Chapter 103 He Did It On Purpose

Chapter 103: He did it on purpose

She is not very good at socializing.

Lu Haocheng seemed to know that she would say this, he smiled lightly, still calm and calm, and said unhurriedly: "Lanlan, you have to go, you are the design director of the Lu Group, and tomorrow's banquet The people I want to meet are all partners of the Lu Group."

After Lu Haocheng said a few words, Lan Xin was so blocked that he couldn't speak.

Her slender body, sitting in front of him, looked a little petite, her wavy curly hair was soft, her eyebrows were thin and beautiful, and her pupils were dark, she was staring at Lu Haocheng suspiciously at this moment.

Lu Haocheng also looked at him quietly.

Just a calm, a doubt.

Lan Xin looked back silently, does she have a choice?

She responded softly: "Okay! Tomorrow's dinner, I will go with Mr. Lu."

After Lan Xin finished speaking, she stood up, her expression indifferent, as if she had been forced.

For Lan Xin, Lu Haocheng did force her.

For Lu Haocheng, he did it on purpose.

Bring a girlfriend? !


He had attended various banquets before, and had never brought a female companion.

But this time, he suddenly wanted to take Lan Xin with him. It was the first time for the two of them. Wherever they fell, they would get up again. It was the place she was in awe of, but it was another beginning of his life.

He admitted that his idea was cruel, but the strong feeling in his heart stimulated him, that she was the Lanlan he had been looking for.

"Mr. Lu, see you tomorrow!" Lan Xin looked at the thoughtful Lu Haocheng, turned and left.

When Lan Xin turned around, Lu Haocheng raised his eyes gracefully, looking at her back, with an evil smile in his eyes.

As long as he, Lu Haocheng, finds something he likes, he will not give up.

Lanlan, Lanlan, Lu Haocheng, silently recited these two words in his heart, but felt extremely happy.

He got up, took the coat beside him, and walked out gracefully.

Ou Jingyao was still waiting for him outside.

Seeing Lu Haocheng coming out, he just glanced at him indifferently, then walked out with the briefcase on the table.

He asked in his usual indifferent tone: "Go home? Or go to dinner?"

But Ou Jingyao knew very well in his heart that he would not go back.

He didn't have an appointment with Lan Xin tonight.

When did Lu Haocheng get rejected for dating a woman?
Seeing that Lu Haocheng didn't speak, the corners of his lips twitched in a rare way, and he suddenly said with great interest: "What's the matter? It's the first time being rejected by a woman, doesn't it make you feel very uncomfortable?"

Lu Haocheng stood beside the elevator, stretched out his slender fingers and gently pressed the elevator, and glanced at him lazily with deep eyes, "Why are you gossiping today?"

But thinking about what he said, he laughed at himself in his heart, yes, it was the first time he took the initiative to ask a woman out today, but he was rejected.

Ou Jingyao smiled, and his voice was still very calm: "I am rarely interested in other people's affairs, but I am very interested in yours. Mr. Lu, who has never been close to women, suddenly asked a woman to have dinner together. It is indeed the most worthy of gossip!"

Lu Haocheng was not angry, but smiled gracefully: "Jing Yao, I remember a sentence in the book, I don't expect life to be smooth, but I hope that when life is difficult, I can be Its opponent, my opponent has appeared!"

"Oh!" Ou Jingyao said lightly, "Your so-called opponent is Lan Xin?"

Someone who can be regarded as an opponent by Lu Haocheng is not ordinary!
(End of this chapter)

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