Chapter 2104 Kiki, I Like You 2
Chapter 2104: Kiki, I like you 2
Han Yuxuan smiled and said, "Qiqi, I'm happy, you always have a different feeling for me. You don't have to feel embarrassed, just be the same as before."

"Really? You said it earlier. If you reject you, I'm afraid you'll be sad. If you don't reject you, I don't understand my own heart. I'm actually quite contradictory." Lan Ziqi looked at him, her eyes flickering.

She doesn't like to hide it, and she doesn't like any misunderstanding between the two of them.

Now that the other party has opened up about the matter, she also feels that there is no need to hide it.

Seeing her father loving her mother for decades, she is actually very envious of her mother, and also likes this kind of love, which flows slowly and is ordinary and happy.

Han Yuxuan: Fortunately, I was not rejected!
"Qiqi, it's my fault, it shouldn't be so sudden, but you haven't been to the studio for half a month, you don't know, I've actually had a hard time in the past half month, I've been wondering if I did it somewhere It's wrong, so you don't want to see me." It wasn't until he heard what Mu Lan and her assistant said on the roof this morning that he suddenly became anxious, and he couldn't let Qiqi misunderstand like this.

He wanted to see her right away like crazy.

He won't see her today, and he won't be able to sleep all day and night.

"It's... It's not that I don't want to see you." Lan Ziqi said in a low voice, she didn't want to see Mu Lan.

She hates people who look at people with their chins.

Out of sight, out of mind, this is her usual style.

The door of the private room was pushed open, and the waiter began to serve the dishes. Lan Ziqi withdrew her hand again. Seeing that the table was full of her favorite dishes, she looked at Han Yuxuan suspiciously.

Han Yuxuan smiled and said, "These are Qiqi's favorite foods."

As he said, he picked up chicken feet and soft pig's trotters and put them in her bowl.

Lan Ziqi: "..." Surprised!
Even know this?
She looked at Han Yuxuan suddenly, "Han Yuxuan, do I have no secrets in front of you?"

Han Yuxuan understood what she meant, "Yes, Qiqi." But he didn't point it out.

Lan Ziqi felt a little more balanced.

"Did Chu Feiyang tell you that I like pig's trotters?" Many girls don't like to eat them, but she likes them very much, especially the braised pig's trotters made by her mother, which are fragrant, soft and waxy.

She can eat three at a time, and is often laughed at by her second brother.

Han Yuxuan wanted to say no, he has been paying attention to her life, and he knows her preferences clearly.

Afraid that she would feel uncomfortable, he could only let Chu Feiyang take the blame.

He nodded slightly.

Lan Ziqi was a little stingy in her heart, Feiyang's mouth was like this, and she really couldn't tell him any secrets.

Now that Han Yuxuan knew about it, Lan Ziqi was not polite.

Just about to put on disposable gloves to eat pig's trotters, Han Yuxuan took the disposable gloves from her hand.

"Qiqi, you eat, I'll get it."

"Ah..." Lan Ziqi was taken aback, and then joked, "Han Yuxuan, you are so kind to me, what if I accidentally fall in love with you?"

Even if she spoke in a joking tone, Han Yuxuan was still very excited. Wasn't he waiting for her to fall in love with him?

"Qiqi, I will become the happiest man in the world because you fall in love with me." He put the torn meat in Lan Ziqi's bowl.

Lan Ziqi didn't answer him, but smiled, lowered her head and continued eating.

Having a very happy dinner, Lan Ziqi felt that she ate too much meat and had to walk around to digest.

Tomorrow she had to get up early to swim again, and she suddenly felt that it was not good to lose the habit of self-discipline.

Han Yuxuan could tell that she had eaten a lot, and when he got outside the restaurant, Han Yuxuan suggested: "Qiqi, there is a commercial area over there, with good flow of people and very lively, why don't we go shopping? I'll take you back later."

Lan Ziqi nodded, "Okay, I'm just going to digest food."

The summer night was already a bit stuffy, Han Yuxuan was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, the simplest combination, but it was the most attractive focus on the road.

He was tall, calm and domineering, and Lan Ziqi was not short, standing beside him was a little short of his shoulders.

Seeing the little girls passing by smiling shyly at Han Yuxuan, Lan Ziqi frowned slightly, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart.

"Han Yuxuan, how tall are you?"

Han Yuxuan lowered his head, looked down at her, and said with a smile, "1.8 meters eight, my mother is tall, and so is my father, with good genetics."

She had seen Han Yuxuan's mother before, she was taller than her mother, but she didn't think she was short either.

"Madam Han is still as beautiful and elegant as ever."

At that time his mother was red and retired. Many years later, she is still beautiful.

"Auntie too, she's still beautiful!"

Lan Ziqi also admitted this, and glanced at the night sky, the weather was clear and fine, and she could see a few scattered stars, she looked away, and said: "My mother, she was spoiled by my father all her life. , she is now the chairman of Yida Group, but she still works in the same office as my father, who takes great pleasure in taking care of my mother every day."

"Uncle Lu let everyone witness his unwavering love, I really envy others." Han Yuxuan was very envious of that kind of love.

"En!" Lan Ziqi smiled and nodded.

Han Yuxuan suddenly stopped at the door of a sweet cake, "Qiqi, their cakes are very good."

"Ah..." Lan Ziqi glanced at her stomach, she couldn't eat anything now.

"I'm pretty full."

Han Yuxuan smiled and walked inside holding her hand without saying a word.

In the cake shop, the aroma of all kinds of pastries blows in the face, the air-conditioning is blowing at the door, the lights are particularly bright, and the exquisite cakes look very appetizing.

Han Yuxuan looked at the waiter on a plate: "Please help me pack a fruit ice cream cake."

"Okay, sir!" The waiter blushed and turned to pack the cake.

Lan Ziqi: "..." How did he know that she liked this taste?

When Han Yuxuan brought her out with the cake, Lan Ziqi hadn't reacted yet.

"Han Yuxuan, I like this cake, is it Chu Feiyang who told you?"

This time, Han Yuxuan shook his head, "No, I know, every time you have an art exhibition, you will order a small cake like this for yourself as a dessert after dinner. Many people should know about your habit."

It's just unfortunate that every time he ran to meet her, the two always missed her.

"Wow! So you are so careful." Lan Ziqi felt a warm current in her heart.

Han Yuxuan held his hand all the time, and Lan Ziqi never noticed.

The two walked straight forward like this. On the building of the shopping mall, the lighting was colorful and dazzling, illuminating the picturesque figures of the two of them.

Lan Ziqi smiled: "This is the Lu family's shopping mall."

It's just that as soon as she finished speaking, she saw two women standing not far from her, looking at her sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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