Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 140 Because, It Can Only Be You

Chapter 140 Because, It Can Only Be You

Chapter 140: Because, it can only be you

He has someone to wait for, that person is called Lan Lan or something, she can't hear it clearly, but Madam Gu's words clearly say that he has a lover to wait for.

In this case, is he crazy, or when did he offend her and he waited for an opportunity to avenge her?

But after thinking about it, I didn't offend him, but saved his life?

Lu Haocheng looked at her angry little face, still smiling evilly, "Lanlan, you want to know why? Then, tell me first, why is the mobile phone password 0923?"

Lan Xin gave him a strange look, is there a problem?Why does he want to know this question?

"Nothing?" She replied lightly.

Lu Haocheng's eyes suddenly narrowed dangerously, there was nothing he couldn't know that he wanted to know.

"Since you don't say it, let's do it like this from now on!" His voice was extremely pleasant, but there was a strong sense of threat.

The danger spreading from him instantly enveloped Lan Xin's whole body.

Lan Xin's heart shuddered, but her gaze persisted to meet him. In those eyes that penetrated into the cold pool, there was a sharpness that wanted to penetrate everything.

He said that we will be like this from now on?It made her back feel cold.

She didn't care about her subordinates at the moment, she looked directly at Lu Haocheng, "Lu Haocheng, are you worthy of the lover you are waiting for by treating me like this? Doesn't your conscience hurt? Yours won't hurt, mine will pain."

"Hehe..." Lu Haocheng suddenly smiled.

Looking at her bright and charming face, he said evilly, "Lanlan, are you thinking too much?" His words were cryptic.

Lan Xin frowned, belatedly discovering the meaning of his words.

"Why me?" She was still struggling with the question in her heart just now, but her whole body suddenly tensed up, her clear eyes fixed on his handsome face, not letting go of any expression on her face.

Looking at it this way, Lan Xin couldn't help but despise herself, why did she care so much?
Lu Haocheng put one hand in his trouser pocket, and said noble and silently: "You want to know, I still have the same problem? Why is the password of your mobile phone 0923?"

Lan Xin was slightly taken aback, and looked at him. He knew about her, so he replied, "This is the Jiang's house. After I woke up, the only numbers I remembered. I was afraid I would forget them, so I used them as locks." Screen.

If I light it every day, I will never forget it. I don’t know what special meaning it has, but I just remember these numbers. Remembering these numbers, it may be possible to reveal my life experience. "

When Lu Haocheng heard this, a strong warmth surged from the bottom of his heart. She didn't remember anything, but he remembered his birthday.

The day she lost it happened to be his birthday.

And that day was also the most painful time for him.

His father, being so ruthless to his mother?
He even thought about running away from home to find his mother?
But he knew that he couldn't, he left just as Qin Ningzhen wanted.

Seeing the complex emotions on Lu Haocheng's face, Lan Xin only felt that Lu Haocheng in front of her was too unpredictable, and she couldn't figure out his temperament at all.

"Mr. Lu, you haven't answered my question yet?"

But Lu Haocheng smiled charmingly, his eyes stayed on her bright and charming face, her thin lips, and said slowly: "Because, it can only be you!"

Those soft words made Lan Xin feel like she had fallen into the ice cellar. She was like a prey being targeted by a tiger, and she had nowhere to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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