Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 119 You Are Simply Unreasonable

Chapter 119 You Are Simply Unreasonable
Chapter 119: You are simply unreasonable
Mrs. Gu smiled coldly, she caught the fear in Wang Guihua's eyes, and she found out the Shen family's affairs clearly.

Otherwise, she wouldn't come to this kind of place tonight.

There are two brothers and sisters in the Shen family, and a younger brother who is still in college. Her husband is weak and sick. The whole family relies on this food stall for their livelihood.

Mrs. Gu looked at her son coldly with a smile on her face, and said with a sneer, "Yi Lin, if you get involved with Shen Jiaqi again, this food stall, I will make it disappear tomorrow."

When Shen Jiaqi heard it, her body was hit hard and she took a few steps back.

If this food stall disappears, how will their family survive?
What should I do with my younger brother's tuition?
She knew Yilin's identity, and she thought that as long as she was willing to work hard, she would be recognized by the Gu family.

She is so naive, from a wealthy family, she pays attention to the right marriage.

And she is not worthy!
No matter in Yilin's heart or in the eyes of the Gu family, she is not worthy.

Her dream, it's time to wake up!
She wiped the tears off her face, gritted her teeth, choked the sob in her throat, and trembled violently all over her body.

Glancing at Gu Yilin who was looking at her, his face was disappointed and heartbroken. After watching for a while, he reluctantly turned his gaze to Mrs. Gu's face, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Gu, don't worry, I will never give up again in the future." I will go to find Yilin, the child in my womb is indeed Yilin's, if your Gu family doesn't want it, I will kill the child early tomorrow morning."

After speaking, she took one last look at Gu Yilin, turned around, and left resolutely.

Wang Guihua also quickly left with her daughter.

"Jiaqi, Jiaqi..."

Gu Yilin looked at Shen Jiaqi's back with a painful face, and wanted to chase after her, but was stopped by Mrs. Gu.

"Go back, you know, mother has the ability to make the Shen family lose everything." Mrs. Gu looked at her son, with a pair of sharp eyes on her graceful and elegant face, staring at her son threateningly.

Gu Yilin looked at his mother and saw her threatening face. He had never felt that his mother was so vicious.

He said in pain: "Mom, the child in Jiaqi's belly is your grandson. How can you kill them all? What happened to Jiaqi? She is a very good girl. It is nothing more than a bad family, but this is not the same as my mother. What does it matter, as long as we love each other, we will be happy, why does mother have to do this?"

"Gu Yilin, you also know that her family is not good. With our Gu family, the door is wrong, and the household is wrong. Do you want our Gu family to be laughed at in the upper class? Marry a woman who is not in the right family as a son and wife?" She absolutely This is not allowed to happen.

Nowadays, business is difficult, and her daughter-in-law must be someone who can help her family business.


"Stop talking. If you're doing it for her own good, don't come to her again. Otherwise, I have many ways to ruin her reputation."

Madam Gu's threatening words made Gu Yilin startled suddenly.

"Mom, you are simply unreasonable? I don't like those women, but I like Jiaqi." Gu Yilin yelled loudly at Mrs. Gu.

"You are the one who is unreasonable. The Gu family is in Jiang City, and they are famous people. If you insist on marrying her, you know the consequences, and you understand it very well. You will come to Shen Jiaqi to break up tonight." Mrs. Gu She said with a proud face, and looked at her son with a sneer. Her two sons are both outstanding, and the daughter-in-law must also be excellent.

(End of this chapter)

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