Chapter 122
Chapter 122: I really don't have the guts to go there
Over the years, Lan Xin was the person Lu Haocheng felt the deepest about.

Seeing Haocheng's pain, he really hoped that Lan Xin was Gu Yilan, and Haocheng would not suffer too much.

well! !

Mu Ziheng sighed deeply.

Praying in my heart, Lan Xin is Gu Yilan, so Haocheng and his family will be reunited.

Mu Ziheng scratched his head anxiously and expectantly.

Obviously there is a quicker way, but Lu Haocheng wants to find out bit by bit, and he also understands his feelings.

He raised his eyes and saw Lan Xin approaching, he smiled at Lan Xin again.

"Manager Mu, you can go." Lan Xin smiled. She was wearing a white dress and smiled slightly. She was like a lily blooming leisurely in the valley, and her whole body exuded a spirit of beauty.

"Let's go!" Mu Ziheng led her away.

After they left, Yuan Yuan walked to the door and cast a cold glance at Lan Xin's back.

She hooked the corners of her lips coldly, twisted her slender waist, went back and called Jiang Jinghan, and then happily started to do things.

Mu Ziheng took Lan Xin to Lu Haocheng's rest room, which was separated by frosted glass.

The entire rest room is bright and spacious, atmospheric and luxurious.

Mu Ziheng glanced at Lan Xin, pointed to the changing room, and said, "Miss Lan Xin, inside is the dress prepared by Mr. Lu for you. Miss Lan Xin has a try. If there is a suitable one, I will give it to you in advance." Go to the hotel."

"Okay!" Lan Xin nodded.

Walking into the fitting room, she just glanced at Mu Ziheng, but didn't see the meaningful smile in Mu Ziheng's eyes.

The moment the door of the fitting room closed, the smile on the corner of Mu Ziheng's mouth gradually widened.

In the fitting room here, a mezzanine was made overnight, just to prove to Lu Haocheng, is the Lanlan in front of him really Gu Yilan?
Lan Xin couldn't see Lu Haocheng, but Lu Haocheng could clearly see Lan Xin.

Lu Haocheng was crazy about Lanlan. Recently, he was also tortured by this woman named Lanlan to the point of madness.

At any rate, he found out some useful information. Lu Haocheng actually had a son.

But...why was Lan Xin's news completely wiped out?
Even if they are afraid of the Jiang family's investigation, the Jiang family has no time to take care of it.

In the past few years, the Jiang family's business has been worse than every year.

I don't have the energy to check Lanxin.

Mu Ziheng went to the side sofa and sat down. He gracefully crossed his legs, and with peach blossom eyes, he stared at the door of the fitting room with great interest.

Thinking of Lu Haocheng being able to see Lan Xin's curvaceous figure, Lu Haocheng, who has been abstinent for many years, will his blood boil?
Mu Ziheng thought to himself, but really wanted to see Lu Haocheng's expression at the moment.

But... He raised his eyes and glanced at the changing room, but he really didn't have the guts to go there.

Pity! !

The fitting room is very large, Lan Xin took a look at the dresses for tonight, there are about twenty pieces, all of which are the most popular styles of the Lu Group this year.

These clothes were all designed by Lin Xiaoman.

It has to be said that Lin Xiaoman deserves to be the most senior designer in the country.

Her designs, which she has always loved.

She glanced at the bright red dress, which was made of silk, soft in texture and unique in style.

It's a style she's never seen before, but she can't stand the big red, which suits Jinyan very well, and she suits white, small and fresh, her face is too flexible and soft.

She picked out a small white dress, which was simple and slim, and the style she liked. She smiled with satisfaction, and went back to the fitting room to change.

(End of this chapter)

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