my king, the supreme lord of the grassland, and that is a vast and great world!"

Shiji was proud.

Stubbornly, he raised his head, and there was still a trace of contempt in the corner of his eyes.

Garbage, what the hell!

You Guangming God is quite fraudulent, but once compared with my terrifying big brother, it is a piece of cake, even Seya is not qualified.

this moment.

Shi Ji's domineering, side leaked.


He was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"The Lord of the Prairie?"

All the beings were shocked, felt unbelievable, and became unbelievable.


Zhang Yuan was dumbfounded and stunned.

What the hell!

Shi Ji is a dog, it's okay, and he has learned how to be a dog.

Zhang Yuan's heart was extremely complicated at the moment, he was cursing, his mouth was crooked with anger, and he was furious, while he was feeling very uncomfortable, worrying about gains and losses.

What the hell happened, the original cutie also started to become a bully.

Shi Ji disappointed him too much.

I thought Shi Ji would be very stubborn and said: "You talk about wool, I don't understand!"

But, unexpectedly, Shi Ji would sell him so readily.


In an instant, Zhang Yuan sensed countless suspicious eyes, and suddenly he was shocked, and hurriedly retracted the exposed half of his head.


Almost at the same time, a breeze blew, and the door of space was closed.


This ray of space fluctuation is not strong, but at this moment, it is like a dazzling streamer under the starry sky, blooming with incomparably brilliant rays of light.

In an instant, it was captured by a crowd of beings.

They looked at each other for a few times, and their hearts, which were originally in doubt, became more and more in doubt, and then they all withdrew their gazes, not daring to continue looking.

Regardless of whether there is a prairie lord there or not, judging from the current situation, this is no longer accessible to them who are still very fragile.

After all, the ignorant are the fearless.

Correspondingly, the more you know, the easier it is to be afraid.

For example, at this moment, many existences are already vowing not to touch the prairie.

such as……


Has retracted the line of sight.

He seemed calm and unhurried, but he also seemed to be taken aback by the truth.

It is true that this truth is a little scary, which made him feel a little surprised and uncertain.


Shiji's eyes lit up, and then he sneered, with deep pity in his eyes, shook his head, and sighed: "God of Light, you should leave here quickly, my king is not easy to mess with, I advise you You give up this empire of light, and let me destroy this empire of light."

At this moment, Shi Ji's expression was full of coercion and arrogance.

"Okay, get out of the way, Xiao Ming."

Shiji said calmly.

Then, without looking at the motionless God of Light, he strolled forward.


In one sentence, the God of Light is settled.

It's really a batch.

It is estimated that the God of Light has been frightened and forced to react, but as an outstanding horse boy, she must react quickly.

Now, the most important thing is to destroy the Guangming Empire and kill the human race!
She wants to prove to the boss who is watching here that she, Shiji, is indomitable, and she can keep her face unchanged even in the face of the great immortal gods.

She is her, a different fireworks.

(End of this chapter)

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