Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 102 Mr. Lu, you have something to do with me

Chapter 102 Mr. Lu, you have something to do with me

Chapter 102: Mr. Lu, you have something to do with me

Lan Xin also looked at him, her eyes were calm, but her heart was very nervous, Lu Haocheng's smile at her made her feel very strange.

She smiled politely and asked, "Boss Lu, do you have anything to do with me?" She still has to go see Jinxi, and then go to see the house together!

"It's something!" Lu Haocheng got up and walked to the table beside him. He brought over two cups of coffee that he had prepared, and handed them directly to Lan Xin instead of putting them in front of Lan Xin.

Lan Xin smiled and took the coffee. The temperature was just right, but she didn't like coffee, so she took a sip and put it on the table.

Lu Haocheng glanced at her without a trace. With a tall figure, he gracefully sat across from her, and took a sip of coffee gracefully. The taste of the coffee has not changed. This is his favorite taste, not too sweet, but also not bitter.

Lu Haocheng didn't speak, the oppressive feeling emanating from him made her a little uncomfortable.

But still waiting for what Lu Haocheng would say next.

But after waiting for a long time, Lu Haocheng didn't open his mouth. She raised her eyes subconsciously, but met Lu Haocheng's eyes that scrutinized her carefully. Those deep eyes seemed to see through her.

She was startled, why is he looking at her like this?
This Lu Haocheng always gave her a strange feeling.

Could it be that there is something not dirty on her face?

However, Lan Xin is very self-aware, she will not think that Lu Haocheng is fascinated by her beauty.

Lu Haocheng's voice was light and his smile was elegant: "Lanlan, I haven't had time to thank you for saving my life? In order to thank Lanlan for saving her life, shall I invite Lanlan to dinner tonight?"

Lan Xin didn't expect him to do it for this matter.

Moreover, he called her Lanlan, which made her feel very weird.

Lan Xin said apologetically, "Mr. Lu, I'm so sorry. I have an appointment tonight. As for saving Mr. Lu, it's just a matter of little effort. If I don't do it, someone else will do it!"

"It's a coincidence that we have an appointment!" A look of disappointment flashed across Lu Haocheng's eyes.

Suddenly remembered that Lan Xin answered the phone when she came back at noon, could it be Le Jinxi?
Thinking of this, Lu Haocheng suddenly felt unhappy in his heart.

His eyes flickered, and then lightly fell on Lan Xin's lovely and delicate face, picked up the gold-plated pink invitation card on the table, handed it to Lan Xin, and said, "Lanlan, tomorrow night at Yandun There is a party in the hotel, you, as my female companion, go with me." The faint voice carried an undeniable domineering tone.

Lan Xin looked at him suddenly, and said in surprise, "Yantun Hotel, female companion?"

At the mention of Yandun Hotel, Lan Xin's heart ached instantly.

If it wasn't for the banquet seven years ago, she would not have known the ugly faces of Tao Mengyi and Jiang Jinghan.

"Yes!" Lu Haocheng saw her suddenly painful and urgent expression, and a touch of distress crossed his heart involuntarily.

It was her that night at the Yandun Hotel, and he had already found out about this.

Mu Ziheng has already taken Ranran's hair and his to test, and he will know the result soon.

Lan Xin blinked her eyes, took a deep breath, lowered her head, did not look at Lu Haocheng, and said, "But, female companions and entertainment are not within the scope of my work?"

She doesn't like that kind of social gathering. People in Jiang's family never take her to social gatherings, they only bring Jiang Jinghan and Jiang Zhiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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