Chapter 129 She Has Messed Someone
Chapter 129: Who is she messing with?
"En!" Lan Xin nodded, she didn't want to have anything to do with him anyway.

Looking at her appearance, Lu Haocheng smiled darkly, "I'm not interested in married women." But I'm interested in you.

Lu Hao didn't say this sentence.

When Lan Xin heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Just then, the elevator doors opened.

But Lu Haocheng still didn't let go of Lan Xin's hand.

The moment the elevator door opened, Lu Haocheng first saw the people outside the elevator.

He quickly let go of Lan Xin's hand, and put it in his trouser pocket naturally.

The whole person instantly cooled down.

Lan Xin was startled by the change in him, and was about to look up, but suddenly saw a man and a woman standing outside the elevator. The figure is completely highlighted, noble and glamorous.

The man following him was thin, with handsome features, a pair of sword eyebrows, thick and dark, occupying all the highlights of his handsome face.

These two people are Lu Haokai and his mother Qin Ningzhen.

"Haocheng, do you want to go out?" Qin Ningzhen asked with a smile.

"I'm afraid you two have gone to the wrong place? Can't you even tell the difference between Lu Zhen Group and Lu Group? Or are you blind?" Lu Haocheng said in a cold tone, sarcastically without any emotion.

An icy aura spread continuously towards the surroundings.

Lan Xin's heart skipped a beat, Lu Haocheng like this is enough to make a timid person go crazy with fear.

When Qin Ningzhen and Lu Haokai heard his emotionless words, their faces turned ugly instantly, especially Qin Ningzhen, who was overwhelmed by a huge anger.

"Lu Haocheng, please be more polite. No matter how you say it, my mother is also your elder and your stepmother. Is there anyone who treats an elder like you?" Lu Haokai said angrily, a pair of cold and angry eyes suddenly fell on his whole body. On the unruly Lu Haocheng.

When the two brothers met, they never said a word of kindness. When they met, they either quarreled or stared at each other.

The more reason was that Lu Haocheng didn't give them face at all.

"Elder?" Lu Haocheng's eyes fell on Qin Ningzhen sarcastically, and then he retracted them without a trace, and gritted a few words coldly: "She is also worthy?"

Qin Ningzhen didn't care about Lu Haocheng. This sentence had happened to her dozens of times, and she was already used to it.

She glanced at Lan Xin, and said with a smile: "I think this is Miss Lan Xin. She has known her name for a long time, and I heard from An An that Mr. Lu is very impressed with you. I am very curious, so I can't wait to come and have a look.

What kind of woman is she?What caused such a big change in our family Haocheng? "She said with a smile, not paying attention to Lu Haocheng's anger and coldness at all.

Some things, once you get used to it, you won't be afraid.

She has long been accustomed to Lu Haocheng's anger.

It was because of this that she successfully drove Lu Haocheng out of the old house.

When Lan Xin heard this, her brows twitched, and she looked at Qin Ningzhen coldly.

Before, she didn't know the identity of Qin Ningzhen, but now she knew it, and she had heard it more or less.

This Lu Haocheng did not get along with this stepmother, Lu Haocheng moved out a long time ago to live by himself.

It seems that Gu An'an has been fanning the flames in front of her a lot.

Mrs. Lu came here today to find trouble.

Madam Gu left, and Madam Lu came again. Who is she provoking?
However, as two great families, marriage is the best choice.

(End of this chapter)

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