My cheating is too hard

Chapter 333 Dilemma

Chapter 333 Dilemma
This time, Ergou opened his eyes and felt that he had really learned.

Live and learn.

There is really nothing wrong with this sentence.

I thought I would just miss the Dark Clan, but I didn't expect to be able to fight back!

Just catch it.

He thought that the Dark Clan must have left. After all, the Dark Clan was as cowardly as a mouse, and it was obvious that they had given up on this world.

However, he never expected that the king would teach Ergou a lesson!
First I vented my dissatisfaction, and then left, creating a false impression for the dark people: I am very upset, but there is nothing I can do.

In the end, it's a show operation.

Seemingly leaving, but actually hiding, hiding in the distance and secretly spying.

Then, he pulled back and caught the dark people who came out to check the situation.

This kind of operation seems simple, but in fact, it is full of profound wisdom.

Ergou felt that it was very difficult for him to comprehend the spirit in it.

After all, this is the king's operation, every move is full of meaning.

"It will take me a lifetime to learn it. Your Majesty's wisdom is really unfathomable. If it was me, Ergou, I probably would never have thought of doing this in my life, and it would be so smooth, without revealing a single flaw,"

Ergou exclaimed.

He thought he was already very smart, but he was still a primary school student.

Can't be prouder!

Ergou became vigilant in his heart, even if he could already beat Zhang Qingtian and these kindergarden level trash, he should still learn with humility.

"Two dogs."

Hearing that the king would call him, Ergou hurriedly came to his senses, with a flattering face, he said: "My lord, what's the matter, the little one will definitely go through fire and water."

Although his second dog wants to save face, but there is no one around, it is a good time to kneel and lick.

"Okay, take this guy back, watch him strictly, and don't slack off."

Zhang Yuandao.

He was very anxious, and he was not in the mood to listen to Ergou brag about himself.

This dark race actually looks like a human race, and there is some secret hidden behind it, and it is estimated that it is inextricably linked with the human race.

Not trivial.

Although one has been caught right now, it is not the time to celebrate victory.

What if, the other party will appear here again?
At that time, if he makes a move, he will definitely catch a few more dark people!
Therefore, the most important thing now is to hide quickly and make a sneak attack.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Ergou hurriedly agreed.

He didn't care about anything at the moment, grabbed the dark clan that had been banned layer by layer by the power of the world, turned around and left in a hurry.


Zhang Yuan glanced around, and spit out a strong force of annihilation.

Wherever it passes, everything is annihilated and turned into nothingness.

He wants to destroy the corpse.

When the turbulence of the void swept from all directions, the neighborhood suddenly took on a new look, and it was almost the same as before I came.


Zhang Yuan hid in the depths of the void, hid, and secretly spied here.

Raised the paw.


As long as the Dark Clan reappears, he will strike in an instant.

Make the opponent dizzy.

In the past, Zhang Yuan would not have dared to be so arrogant. After all, he positioned himself as a master behind the scenes, so he would only hide behind the scenes.


Not what it used to be!

Now that his strength has increased greatly, he is not afraid of those low-level tricks at all.

Only those real old monsters can make Zhang Yuan feel afraid.

The Dark Clan just now was a little bitch, and couldn't bear even his paws, so the Dark Clan that appeared next was also a little bitch.

Don't panic, it's very stable.

Zhang Yuan is as stable as an old dog, sitting alone on the Diaoyutai, quietly waiting for the fish to take the bait.

"Dark people..."

Zhang Yuan looked at the void in front of him, his eyes were faint, flickering unidentified.

Since the last time he inexplicably appeared in the world of void and turbulent flow and solved the Lord of Light, Zhang Yuan always felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.


On a whim.

No reason.

He must improve his strength, and the first thing to do is to cultivate the prairie world!

If the prairie world wants to grow up, it needs to devour a lot of resources.

With the end of the Tianjiao Competition, the resources of the main world are almost consumed, and the speed of plundering in the prairie world will enter a slow stage.

Zhang Yuan also has ideas about the folding world.

However, now that the main world has been plundered, the growth rate has become slow, and there is still a long way to go before the stage that can support the appearance of the folding world. I don't know how long it will take to call out the folding world.

