Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 128 I Don't Dare To Work With Mr. Lu

Chapter 128 I Don't Dare To Work With Mr. Lu

Chapter 128: I Don't Dare To Work With Mr. Lu

Seeing her shocked look, Lu Haocheng raised his eyebrows proudly.

"Lanlan, I will check every person's identity and history of the people in my company.

People from the Jiang family met you twice and said you were Jiang Lanxin. Do I have to check?

But don't worry, I won't tell the Jiang family about this matter. "Although Lu Haocheng had a smile on his face, Lan Xin listened to him and trusted him from the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you!" Her tone was weak and indifferent.

She thought she was covering it up very well, but she didn't expect Lu Haocheng to see it.

"Lanlan, you're welcome!" He said Lanlan, with a strong emotion coming from the bottom of his heart.

Lan Xin's heart was startled suddenly, and it beat quickly. This feeling was very strong. The sound of Lan Lan aroused a certain place in her heart, and aroused a different feeling, which was familiar and distressed.

Lan Xin took a look at his fiery gaze, quickly retracted her gaze, suppressed the strangeness in her heart, and tried her best to calm down.

Lu Haocheng also slowly looked back, he pressed the elevator and went to the B1 floor of the underground parking lot.

Lan Xin frowned and asked, "Boss Lu, it's time for me to go back to work."

Lu Haocheng slightly raised the corners of his lips, looked at her with a wicked smile, and said in a low tone, "Lanlan, you don't have to go to work today, I'll take you to do your hair."

"Do hair?" Lan Xin looked Lu Haocheng up and down, she just washed her hair this morning, so she doesn't need to do it.

"Boss Lu, I can do it myself, you don't need to send me to do it yourself." After this, the relationship between her and Lu Haocheng was really unclear.

Seeing her obvious refusal attitude, Lu Haocheng couldn't help but frown, a coldness spread lifelessly.

His aura was already cold, and the subtle changes in his expression gave off a deep chill that permeated his whole body. Even his voice seemed to freeze: "What? I'll take you there, can't I?"

He, Lu Haocheng, has never accompanied any woman to do hair, just because she is the Lanlan whom he has been engaged to since he was a child, the Lanlan in his heart, the Lanlan who he always wanted to hold in his hand and love and care for.

Seeing his getting colder, Lan Xin couldn't help shivering slightly.

Lu Haocheng is really an uncertain person. She has heard about his temperament, but if she has not experienced it personally, she just heard it.

Only by experiencing it personally can I feel how terrifying this man is.

Lan Xin calmly replied, "Mr. Lu, that's not what I meant. I just thought, Mr. Lu, you have too many things to do and you don't have many skills. I don't dare to bother Mr. Lu."

Lan Xin spoke politely and tried her best to complete her speech.

She always felt that Lu Haocheng's actions were a little strange.

Lu Haocheng looked at her and smiled, with an intriguing smile, "For Lanlan, I always have time."

All he did was to wait for her to come back.

Even though it has not been completely proved that she is Lanlan, in his heart, he can be sure that she is Lanlan. This feeling has never been so strong.

Lan Xin was slightly taken aback, puzzled by what he said.

She struggled to pull a smile from the corner of her mouth, and said in a cold tone, "Mr. Lu, these words are too ambiguous. I, a married woman, feel ashamed when I hear this."

This Lu Hao was probably driven mad by Mrs. Gu.

"A married woman?" Lu Haocheng smiled, with a dark face. She has no husband, and only sister Jinxi has been with her.

(End of this chapter)

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