My cheating is too hard

Chapter 316 Something is wrong with Zhang Xiaotian

Chapter 316 Something is wrong with Zhang Xiaotian

Zhang qingyang felt wronged.

If it weren't for his strong psychological quality, he would probably want to be killed.

Although he was indeed a little bit pretentious, he seemed a little arrogant.


It wouldn't have been such a brutal beating!
Pretending to break the law? !
Do not break the law!
If it is pretentious to break the law, the king who is the most pretentious will definitely bear the brunt.

Since pretending to be coercive doesn't break the law, why should I suffer this beating?

Not convinced.

There is no law in this world!
Zhang qingyang swears that he will make Ergou and even Klauer pay a heavy price, and let these two guys understand that Zhang qingyang is not easy to mess with!
clap clap!

woo woo woo...

When he meets the king, he must tell the king that he has been abused.

Especially Ergou, as a younger brother, dared to beat his elder brother.

If you don't talk about ethics and morality, you are simply a beast, what a fucking dog.

"What look in your eyes?! It's this time, and you still don't admit your mistake, how stubborn are you?"

Er Gou scolded, he was so angry that his nose was about to crooked, but he still wasn't convinced?

Zhang qingyang snorted coldly, that pig's face was full of stubbornness.


He, zhang qingyang, was not convinced, and he would definitely take revenge in the future.

"Bah! Thief!"

Zhang qingyang scolded, facing Ergou is a mouthful of thousand-year-old sauerkraut.

"What did I do wrong? How dare you hit me, it's too much!"

He is the emperor's life.

Isn't it just pretending?

Pretending to break the law? !

Ergou was really going to be furious. He grabbed Zhang Qingtian and hit him with a hammer.

"Dog thief!"

Zhang qingyang yelled, tears welled up in his eyes, and he felt a little uncomfortable.


Ergou was stunned.

When is it, and you still don't admit your mistake?It's really too arrogant.

Er Gou, who was so angry, completely forgot that from the beginning to the end, he hit Zhang qingyang when they met, and did not tell him about the mysterious god.

But it's already reached this moment, so what else is there to say?
No need.

Here comes the interest.

Can't stop it.

"The temper is too bad."

Klauer squeezed his fist, covering the face of the pig's head, it was the explosive hammer.

Er Gou was not idle either. This was an opportunity to bully Zhang Qingtian in an open and honest manner. If he didn't get beaten up this time, he would have no chance in the future.

At the moment, bow left and right.

clap clap clap!

clap clap clap!



woo woo woo... wow...

Do not!
I, Zhang qingyang, can't cry!
Zhang qingyang covered his face with his hands, and tears burst out uncontrollably.

Like a runaway wild horse, when it sees the grassland, it doesn't care about anything.

I really can't stand it.

Anyone who is not very good at psychological quality probably wants to commit suicide right now.


After half a day.

Er Gou dragged Zhang qingyang's leg, which was swollen into a pig's head, and left the underground river world, completely ignoring Zhang qingyang's wailing.

Zhang qingyang did something wrong, so this beating was just due to beating.

Now, he was going to report to the king and punish zhang qingyang severely.

It's not that he's cruel, it's that Zhang qingyang is really too arrogant.

He actually didn't recognize him as the eldest brother, and even called him a thief. The most important thing was that His Highness Zane lost a great opportunity because of Zhang Xiaotian's recklessness.

It must be a severe punishment!

After all, it involves too much.

A mysterious god is hiding behind, what kind of conspiracy will this have?


Claure snorted coldly, the great opportunity was just gone.

If zhang qingyang was not under his elder brother's subordinates, he would definitely not be merciful. Taking someone's chance is tantamount to killing their parents, which is bloody revenge.

Therefore, when Zhang Xiaotian was dragged in front of Zhang Yuan and found out that he had caused a catastrophe, he immediately forgot the vow he had made to take revenge. .


Zhang qingyang wailed loudly, shouting that he was guilty and willing to accept punishment.


Zhang Yuan really had nothing to say.

They are clearly two brothers who love each other, why is their relationship so bad? !

In front of me, she is so cute, but in private, she will fight to the death, and no one will obey the other. The relationship is too stinky.

You know, these are two brothers!
Could it be that there is no room for two dogs in one world?
Zhang Yuan really didn't understand the relationship between Zhang qingyang and Ergou.

Henry Zhang and Zhang Bing are also two brothers, I don’t know how good the relationship is!
do not understand.

Zhang Yuan originally wanted to save the two brothers, but after thinking about it for a while, he simply ignored it. After all, this is fate!
He heaved a long sigh in his heart, now he only hoped that Zhang Qingtian would not be so arrogant in the future, as an older brother, let his younger brother go, so what?
As long as you don't die, it's fine!
All right.

"Klauer, you said, there is a mysterious god who is spying in the dark?"

Zhang Yuandao.

"That's right, brother, if Zhang qingyang didn't make a big commotion, his aura was too strong and earth-shattering, I would definitely be able to catch that guy."

Klauer said regretfully: "That guy is so timid. I waited for several days, and seeing that guy couldn't help but make a move. When the time comes, I will make a secret move, and I will definitely be able to kill that guy." catch."

Crower said "get that guy" twice in a row.

You can see how upset he is.

Feeling bleeding.

It hurts a lot.

The gods or something is a trivial matter.

But this is related to whether he can get the underground river world. Once he successfully catches the opponent, he will be one step closer to the God of Acquired God.

If he doesn't use external force, he doesn't know how long it will take to get the underground river world. It may be difficult to achieve it even if the flowers are all withered in the year of the monkey.


Zhang Yuan narrowed his eyes.

Tell the truth.

He vaguely felt it.

That mysterious god may have some kind of mysterious connection with the dead bastard behind him. It is possible that the two parties are the same!
Of course, this idea is a bit of a bullshit.

Don't say anything else.

Zhang Yuan still believed in his own strength.

Ordinary dead bastards can't touch him at all, even if he lies still and let the opponent hit him, he probably can't hurt a single hair of himself.


This cowardly god is probably not the dead bastard who cheated him.


Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

What if it's that dead bastard? !
Now that we finally have clues, we must not let them go.

It must be to find out the other party, and then knock him on the head all day long!

Zhang Yuan suddenly became interested.

His behavior is to not let go of any possibility of existence.

Even if it's impossible.

It should also be placed under the most incredible conditions to conduct some discussions.

If the result is different from what you guessed, then everyone will be happy.

If it is the same as what I guessed, then everyone is happy.

There is no loss left or right.

After all, he's the one calling the shots and doesn't need to do things.

One of the great king's benefits is reflected in this one.

He can just move his mouth, and his subordinates will implement it honestly.


When he came back to his senses, seeing Zhang qingyang crying, he suddenly had an idea.

"Hmph, Zhang Qingtian, do you know your mistake?"

Zhang Yuandao.

"Your Majesty, this subordinate knows his mistake, please punish him." Zhang qingyang sucked his nose, wiped away his tears, and looked at Zhang Yuan with red eyes.


Zhang Yuan was startled, and said, "You were still crying just now, why did you stop?"


Zhang qingyang was dumbfounded immediately, what does the king mean for him to continue crying?
Mind this.

Zhang qingyang understood.

So I sniffed, brewed for a while, and then wowed.

just cried.


Zhang Yuan was dumbfounded.


Those who were crying just now, normally, even if they are not crying now, they will at least sob, choke, and then shake their nose wildly.

Zhang qingyang, this guy actually stopped immediately, something was wrong.

Then in the next second, there was a "wow", so meowing, and she burst into tears?

Not right.

Something is wrong.

This skill is only available to women.

(End of this chapter)

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