Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 139 You Are the One Who Abandoned Her First

Chapter 139 You Are the One Who Abandoned Her First

Chapter 139: You were the one who gave up on her first

Madam Gu's words made Lan Xin feel angry.

Her cold eyes fell on Mrs. Gu's mocking face, and her tone was indifferent: "Mrs. Gu, you are spitting blood. The man you saw last night is my friend. And the relationship between Mr. Lu and I , and it has nothing to do with it."

Lan Xin forcefully pulled her hand out of Lu Haocheng's.

But Lu Haocheng held her hand tightly and didn't let go.

In Lan Xin's heart, there was an urge to tear Lu Hao into pieces.

He, this is making her an enemy. She just wants to live a peaceful life. After meeting Lu Haocheng, she finds that she gets angry more and more.

Madam Gu looked at the two holding hands, her smile became darker and colder.

She sneered and said: "You still say no, seeing is believing, Lan Xin, you still want to argue.

Could it be that the man who ate with you at the food stall last night was a ghost? "

"Mrs. Gu, all misunderstandings in this world come from ignorance. What should I do and who should I eat with? That is my freedom. You don't know me well. What right do you have to misunderstand me like this?"

Lan Xin's temper also came up, she is also a person with a bottom line, if her bottom line is touched, no matter who she is, she will not let go.

"Hey! Are you still imitating chaste and strong women to set up a memorial archway? Let me tell you, don't play tricks in front of me..."

Lu Haocheng suddenly interrupted her: "Aunt Gu, are you going too far?"

"Ah Cheng, I'm all for you, why is it too much?" Lin Mengyi looked at Lu Haocheng with a sad face.

She has always regarded Haocheng as her own child.

"Lanlan, let's go!" After Lu Haocheng finished speaking, he pulled Lan Xin and walked out.

"Lanlan..." Mrs. Gu's heart ached instantly when she heard these two words.

She turned around quickly, and shouted distressedly: "Haocheng, is it because her surname is Lan that you want to do this? But, she is not, you don't wait for Lanlan, do you want to give up on her?"

Lu Haocheng suddenly stopped, turned his head, a cold smile appeared on his flawless face, and said cruelly: "Aunt Gu, you gave up on her first, but I will never give up on her , she will come back to me." She was already by his side, and now there is only one paternity test missing.

After listening to his words, Mrs. Gu trembled when she saw his cold smile.

It was she who gave up Lanlan first, how could that be?
No, how could she give up her only daughter?
"Haocheng, I, I didn't..." Lin Mengyi looked painful, but she didn't know how to explain it. She was the one who insisted on taking An An home.

Looking at Aunt Gu like this, Lu Haocheng was angry and distressed. He turned around mercilessly and left with Lan Xin.

Lan Xin did not miss Mrs. Gu's sudden outburst of pain.

She turned her head three times a step, and saw Mrs. Gu standing there in pain, a person who was so proud just now became weak like a fragile porcelain doll in an instant.

In Lan Xin's heart, she suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

It wasn't until he was in the elevator that Lu Haocheng let go of Lan Xin.

Lan Xin glared at him quickly.

On Lu Haocheng's handsome and charming face, he gave her a gentle smile.

She suddenly felt that she had punched the cotton with a punch, so powerless and helpless.

"You have someone you love, why did you treat me like this? Don't you know that gossip can drown people?" Lan Xin asked angrily. She already understood Madam Gu's words.

(End of this chapter)

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