Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 120 Seeing You Being Bullied, I Want to Beat Up

Chapter 120 Seeing You Being Bullied, I Want to Beat Up

Chapter 120: Seeing you being bullied makes me want to beat someone up

If her daughter was still there, everything would be perfect.

However, her daughter was never found again.

Although there is a Gu An'an, it is still not her own, and the hearts are always unable to get together.

Her blue...

Every time she thinks about it, her heart hurts.

She suddenly raised her eyes and saw Lan Xin and Jin Xi not far away, she suddenly frowned, how could she meet this woman anywhere?

Tonight, this incident was actually seen by her.

Lan Xin met Mrs. Gu's gaze, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in her heart.

She was with Lu Haocheng and was met by her several times.

Her daughter, Gu An'an, is going to marry Lu Haocheng.

This Mrs. Gu, every time she sees her, there is an inexplicable hostility.

Just when Lan Xin had these thoughts in her heart, she saw Mrs. Gu walking towards her with a noble face, her chin raised, stepping on eight centimeter high heels.

Lan Xin stood up, smiled politely, "Madam Gu."

When Jin Xi saw Madam Gu's appearance, he hated it very much. When he heard Gu Yilin's name, he also knew who Madam Gu was.

Now seeing that Lanlan also knew her, and seeing her approaching Lanlan with a malicious expression on her face, her expression darkened instantly.

Mrs. Gu glanced at her coldly, then at Jinxi, then slowly withdrew her gaze, and looked at Lan Xin with a sneer on her face, "Miss Lan, you are so talented that you can have both sides, Lu Haocheng in the morning and Lu Haocheng in the evening. another man."

The sarcastic and mean voice filled Lan Xin's whole body with humiliation and anger.

She raised her head and looked at Mrs. Gu, without any guilt or evasion, her gentle expression suddenly became cold and arrogant, and said: "Mrs. Gu, please be careful with what you say. For Mr. Lu, I am just his employee, and this , is a good friend who has known me for many years." In her faint tone, a sense of arrogance was faintly revealed in her words.

When Mrs. Gu heard this, she suddenly smiled, with three parts of sarcasm and seven parts of sarcasm in her smile.

"I don't care whether you are his employee or other relationship, you just need to remember that Lu Haocheng will always be An An's fiancé, from now on, stay as far as you can from him, otherwise..." Gu Madam hesitated to speak, she gave Lan Xin a hard look, and the corner of her mouth twitched mockingly, with a warning face on her face, she turned around, she left proudly, and walked towards Gu Yilin not far away.

Jin Xi was furious, and suddenly stood up from the stool, trying to speak out, but was stopped by Lan Xin.

She felt pain in her heart, seeing Mrs. Gu's mocking eyes and piercing voice, she only felt an inexplicable pain in her heart.

The heart-piercing pain, this feeling, made her indescribable.

"Lanlan, does she usually bully you like this?" Jin Xi asked angrily.

The Lu family and the Gu family are good friends, and the two families live together. He knows this.

Lan Xin shook her head with a pale face, and said with a smile: "Jinxi, no, you also know my temper, no one can easily bully me."


"Okay, Jinxi, let's go back! It's too late, and I have to go to work tomorrow." She quickly interrupted Jinxi.

Jinxi looked at her angrily, and said coldly: "Lanlan, seeing you being bullied, I want to beat you up."

Lan Xin looked at him and suddenly smiled, "Jinxi, don't do this, she is only hostile to me because of her daughter, I keep a certain distance from Lu Haocheng, she won't trouble me."

(End of this chapter)

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