Chapter 118 Don't Go Too Much
Chapter 118: Don't Go Too Much
"Yi Lin, last time you came to me and told me about your sister, and then you drank too much, that's the time." The man in front of him.


"Yi Lin, shut up, you are drunk, you don't remember anything, she said she is pregnant with your child, do you take it seriously?" Suddenly, a lady in luxurious clothes came over from a distance.

Lan Xin looked over, her pupils shrank violently, the lady in front of her in a pink suit and luxurious jewels happened to be Mrs. Gu.

"Mom, why are you here?" When Gu Yilin saw his mother, his face was gloomy, and he looked at her in surprise.

Mom actually followed him.

Ever since her mother found out that he had Jiaqi as a girlfriend, she has been tracking her whereabouts every day.

Jiaqi's family conditions are not good, so she opened a food stall here to make ends meet.

He knew that his mother would find out about this sooner or later, and he was afraid that her mother would be bad for Jiaqi. He came here tonight to break up with Jiaqi.

"If I don't come, do I want to watch you being cheated by this woman?" Mrs. Gu spoke harshly, glaring at her son.

"No, auntie, I didn't lie to Yilin, I'm really pregnant with Yilin's child." Shen Jiaqi looked at Mrs. Gu, her watery eyes were full of determination.

Mrs. Gu looked at her contemptuously, her eyes were cold, she looked down on Shen Jiaqi, she sneered and said with a sneer: "My son is drunk, you want to rely on my son, don't you? Let me tell you, my Gu family The threshold is high, and your Shen family can’t afford it, this is a check for 100 million, no matter whether the child belongs to the Gu family or not, the 100 million will be used for your nutrition.”

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Gu threw the check at Shen Jiaqi's feet with a look of disdain.

Shen Jiaqi was stunned for a moment when she heard Mrs. Gu's words. She stared blankly at Mrs. Gu, just staring at her like that, tears streaming down silently, as if she had lost her soul.

"Mom, how can you do this? Jiaqi is pregnant with my child, and I want to marry Jiaqi." Gu Yilin confronted her mother for the first time in her life.

"Shut up!" Mrs. Gu gave her son a hard look, with a look of resentment.

"Jiaqi." Suddenly, a fat woman rushed out from the food stall.

She seemed to have just come out of the kitchen, she was still wearing an apron, and there were some oil stains on the apron.

She is Shen Jiaqi's mother, Wang Guihua.

"Jiaqi, you are crazy. Are you unable to get married or no one wants you? It's an embarrassment on the street." Wang Guihua supported her daughter distressedly, and looked down at the check at Shen Jiaqi's feet.

She bent down to pick it up, and slammed it fiercely at Mrs. Gu who was beside her. She had slightly rich facial features, exquisite features, and still had a charm. Looking at Mrs. Gu, she said angrily: "Take your stinky money and get out, who cares?" Your money? No matter how poor my Shen family is, I can still raise a grandson, so there is no need for you to pity me."

"Since you don't want money, then take care of your daughter from now on. If you pester my son again, stop opening this food stall." Mrs. Gu threatened Wang Guihua with a cold and heartless face.

Wang Guihua was taken aback, her eyes filled with fear, this food stall was the only place for their family to make a living.

She also has a son who is in college, relying on this food stall.

"Mom, don't you go too far?" Gu Yilin looked at his mother and roared angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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