My cheating is too hard

Chapter 399 Strengthening Education

Chapter 399 Strengthening Education

Time passed by little by little, mercilessly, without the slightest pause, time that seemed inconspicuous in the past has become so precious at this moment, perhaps this is the revenge of time, silent but deadly.

Ergou and the others stood in the starry sky, gradually, their expressions became solemn.

blink of an eye.

one Year.

Klauer did not come back, only cold and lonely, wandering in the starry sky.

The starry sky world can no longer see the slightest light, everything is dark.

Darkness has become the eternal color.



Ergou sighed leisurely, shook his head, and suddenly, his face changed drastically.

"not good."

Ergou's eyes were cracked, and he sensed an unimaginable breath.


The faces of the several world masters also changed, staring at the dark and lonely starry sky world in disbelief, their aura burst out suddenly, out of control.

Boom - boom - boom

The starry sky oscillated, and an incomparably violent breath rushed towards the face, as if turning into a millstone, crushing the starry sky fiercely, setting off endless waves, and annihilating everything.

Even though there is an extremely long distance, the starry sky is still rippling.

The laws are gradually distorted, the lights are grotesque, and the starry sky is fragmented. Under the suppression of this terrible breath, it seems that it is about to fall into the void and turbulent world.

Faintly, it showed an unimaginably stalwart figure.

Towering and majestic, it seemed to open up the world, even if it remained motionless, the starry sky world would collapse, and it was hard to bear this terrifying aura.

Boom - boom - boom

The starry sky world is screaming, the already broken starry sky is overwhelmed.

That figure, which was too terrifying to imagine, was approaching step by step.



Ergou was stunned, unbelievable, and was too scared to say a word.

Zhang qingyang was stunned, and Lao Ba, Zhang Bing, and Zhang Xuan were also stunned.


Shi Ji couldn't believe it at all, he exclaimed and lost his voice, with despair written all over his face.

and can't believe it.

If she hadn't seen it, she wouldn't have believed it happened.

In perception, the shepherd does not actually exist, and the other party seems to have surpassed himself by countless levels, so that so many Zerg deployed outside the starry sky world did not even notice the shepherd's trace.

"How, why did the shepherd appear, why, why?"

Daji also came to her senses, looking at that figure, she felt struck by lightning.

I dare not look too much, because the stronger the mental power, the more able to sense this kind of coercion beyond countless levels, and I can't help but tremble in my heart.


It stands to reason that the shepherd is so high that it is impossible to appear.

In the past, those in charge of the Annihilation Starry Sky have always been the lackeys of the shepherds.

Ergou, Zhang qingyang and the others came to their senses one after another, their faces full of despair.

It’s over.

It's really over this time.

Not kidding.

If the opponent is the lackey of the shepherd, he may have the power to fight back.

But now, standing opposite him was a terrifying shepherd.

His strength has reached an unimaginable level. It feels like a cancerous tumor in the starry sky world. It is so powerful that even the main god can hardly hold a candle to it.



Behind the crowd of world masters, there was already an uproar at this moment.

Feelings of incomparable despair arose spontaneously, filling the starry sky.

If the shepherds make a move, they have no room to resist, and they will surely die!
Noisy, crying, in the face of death, completely lost their dignity, what's more, they chose to commit suicide, their mentality has obviously collapsed.

If they could surrender, they would definitely choose to surrender to the shepherd.

It's a pity that the shepherd has already made a move, and everything has been explained behind it.

Except death.

They have no choice.


For some unknown reason, the shepherd did not move forward, but stood in the extremely dark starry sky world opposite, glowing with surging coercion.

There were bursts of noise, suppressing the starry sky, as if deliberately playing tricks on the little ants.



A dead silence.

The shepherd was placed in the darkness. On the opposite side, although the remote place was full of light, there was no movement at this moment, as if he had completely died.


"Everyone, run away, no matter what, this king will die before you."

Ergou suddenly looked back at those followers, and said quietly.

The sound echoed and lingered for a long time.

Let this already hopeless starry sky set off some inexplicable things.

Zhang qingyang glanced at Ergou and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"Your Highness."

The followers looked at each other, hesitating to speak, and finally the top god came up, struggling, and said: "Your Highness, I am willing to stay."

"You are too weak, the weak are not qualified to resist." Ergou suddenly laughed, shook his head, and waved his hand, the peak highgod turned into a stream of light and disappeared under the boundless starry sky without a trace .

