My cheating is too hard

Chapter 400 Two Dogs' Confessions

Chapter 400 Two Dog's Confession

My second dog is unruly and indulgent and loves freedom, but I am also afraid that one day I will fall.

Today, I fell down.

I am a dignified second dog, and I was severely beaten by the king. It really caught me off guard and caught me off guard, that is, it was quite sudden.

Standing in front of the shepherd, I thought my second dog was going to die this time.

However, I never expected that what greeted me was a familiar paw.

The king's hang and beat.

A little ignorant, very ignorant.


Now I finally understand that behind the shepherd is the king.

Damn it!

If I had known this earlier, I shouldn't have let those licking dogs go just now.

It's all right now, the family is ruined, the younger brother is gone, and he is clean.

Perhaps, this is the price of being coercive. I shouldn't let those dog lickers go. If I didn't let them go, I would definitely not have been beaten so badly.

I'm over 5000 years old, how can I put it, I'm still a big shot.

Really frantic!

Being old and being beaten, although it is not too painful, it is extremely insulting!

"Why, not convinced? One or two, stand in line for me."

Zhang Yuan said angrily, seeing that Ergou was still distracted, he rushed over with another paw, and with a slap, he hit his head and face, mercilessly.

This guy just needs to be cleaned up, and he can't do without hitting. Fortunately, he has already developed a very superb technique before. Even though it has been 5000 years since then, after playing a few times, he found that feeling.

Hands up and down, crackling, skillful movements, can be called crazy and terrifying.

Another paw.


Er Gou hurriedly covered his nose with his hands, and the next moment, tears and snot flowed down his nose.

very painful.


Now, everyone is obedient, motionless, and lined up neatly.

Zhang Yuan looked over one by one, and couldn't help nodding secretly in his heart, each of them had developed very powerfully, the peak king-level world master, all right.

The combat power is comparable to that of an invincible god king, and because the power of the world has endless mysteries, in some respects, the master of the king-level world is stronger than the god king.

Otherwise, Ergou and the others would have fallen in the chaotic dark age long ago.

However, in a few years, Ergou and the others will not be able to withstand this catastrophe.

Their opponents are shepherds, who are extremely powerful Dao-level creatures.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan felt a murderous intent in his heart.

The shepherds are great Dao-level beings, so they are naturally aloof and ignore all living beings. Zhang Yuan definitely has nothing to say about this.

For endless ages, the shepherds will start killing at the end of their reincarnation.

Loot resources and replenish yourself.

This is the way to survive.

As the saying goes: survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest.

Zhang Yuan has nothing to say about this, if it were him, he would do the same.


Never, never, never, never implicate Ergou and the others in the killing.

If Ergou and the others died, Zhang Yuan didn't know what terrible things he would do. No matter who the master of the world is, only he can move.

Besides, Daji and Shiji are both his women.

Thinking of the reckless things that Ergou and the others did just now, Zhang Yuan felt very unhappy. These Sabi have so many things to do when they are about to die.

Zhang Yuan inevitably scolded again, calling anyone who was upset.

Even Shiji and Daji were kicked hard by Zhang Yuan.

After beating back and forth several times, Zhang Yuan reluctantly let these guys go.

Zhang Yuan is also tired, I hope these guys can remember the lesson from this time.

Seeing danger, Sa Yazi ran away quickly, throwing out a pile of cannon fodder at the same time.

This is the basic operation.


After some violent operations, Zhang Yuan, accompanied by Ergou and others, came to the base camp, which was an ancient palace standing in the void.

It is so majestic that even a god king might not be able to break into this palace.

In the dark, there is a surging aura looming, which is very mysterious.

Under the introduction of Ergou, Zhang Yuan learned that this palace comes from an ancient ruin in the starry sky, and the legend has a very profound inheritance.

After hearing the news, Ergou and Zhang Xiaotian entered the ancient ruins and snatched the ancient palace, hoping that in this chaotic and dark age, they would have a chance to break through and successfully save themselves.

It's a pity that almost all imaginable methods were used, and the palace was almost demolished, and the so-called profound inheritance was not found from it.

Perhaps, from beginning to end, this inheritance is just a rumor.

To this day, Ergou is completely desperate about this, and feels that he guessed wrong.

Zhang Yuan didn't say anything, and quietly looked at Er Gou, whose face was full of embarrassment. This guy had too many thoughts, and he clearly wanted to beg him.

But I am too embarrassed to say it directly, because I just received a severe beating.

If you say it and agree, it's okay, if you don't agree.

That would be embarrassing.

Zhang Yuan himself will not do it automatically, he is a king, he just cleaned up Ergou just now, isn't it just sticking to his face by doing it now?
Moreover, this extremely ancient inheritance is actually not suitable for Ergou.


"Where's Claure?"

Zhang Yuan sensed Klauer's breath here, but it was very weak.

Did Claure run away?
Zhang Yuan thinks it's impossible, Claure is definitely the best among reckless men.

Not only reckless, but also very reckless, it is impossible to run away.

"Reporting to the king, the starry sky is constantly dark. His Highness Zane left here a year ago, hoping to return to the source star, and then ask you to save us."

Ergou replied that he did not expect such a reversal of things.

"The starry sky world is extremely dangerous and undercurrents are surging. There are not only powerful shepherds, but also many lackeys of the shepherds. They spy on everything in the dark world. I don't know if His Highness Zane has a standard source star now."

Er Gou sighed endlessly, and the others all showed worried expressions when they listened.

They are safe now, but Klauer, who shoulders a heavy burden, is still walking alone in the dark world. If he has returned to the source star, it is okay. If he has not returned to the source star now, it means that he is still facing infinite crises.

As for whether Claure fell, Ergou and the others ignored this guess.

If Claure fell, the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, although I don't want to guess, I don't rule out this possibility.

"This king is not dead, how could Claure die? He is immortal."

Just when Ergou and the others were worried, they heard Zhang Yuan's unreasonable words, and they couldn't help but looked at each other, feeling a little incomprehensible.


Zhang Yuan waved his paw.

A few drops of golden blood appeared out of thin air and landed in front of Ergou and the others.

Suspended in the air, disillusionment and disillusionment are born together, indistinctly, there are endless powers of laws intertwined and entangled, evolving worlds one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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