My cheating is too hard

Chapter 315 Zhang Xiaotian: My Royal Fate

Chapter 315 Zhang Xiaotian: My Royal Fate

boom! !

Zhang qingyang went on a rampage, rampaging unscrupulously in the underground river world.

Horizontal push!

Just see what's blocking you.


Then erase it.

A rushing river?
Also erased!

The front is flat?
Then make something out of it.

Do some damage.

As for the creatures buried in the destruction, zhang qingyang didn't care.

It looks so strange and messy that it doesn't conform to his aesthetics at all.

Only creatures from the prairie world can escape.


"Zhang Qingtian, go, bring Zhang Ergou back for me!"

So said the Lord of the Prairie.


Now that he is appointed by the emperor, he doesn't panic at all, and he is a group of stable people.

Since entering the underground river world, it has been under destruction all the time.

If it was in the past, naturally it would not be so arrogant.

But his lovely younger brother is in this underground river world.

Then I'm sorry.

He must be arrogant and domineering in order to show his demeanor as a big brother.

The underground river world is a special folded world, but it is almost the same as the outside world. Apart from not seeing the sun for many years, it also has abundant spiritual energy, as well as mountains or rivers.

There are also many creatures, but because the underground river world cannot see sunlight for many years, many species have undergone special changes.

And because the water area occupies [-]% of the underground river world, and the water area accumulates a lot of aura, the vast majority of creatures thrive in the water area. After countless years of evolution, they are completely different from the creatures in the main world.

If it is an archaeologist, at this moment, I am afraid that I will be so happy that I will die.

But zhang qingyang wouldn't, he couldn't arouse any interest in all of this.

He's here to find a place now.

Ergou must be taught a lesson to let his younger brother know how powerful he is.

Be reasonable.

Ergou is indeed very good.

However, in front of Zhang Qingtian, Ergou has been a younger brother all his life!

Zhang qingyang ran rampant all the way, announcing that he had arrived in a very high-profile way.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

The more so, the more unhappy.

Don't think about it, it must be Zhang Ergou's younger brother who wants to show him off.

"It's interesting, okay, not bad, I didn't expect to learn these routines from the human race, but if you two dogs insist on doing this, your elder brother and I must be more high-profile. When the time comes, I won't believe you came to welcome me. "

yo ho...

Zhang qingyang felt that his temper was about to come up.

He just can't stand Er Gou, the younger brother, shitting on his head.

You must show your majesty.

Let this younger brother understand that the eldest brother is the eldest brother, and the eldest brother is a scumbag.

boom! !

He raised his hand and waved out waves of wind power, destroying the distant mountains in one fell swoop.

In an instant, the mountains vibrated, shattered, and turned into oceans of dust.

Gone with the wind.

Zhang qingyang was satisfied, and then continued to explode, sending out another blast of wind.

boom! !

Blessed with the power of the world, the power of destruction is unprecedented.

It seems that it only destroyed a mountain range, but the entire underground river world set off ripples, like ripples quietly rippling in the blue water.

Not drastic, but noticeable.


Outside the underground river world, in a hidden space node.


The face of the God of Chaos was ashen, feeling the incomparably terrifying power faintly coming from this node, he immediately jumped into a rage and was furious.

"Damn it! Damn it! Why do such taboos exist in a mere underground river world? Could it be that the fallen Titan hadn't died then?"

The God of Chaos was gnashing his teeth in anger, his expression frantic, and he was very unwilling.

The underground river world is the most suitable world for offering sacrifices to the main world.

If you want to sacrifice other folded worlds, it will naturally take a lot of effort.

However, sacrificing to the underground river world does not take long and does not require any price. It can be said that this is a seemingly easy task.

Obviously it will succeed.

Unexpectedly, such a terrifying aura came from inside.


The God of Chaos cursed, gritted his teeth, and left unwillingly.

If he really sacrificed to the underground river world, he would first have to face that kind of terrifying existence, and it would be a luxury for him to survive.

Sacrificial folding world is imminent.

However, it is not necessary to take such a risk and even lose his life for it.

"Damn it, it seems that I can only take that step. Fortunately, everything is under the control of this god. Just wait, this god will make you regret it."

The God of Chaos secretly said.


