Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 108 Are you particularly aggrieved

Chapter 108 Are you particularly aggrieved
Chapter 108: Are you particularly aggrieved
She looks delicate and needs protection, but only he knows how strong she is under this weak appearance.

He looked down at Lan Xin who was eating with her head down, smiled slightly, and said mockingly: "Lanlan, are you thinking too much? I stayed for work, how could it be for you?" Left behind? Who do you think you are?"

Lan Xin raised her eyes and looked at his smiling eyes while eating, as if she wanted to see the truth of what he said.

But in his eyes, apart from a smile, he couldn't see anything else.

Finally, she nodded and said with a smile: "If you think about it this way, I won't be under any pressure!"

Jin Xi's hand holding the food slightly paused, and his handsome eyes looked at her suddenly, and he couldn't help asking what he was thinking: "Lanlan, will I put pressure on you if I stay here?" His tone was serious, as if hurt The little beast makes people feel that his whole world is dark.

It is said that if you fall in love with one, even if you can't get the other person, you can get a better self in the end.

For Jinxi, he gave this relationship willingly.

Lan Xin looked at her seriously, her phoenix eyes were extremely clear, and the calm emotion in her heart was silently revealed.

"Jinxi, you know, I didn't mean that, eat quickly, and go to see the house after eating!"

Every time this question is mentioned, there is such a scene between the two of them.

Jinxi's hand holding the chopsticks tightened slightly, and after he let go, his expression softened a little, "Okay! I know you can't wait, eat slowly, the house is there, and no one will snatch it from you? "

Lan Xin: "..."

Lan Xin was speechless for a moment, did she look anxious?

She obviously eats very elegantly.

Lan Xin jokingly said, "Why not? Don't you always like to grab crayfish with me?"

As Lan Xin said, she put on the disposable gloves and looked like she was about to eat.

When Jinxi saw it, he also quickly took the disposable gloves and put them on. He didn't like to compete with her for food, but, with her, every bit of it was happy.

Bullying her once in a while would make him secretly happy for several days.

Lan Xin peeled a prawn and put it in his mouth, and said: "Jinxi, tell me, you are rich and powerful, every time I invite you to dinner, I can only eat lobster, don't you feel particularly aggrieved?"

"Yeah!" Jin Xi peeled the shell of the prawn vigorously, and replied seriously, but the smile on the corner of his mouth warmed people's heart like the scorching sun of nine suns.

Lan Xin couldn't help but smile when he saw how hard he was exerting himself: "Cut! A shrimp shell can also give you the strength to suck."

"With all my strength, I couldn't peel it off. This lobster is quite big, and the meat quality is good!" Jin Xi said as she fiddled with it.

After finally getting the meat out, he handed it to Lan Xin's mouth.

"Why?" Lan Xin's heart tightened slightly as she watched the lobster meat he handed to her mouth!
This feeling is like a couple in love.

But between her and Jinxi Jinyan, this has always been the case.

"Ouch! How did our Lan Lan become reserved today? I watched the sun rise from the east this morning, but it didn't rise from the west?" Jin Xi teased, but looked at her with shining eyes.

Without saying a word, Lan Xin lowered her head and swallowed the meat in one bite.

He said vaguely: "Who is reserved, someone will peel it off for me, so it will save trouble!"

"Ha ha!" Seeing her cute appearance, Jin Xi couldn't help but smile suddenly.

Every time he is with her, he can be happy for several days.

(End of this chapter)

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