Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 107 Still Can't Get Into Her Heart

Chapter 107 Still Can't Get Into Her Heart

Chapter 107: Still can't walk into her heart

Lan Xin looked at him and smiled sweetly: "Anyway, you and Yanyan have helped me a lot for so many years. I should say thank you."

In front of Jinxi and Jinyan, Lan Xin usually doesn't hide her true temperament.

As for her true temperament, she is pure and kind, gentle and understanding. In this society where money is paramount, Jinxi has seen too many women who are greedy for vanity.

And Lan Xin happened to be a clear stream among these people.

It made Jinxi feel that in the life he was waiting for, he met his destiny.

He knew what had happened to Lan Xin, and when Lan Xin decided to give birth to three brothers and sisters, he did not stop her, but supported her and stayed with her.

Home has always been Lanlan's longing.

He has always believed that the direction of his efforts is correct.

The waiter served the food, and it was also the crayfish that the two loved. Four dishes and one soup, but the two were keen on the spicy crayfish.

Jin Xi smiled, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip, looked at Lan Xin and said with a smile: "Lan Lan, if you really appreciate me, why don't you treat me to dinner tomorrow night?"

Lu Haocheng, who had just sat down in his seat, just heard these words.

Lan Xin raised her eyebrows with a smile and said, "Jinxi, if you continue to invite me like this, my salary for this month will be over."

"Stingy, then I'll treat you to dinner, you just have to eat with me!" Jinxi glared at her, but she would pay back the meal he asked for, and if she could not owe him, she would try not to owe him.

Just thinking about it made him feel uncomfortable!
He put fish in her bowl for her.

He urged: "Eat quickly, I will show you the house later, I have seen the house, it is very good, as long as it is refurbished, it will be no problem to live in before Ranran starts school."

"Okay, but I have to go back to Fan City next week. Qiqi has an art exhibition. I lost the handkerchief she gave me last time. If she finds out, she will be very unhappy."

Lan Xin suddenly thought of Lu Haocheng's bloody appearance.

I sighed in my heart, forget it, I probably won't be able to get it back.

Jinxi smiled and said, "Lanlan, I'll go back with you, Qiqi will definitely win the first place this time."

"I hope! Xiaojun said that during this period of time, she can be careful, and guards herself in the room every day." When Lan Xin mentioned her daughter, her bright eyes and white teeth radiated a soft light.

Lan Xin stared at Jinxi with big clear eyes for a long time, then said, "Jinxi, don't you want to accompany me? It's time for you to go back. You don't really want to stay in Jiangshi, do you?"

Jinxi picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish gracefully, and after eating it, she smiled slowly and said, "Lanlan, as I said, I will be where you are? If you are in Jiangshi, I will stay with you." Jiang City!"

Listening to the faint words, it is so serious and firm.

The expression on Lan Xin's face paused slightly, and a deep sense of gratitude filled her heart: "Jinxi, if you have a job, you will naturally stay, but if you stay for me, then I'm not a confidante. No, this is not acceptable!"

They had nothing to say between them, and she never gave Jinxi hope. She brought three children by herself, so she must not drag down Jinxi's happiness.

Jinxi understood what she meant, and pain arose in her heart. No matter what he did, she was rejecting him, unable to enter her heart.

He knew her concerns and what she was thinking?
But so what?He still can't get into her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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