Not only did the God of Chaos yell at each other, almost at the moment when the God of Chaos left, Klauer and Ergou, who were hiding in the depths of the underground river world, looked at each other and looked into the distance together, their complexions became very ugly .

"Which one is this?"

Klauer pointed at Zhang Xiaotian who was arrogantly destroying in the distance, he was so angry that he blew his nose and stared, his face was extremely ugly, he was so angry that he almost wanted to make a move.


Huanghuang divine power lingered around him, and his whole body was filled with terrifying divine power.

The power of the gods is unrivaled.

Can't imagine.

The degenerate aura that is exclusive to the fallen titan is extremely rich, condensed but not dissipated, giving birth to various visions, which are constantly disillusioned and born behind him.

At this moment, Klauer has re-emerged as a god.

Nai: God of the Fallen Titans.

Taking Fallen Titan as his name, only Klauer dared to be so domineering. After all, he came from an ancient era and had a very high status.

And thanks to the relics of the fallen titan back then, he was ingeniously combined with this world and could control a trace of world power. It is not impossible to refine this underground river world in the future.

The strength is increasing day by day, completely different and extraordinary.

At this moment, he was furious, and the entire underground river world shook accordingly.


Not long ago, Zhang Ergou woke him up and helped him ascend to the throne.

After learning the whole truth, Klauer originally planned to go back to the prairie to help his elder brother fight against the severe situation in the future.

However, unexpectedly, a mysterious sign was discovered unexpectedly.

Originated from the original will of the underground river world, it told him that a malicious god appeared in the dark, secretly spying on the underground river world.

If Claure can destroy the gods, he can be recognized by the world.

The time required to refine the underground river world is definitely greatly reduced.

Therefore, Klauer stayed and hid, ready to kill the other party in one fell swoop when the other party appeared, so that he would not only be recognized by the underground river world, but also devour the divinity of the mysterious god.

Divine power is definitely a good treasure for gods.

And Zhang Ergou knew this, so he was naturally willing to cooperate, and in order to prevent accidents, he deliberately hid many orcs under his command.

I, along with Klauer, hid in this mysterious corner together.

At that time, he can also take action to help kill the mysterious god...


Unexpectedly, the opportunity that was originally at your fingertips slipped away like this.

Zhang Ergou felt that the whole dog was going to be stupid.

Especially when he saw Zhang qingyang, he was so angry that he almost wiped his tears.


So fucking angry.

There was another deafening roar, and Zhang Ergou's eyelids jumped wildly.

Incompetent bungler!

This bastard doesn't do any human work at all!

"This trash!"

Er Gou gritted his teeth and said, "Your Highness Zane, I don't know this guy at all, so let's kill him, and he'll be done with it, so that this guy won't cause trouble in the future."


Crower said.


Ergou didn't know what Claure was enduring, anyway, he couldn't stand it anymore.

With a flash, he came in front of Zhang qingyang, his face was full of displeasure.

"Two dogs?"

Zhang qingyang stopped and snorted coldly, but a trace of excitement flashed in those small eyes, he raised his chin and made a pose.

It seems to say: "Get out of the way, Dad is going to pretend!"

However, the next moment, a fist the size of a casserole came into view.


Zhang qingyang covered his right eye, feeling a little dazed.

what happened?
He hasn't started pretending to be aggressive yet, Ergou can't stand being aggressive?

As the eldest brother, he must deal with this younger brother severely.

Just when he was about to get angry, he received another slap on the back of the head.


Zhang qingyang yelled, and suddenly turned his head to look, he was immediately dumbfounded.

"His Royal Highness Zane?"

Zhang Xiaotian said, his pupils constricted, Claure Zane really came back to life!

Moreover, he has become a god.

The crazily erupting brilliant divine power brought him a lot of pressure.

However, Zhang Qingtian soon became upset, and said, "Why did you hit me?!"

"Why hit you?"

Klauer smiled, squeezed his fist, and punched his left eye.

"Is it okay if you don't kill him?"

At the same time, he did not forget to ask Ergou who was about to do it.


Zhang qingyang cried out in pain, startled and angry, and said, "you...what do you want to do?!"


Ergou grinned, squeezed his fists, and the next moment, he pounced on him.


clap clap clap!

(End of this chapter)

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