My cheating is too hard

Chapter 334 The Gods of Light

Chapter 334 The Gods of Light
Boom - boom - boom

The breath that emanates penetrates infinite space and radiates the heavens and worlds.

Unscrupulous and extremely violent, he did not hide his existence at all.

Gathered together, it immediately became a terrifying force.

The huge void and turbulent world actually began to collapse in large swaths...

The world groaned.

Can't bear the breath.

at the same time.

A series of gazes cast down.

Countless ancient existences were startled one after another, and they couldn't help but turn pale.

In the end, even most of the gods sensed this change!

"The Lord of Light..."

"This... this... what exactly do you want to do?"

"Confused, it's too messy. With so many gods gathered, aren't you afraid of detonating the world of void turbulence, and then the world of starry sky may also be affected."

"It's crazy, there are so many gods, and there is also the Lord of the God Realm..."

"Immortal God King! I didn't see one before, but now, there are so many!"

"Tear, the Lord of Light has been silent for a long time. As the Lord God, he is already the greatest existence. He stands high above and overlooks all living beings. Why is he making such a big move this time?"

"Yeah, why go to war, such an existence, what else is worth doing? There are so many gods gathered, I can't imagine."

In the starry sky world, in the world of void turbulence, countless existences are discussing.

The main god is already a top existence, and there are so many light gods gathered at this moment, under the gathering of breath, there is nowhere to hide, it is extremely bright.

In just a split second, it attracted the surprised and uncertain eyes of countless beings.

Only a very few existences knew the secret behind it, but they didn't mean to say it, and even took the initiative to seal this part of the memory.

The Lord of Light was obliterated by an existence, and now, he came back to crusade against him.

How can such a thing be said?

Once you say it, you will definitely be captured by the Lord of Light, and you will be implicated tragically.

The gods still care about face, let alone the supreme and great Lord God?

From the current situation, we can see the attitude of the Lord of Light.

So, this is destined to be an unsolved mystery.

Almost at the time when countless beings were discussing, the ancient beings hidden in the void and turbulent world, or the beings who were unfortunately wandering in it, appeared one after another, standing in the distance, watching the big scene.

Whenever his eyes fell on the Lord of Light, he hurriedly took them back, lowered his head slightly, and humbled himself to show his respect.

The main god is high above, and it has been a long time, and he has not shown his power.

However, there is no existence that dares to underestimate such a supreme existence.

"The Lord of Light..."

Only those who hide some of the god kings dare to look at the Lord of Light a little more, and even hide some of the main gods.

Don't dare to look too much.

These ancient existences, they are well-informed and see many phenomena.

What appeared here was not the real Lord of Light, but an incarnation, but under the protection of so many light gods, the strength of the incarnation was already comparable to that of the real Lord God, and even more terrifying.

At this moment, the Lord of Light is absolutely taboo.

No matter which one exists.

When the line of sight falls on the Lord of Light.

You have to be awed by the supreme coercion and feel the power of the Lord of Light.

Some of the more courageous gods only took a few more glances before their divine fire flickered, the kingdom of God trembled, and even their hard godheads were broken.

That's why it's so scary.

It is because of this incarnation at this moment, under the aura of a large number of bright gods, both the coercion and the aura have lost control.

Every moment, they are in an extremely strong explosive state.

Therefore, compared to the main body of the Lord of Light, the incarnation is definitely more terrifying!

The world trembled in the turbulent flow of the void, and could no longer bear this breath.

Riddled with holes.

Everything, like ice and snow melting, turned into the power of light.

Haunt this space and become part of the power of the Lord of Light.

Boom - boom - boom

The violent power of light turned into a torrent, crazily eroding the turbulent flow of the void.

Spread to endless space.

The beings who were watching this scene from a distance chose to back down one after another.

dare not approach.

Only one step away.

Looking at pieces of space, invisible and tangible, are all destroyed.

"Oh my god, if this continues, is the world of void and turbulent flow going to shatter?"

"Yeah, it's terrible. In the eyes of sentient beings, the void and turbulent world is a forbidden place, but in the eyes of the main god, it is just a tiny place."

"Don't panic, even if the turbulent void world is broken, it will recover in the end. You know, this is a great void world that is opposite to the starry sky world. After countless years of earth-shattering wars, it is still safe and sound. If it is broken, it will be broken, because I am afraid that the starry sky world will be affected, and I don't know how many creatures and stars will be wiped out..."

Some old beings, well-informed, have told many secrets.

Attract the eyes of countless beings.


Soon these beings were once again attracted by the Lord of Light and were full of interest.

After all, to be able to see the power of the Lord of Light with his own eyes is really something I have seen in my life.


Listening to the gossip about these existences in the distance, Zhang Yuan, who was hiding carefully, was not happy at all, cursing and wanting to slap these guys to death.

However, the first one to be beaten to death must be the Lord of Light.

What a dog!
After summoning so many gods of light, don't you just want revenge? !

Can't beat, shake people.

Understandably, after all, it's not a particularly shameful thing to do.

If a dog loses a fight, it also knows how to shake people, so it is not so embarrassing.


After all, you can't fight heads-up. If you don't shake people, then you have nothing to play.

However, to mobilize so many teachers, make a commotion, and attract so many attentions, this is a bit too much, too much.

Zhang Yuan gritted his teeth, he had never seen such a brazen person.

This scene resembled a fight at the school gate.

Holding two watermelon knives and yelling, in the case of countless people watching intensely, can give opponents a kind of spiritual suppression.

It's shameless.


Zhang Yuan has great confidence in himself and is not afraid of any mental suppression at all.

But he didn't want to expose it either.

If it is exposed, how can it develop secretly?How to do the mastermind behind the scenes? !

Can't play anymore.

The ghost knows if there are some big guys involved in so many gazes.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

and so--

Zhang Yuan was very angry, but he didn't dare to come out, he hid himself tightly.

Scolding the Lord of Light for being lazy and immoral, he is a piece of rubbish.

"Made, dog, wait, wait for me, I will beat you to death."

Zhang Yuan cursed in his heart, and stared at the Lord of Light fiercely.

If eyes can kill the Lord of Light, Zhang Yuan feels that the other party has been properly arranged by him at this moment, riddled with holes, and died a miserable death.

He wanted to see what the other party would do if he didn't show up! !

Zhang Yuan felt that he was not afraid of exhaustion. In the beginning, he spent a long time chasing and killing the old man Tianji, which showed his firm belief.

and so.


Zhang Yuan hadn't been complacent for a long time, and suddenly he was dumbfounded and his eyes widened.

boom! !

He saw a figure that was both familiar and unfamiliar to him, galloping from afar, crawling at the feet of the Lord of Light, and shouted.

"Ah, great Lord of Light, your humble servant, the God of Chaos praises you here, you are the source of light, you are the starting point of all living beings..."



Zhang Yuan was so angry that he was going to die, this guy was the master of Tianmen at all.

Changed the vest.

Became a god somehow, do you really think you can change your identity?

Rebellious boy.

(End of this chapter)

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