Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 121 I think she is an unreasonable person

Chapter 121 I think she is an unreasonable person

Chapter 121: I think she is an unreasonable person

She knew that Jinxi wanted to complain for her, but there was no need to do that.

She has the ability to solve these things.

If Jin Xi gets involved, it will make simple things complicated.

Mrs. Gu just took advantage of the problem.

"Lanlan..." Jinxi looked at her with some annoyance.

He was right in front of her and let her be bullied.

Lan Xin looked at his guilty handsome face, smiled, and was as gentle as a spring breeze: "Jinxi, it's really fine, I will solve this matter myself, and Madam Gu is not an unreasonable person."

Mrs. Gu has a strong hostility towards her because of Lu Haocheng.

She'll be fine if she stays away from Lu Haocheng.

"I think she's an unreasonable person, insulting people by exalting her superiors and trampling her inferiors." Jin Xi glanced at Mrs. Gu who was getting into the car, and said angrily.

Gu Yilin, who was at the side, glanced at Lan Xin, then at the food stall, then turned around and got into the car, and left in the car with Mrs. Gu.

Lan Xin saw the helplessness and reluctance on his face.

She pursed her lips slightly, watched them leave, and planned to go home.

She turned her head, took a look at this Shenji food stall, and made a mental note of the location.

She looked back, looked at Jinxi, and smiled: "Jinxi, let's go back."

"Yeah!" Jin Xi nodded angrily.

Jin Xi sent Lan Xin downstairs, as before, after watching Lan Xin return upstairs, he turned and left.

But this time when he left, his mood was a little dignified.

Someone is checking Lanlan's news. Could that person be Lu Haocheng?

As usual, Lan Xin took a shower when she returned home. She dried her hair and looked at the time. It was almost one o'clock, and she didn't call the three children.

She glanced out the window, wondering if there was any way to refuse the banquet tomorrow night.

People in the upper class will go to such a banquet.

Lan Xin narrowed her eyes suddenly and smiled coldly. By the way, the Jiang family will also go.

She must go tomorrow. Since she came back to take revenge, she must not miss the opportunity to get close to Jiang's family.

Thinking of this, Lan Xin felt much better.

She slept through the night and was in great spirits!

To prepare some things, Lan Xin got up at seven o'clock.

After washing up, she prepared a dress and checked the makeup bag. After everything was in order, she curled her lips in the mirror. Everything was perfect before she left with a smile.

The morning light is bright, and Lan Xin's mood is also like the bright sunshine.

When she arrived at the company, she was stopped by Mu Ziheng before she entered the office.

"Miss Lan."

Lan Xin turned her head and saw Mu Ziheng looking at her with a gentle smile on his face.

Lan Xin turned around and asked with a polite smile, "Manager Mu, what's the matter?"

Mu Ziheng took a step forward, looked at her and said with a smile: "Miss Lan, Boss Lu has prepared a dress for you, I'll take you there to try it on."

"Oh, so early?" Lan Xin was a little surprised.

It's still early for the evening banquet.

Mu Ziheng's beautiful thin lips evoked a smile: "Boss Lu said that tonight's banquet is very important, so we need to make preparations early."

Although Lan Xin was puzzled, she still nodded.

Said: "Then Manager Mu, wait for me, I will leave the things in the office and come out."

"Okay!" Mu Ziheng smiled and nodded.

Lan Xin turned around and walked into the office.

Mu Ziheng looked at Lan Xin's back, but the smile on the corner of his mouth slowly froze. Haocheng insisted that Lan Xin was Gu Yilan, and he could only let Haocheng do it.

(End of this chapter)

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