What's more, with the gradual development of the prairie world, the main world is likely to shrink, and in the end it will be suppressed by the prairie world.

Tell the truth.

This is no joke.

If this is the case, the folding world may never appear.

They wander in the mysterious space all day long, like lonely ghosts.

There is no doubt that the plundering of the prairie world today is killing the chicken and taking the eggs.

But Zhang Yuan has no choice, he has too much pressure, he must grow up as soon as possible.

As for what will happen to the main world.

Zhang Yuan didn't care at all.

He even hoped that the main world would shrink and return to the age of ignorance.

At that time, the prairie world can completely swallow the main world in one fell swoop, obliterate its original power, and replace the existence of the main world.

At the same time, the prairie world will become a very unique existence.

Of course, if the prairie world is strong enough now, it can also devour the main world in turn, but this requires the prairie world to be extremely powerful.

The current prairie world simply cannot grow to such a huge scale.

Inexhaustible resources are required.

Even if all the resources of the main world are devoured, there is still an incomparably huge gully away from such a huge scale, so it cannot be realized at all.

The appearance of the Dark Clan made Zhang Yuan see another possibility.

"Starry Sky World..."

Zhang Yuan suppressed the expectation in his heart. He could enter another world through the Dark Clan, and then plunder resources and raise the prairie world.

At that time, the prairie world has grown up, and he can have confidence.

In fact, Zhang Yuan also wanted to leave the main world, but the barrier in the main world was simply terrifying, completely cutting off Zhang Yuan's thoughts of traveling through the barrier.

The only way left is to smuggle through the void and turbulent world.

However, this is also a very stupid idea.

The world of void turbulence is vast and boundless, and the world of starry sky is also vast and boundless.

Zhang Yuan estimated that it would be difficult to find a suitable world even after countless smugglings, let alone how to devour the world next.

The dark clan gave Zhang Yuan hope.


The white horse is over.

one day.

Two days...

Three days...

Time slapped Zhang Yuan's face mercilessly, crackling loudly.

"How about...wait a little longer..."

Zhang Yuan thought about it, and was very unwilling, and gradually became dissatisfied in his heart.

These dark people are so unfeeling.

The tribe suddenly disappeared, why are they so indifferent, are you not in a hurry? !

Five days later.

Seeing that there was only a star and a half of the wreckage left in the world, Zhang Yuan completely gave up.

These dark people are indeed very timid, and they are not loyal.

"Forget it, grabbing one should be enough." Zhang Yuan was about to leave.


Just at this moment, there was a vast and boundless aura that suddenly descended.

Huge, surging.

Holy, bright.

I saw a giant of light, shrouded in an extremely strong aura of light, stepping on the turbulent flow of the void, step by step, calmly.


The boiling turbulence of the void was quiet, just like a little sheep.

Very well-behaved.

Don't dare to move at all.


Zhang Yuan's eyes straightened immediately, and he couldn't believe it: "Is it the Lord of Light?"

You can't be wrong, this is the Lord of Light!

He remembered the taste of the Lord of Light, it was sweet, and he couldn't forget it at all.

"Okay, great."

Zhang Yuan was extremely excited, and planned to go out and give the Lord of Light a shot.

There is no doubt that the reason why the other party showed up was definitely to take revenge.

For a great main god, finding the main world is not difficult.

However, in Zhang Yuan's eyes, the Lord of Light is just a piece of cake.

As long as he successfully devours the divinity of the Lord of Light, not only his will power will increase, but his strength will also increase dramatically. This is simply a warm welfare from the community.

The next moment, Zhang Yuan stopped.


Looking at the back of the Lord of Light, his eyes widened and he was dumbfounded.


Zhang Yuan hated himself for not reading, so he could only use shit to describe his mood.



I saw a statue of bright gods, densely packed, constantly emerging.

Each of them is a giant of light, with an incomparably huge body, covering the sky and the sun.

There are countless lower gods, densely packed middle gods, and quite a few upper gods, and there are even a few gods who are extremely tall.

God King!

Lord of God's Domain!

It's a big deal.

This time, I am afraid that most of the gods in the bright lineage have gathered together.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Liangzai's "Witness of History", thank you

(End of this chapter)

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