The rest of the followers looked at each other, lowered their heads, not knowing what to say.


But it is true.

I am too weak to resist.

Standing on the opposite side of the starry sky is the shepherd who made the starry sky world frightened. He is an unimaginably terrifying existence who controls great supernatural powers.

I am as humble as an ant, too small, how can I resist the shepherd?
The other party exhaled lightly, and it is estimated that he could kill himself wantonly.

"Slowly, what else do you want to say? Don't get out?!"

With a big wave of Zhang qingyang's hand, he summoned a strong wind and used his supernatural powers to throw all these followers into the world of void and turbulent flow, out of sight and out of mind.

Immediately, a large space was vacated in the starry sky world, empty.

Henry Zhang, Zhang Bing, and Lao Ba made a move, throwing their followers into the world of void and turbulence, without leaving the followers a chance to speak.

No matter how much you talk, it's useless. Talking is just a waste of time.

For those who look forward and backward, they are still reduced to cannon fodder in the end. It is better to enter the world of void and turbulent flow. Although they will surely fall, there is still a glimmer of life.

next moment.

Daji's eyes shone with a faint light, and a drop of bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.


The eyes of those followers who were originally fanatical suddenly changed.

It's not as frenzied as it used to be.

Looking at Daji, his eyes flickered, and his eyes were full of complexity.

"Still leaving?" Daji's expression was a little calm, "There is only one chance."


As soon as a peak highgod finished speaking, he turned and left without looking back.

The same is true for other followers, but more of them leave directly.

Not scolding Daji, in their view, this is already very loyal.

Over the years, they have been enslaved and their dignity trampled upon.

"These scumbags will be killed next time they have a chance, and they don't even have a little bit of gratitude. It's a big loss, Daji, that you didn't hesitate to hurt your vitality in order to release them. A bunch of white-eyed wolves." Ergou bit grit your teeth.

I feel very worthless.

In a blink of an eye, the still bright starry sky was empty.

"There will be a chance next time, but I don't know if there will be a chance."

Daji smiled slightly, and looked up at the shepherd, feeling a little desolate in her heart, maybe, this time, she really couldn't escape, and she was about to fall.

"My lord, I hope there will be another life, and I will never leave you in the next life."

Daji muttered in her heart, and looked at the shepherd again, with the will to die in her heart.


boom! !

Ergou exploded directly, and if he waited any longer, he would just die.

To die is to die violently.

Strike first.

just in case.

What about winning? !



Compared with Ergou, Shiji moved much faster, and the endless Zerg army swept from all directions, turned into an ocean, and slapped away.

However, in front of the shepherd, the power of the Zerg is really weak.

Before he had time to get close to the shepherd, he disappeared in an instant.



At the same time, the masters of the major worlds broke out together, like moths to a flame.

Regardless of disregard, even if you die, you must die brightly and wonderfully.



Suddenly, a voice sounded, and everything stopped abruptly.

No matter if it was Ergou or Zhang qingyang, all the tangible and intangible beings with a radius of hundreds of thousands of light years were prohibited from moving, and time stopped.

Everything looks so weird.


Zhang Yuan stood on top of the Thunder King, squinted his eyes, and looked ahead.

I am very pleased.

After 5000 years, these little guys have matured, especially Ergou.

Zhang Yuan never imagined that Ergou would treat his followers like this. Based on his previous views on Ergou, this guy should treat his followers as cannon fodder, and then look for opportunities to escape by himself.

Unexpectedly, the followers were released.

As for the other world masters, they are also very good, each of them is doing very well.

"Dao Zun is wise." The Thunder King hurriedly knelt and licked, not daring to call Dad.

He is completely convinced now.

There is only one thought in my heart, to hold my father's golden thigh tightly.

Everything else, get out of the way.


"Thunder, you know what to do. Those slaves are all erased."



Zhang Yuan waved his paw and sent the Thunder King away in one fell swoop, then looked at Er Gou and the others with great satisfaction, and then patted them with his paw.

The restriction was lifted, the paws swung out, and they went hand in hand, Zhang Yuan didn't care.

These guys are too bold, they should run away when they are in danger!

Resistance, that's what reckless people do.

It's one thing to be gratified, but it's another thing to hang Ergou.

(End of this chapter)

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